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Chapter 2220

“Of course, Caroline would take the opportunity to complain about you to your mom since you ordered

her to pick you up while they were meeting a client. Considering Caroline just closed a huge deal, your

mom is sure to show her some level of respect.”

Celine was overwhelmed with jealousy.

“Well, isn’t she lucky?”

“I know, right.”

Emma allowed jealousy to rear its ugly head too.

If Caroline managed to establish herself, then Caroline would become the head of the family while her

husband would be left out of the picture.

Her husband had been slaving away for Fisher Enterprise, but in the end, all his work would be for

Caroline’s benefit. That fact would not sit well with Emma and her husband.

While the battle between the real and fake heiresses of the Fisher family was in full swing, Serenity

was spoiled by everybody in Wiltspoon.

After returning from FC Manor, Serenity rested for a couple of days before throwing herself back into


Zachary did not stop her from going to work, but Elisa had something to say about it.

Serenity needed to make herself busy, but Elisa would stop her if she found out.

Elisa did not want Serenity to worry about things.

Serenity was caught between emotions, unsure how to react to Elisa insisting that she stayed at home

and rested due to the pregnancy.

The ladies were supposed to meet with a client in the afternoon, but Elisa said, “I can go, Seren. You

can either pick Zachary up from work and have lunch together or go home. Grandma May and Mrs.

Lane will surely make you a sumptuous lunch.

“Maybe you can go to Liberty’s restaurant. That reminds me, Liberty’s restaurant is opening tomorrow.

We should book a basket of flowers for her. Call the florist later to get them to make an early delivery.”

Serenity answered with a smile, “I’m okay, Elisa. Don’t treat me like a patient. Zachary told me that he

has a lunch appointment today, so he won’t be joining me. I’m just pregnant. I’m only in my firstnovelbin

trimester, yet you expect me to go home and lie down on my bed all day. I’m not doing that.”

Elisa took a seat across from her. “Do you still have morning sickness?”

“I would throw up when brushing my teeth in the morning, to the point of bile reflux. I’m fine with food so

long as I stay away from anything sour or sweet. Otherwise, my food won’t stay down, but then, I’m

craving sour and sweet food though.”

Elisa uttered with a grin, “Maybe you’re having a boy. Your son will just be like Zachary. He hates sour

and sweet food too.”

Serenity responded, “We don’t know the gender yet, but one thing’s for sure, I’m only having one baby.

Jane is lucky enough to have twins, a boy and a girl.”

Zachary took her to the hospital for an examination, and her pregnancy was confirmed. Her scan

showed one sac.

“The chances of having twins aren’t high. Let’s not compare ourselves to others. Everybody is different,

so focus on your own journey. Comparing yourself to someone else does nothing for you. Jane had

twins because twins run in her family. Her mom had her and her brother as twins too,” Elisa comforted


Serenity answered with a smile, “I was only expressing a bit of envy. I’m grateful enough that I’m

pregnant. I’m happy to have a boy or a girl so long as the child is healthy.”

She had done an ultrasound, and the scan showed a long sac. A lot of people were saying that a long

sac was an indication of having a boy.

Liberty’s first ultrasound when she was carrying Sonny showed a long sac too.

Although it was not a sure thing, all the women who married into the York family had sons, so Serenity

did not carry much hope of having a daughter.

The likelihood of her having a son was high.

There was no telling whether she would have a daughter in the future.

Since the women in the York family had not produced a daughter in the past few generations, Serenity

would not bet her money on it.

Serenity had only gotten pregnant a year after marrying Zachary. She was happy to be pregnant, and

she did not care whether she would be having a boy or a girl as the gender of the baby was not as

important as their health.

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