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Chapter 2146

“Not yet.”

“We’ll go eat together later, my treat.”

Liberty smiled. “Alright.”

Smiling, Jasmine walked over. “Liberty, you’re finally back. Sonny mentions you every day. Both Seren

and I are tired of hearing him talk about you.”

Sonny naturally said, “I just miss Mom.”

Was he not allowed to talk about Mom if he missed her?

Jasmine smiled and lightly pinched his face.

The three of them did not chat much as the shop was still busy. When the students started their

evening self-study, the area in front of the school returned to calmness.

Serenity poured a cup of warm water for her sister and asked, “Has Aunt Audrey gone home?”

“Yeah, Aunt Audrey asked me to go to her place for dinner. I missed Sonny, so I didn’t go.”

Serenity wanted to say something but she could not hold in her yawn.

Seeing Aunt Ser yawn again, Sonny said to his mom, “Every night when I fall asleep, Aunt Ser is still

awake and often yawns.”

Liberty said with concern, “Seren, you should take care of yourself. Your health is the most important


“I will. It’s just that recently, my sleep quality hasn’t been good. I feel drowsy during the day. I don’t even

dare to take a nap at noon because as soon as I lie down, I feel like sleeping forever.”

Jasmine chimed in, “As I’ve said, the bookstore has me. You don’t need to worry. And don’t think I’m

delicate. At home, the Bucham family treats me like a treasure. They won’t let me do anything. Even

when I try to pour myself a glass of water, they’re afraid I’ll burn myself.

“I can only catch my breath when I come to the shop. Besides, Josh has arranged for someone to help


“I only come here occasionally. I’m worried because you’re pregnant.” Serenity was being cared for,

and in the same way, she cared for her good friend.

Liberty looked at Jasmine’s belly and laughed, “Now I can tell you’re pregnant.”

Jasmine also looked down at her belly and said, “Can you tell? I haven’t really felt it myself. I just think

I’ve gained a little weight.”

“Experienced people can tell at a glance that you’re pregnant. In a couple of months, your belly will

start to show. And after some time, it will be as round as a watermelon.”

Jasmine said with a smile, “I can’t wait for the baby to grow quickly and for this pregnancy to be over. It

feels like there are so many restrictions that come with pregnancy.”

“But once you deliver the baby, you’ll wish you could put them back in your belly. Taking care of a child

is even harder, especially in the first three months. It’s difficult to get a good night’s sleep,” commented

Serenity, who experienced caring for Liberty during her postpartum period.

When the topic of children came up, both Liberty and Jasmine tactfully refrained from asking if there

were any signs of a baby yet.

They were the closest and most trusted individuals to Serenity.

They knew that if she had any updates, she would inform them right away.

All they could do was wait patiently.

Now that Liberty was back, Serenity called her husband, and they all went together to Wiltspoon Hotel

for dinner.

After the meal, Liberty and her son returned home, while Serenity and Zachary headed back to theirnovelbin

hilltop villa.

Within ten minutes of driving, as they were conversing, Serenity did not respond to her husband

anymore. He turned his head and saw that she had fallen asleep, leaning against the car seat.

Zachary said, “How exhausted must she have been? We’ve only been in the car for less than ten

minutes. One moment she was talking to me, and she’s off to dreamland the next.”

He asked Jim, who was sitting in the passenger seat, “Had the missus been busy the whole day

without a rest?”

Jim quickly replied, “The missus had been busy all day, but whenever she had some free time, she

would take a nap.”

Zachary furrowed his brow, concerned that his beloved wife was overworking herself.

He did not want her to push herself so hard, acting like a workaholic. Being his wife, Serenity did not

need to work so relentlessly to earn money. The money he earned would be more than enough for

several lifetimes.

He took off his suit jacket and draped it over Serenity’s body.

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