Salute To The General

Chapter 1777
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Chapter 1777

Nathan scorned at Ivan who was vomiting his guts out on the floor. "You've lost.”

It took a good while before Ivan managed to steady his breathing. He lifted his ghastly pale face and locked at Nathan, his eyes full of terror.This man is terrifying.

What he did not know was Nathan had actually restrained himself for the last kick.

Ctherwise, Ivan's rib cage and organs would be crushed, and the major would have died from the impact right away if he had not held back.Nathan cast a derisive look at the major and snickered, "This is all you've got, and yet you dare to look down others?

“You've lost. So drink the wine that you concocted and go reflect on yourself!”

Ivan's face paled as he cast a glance at the red wine filled with ashes. Begrudgingly, he said, “Lieutenant colonel, I was just joking with you.”"Oh, so you were joking? But I took it very seriously!

Ivan grimaced and chided, “Lieutenant colonel, we are both military men. You'd better not get out of line!

Nathan smirked at his remarks. "If I were the one to lose, you wouldn't have said the same. You would have said that my loss was because I was nomatch for you, right?

Ivan knew better than to refute the man.

He would have forced the obnoxious drink down

Nathan's throat if he had won the competition instead

“You have to honor the bet. Drink it,” Nathan ordered coldly.

‘I have a way to make you drink if you refuse to, and you wouldn't like it. So, I'd advise that you do it voluntarily.”lvan went crimson with embarrassment when he heard Nathan.

Not only did he rank lower than Nathan, but he also lost to the latter in the fight. I think he will really force the drink down my throat if I refuse to drink itvoluntarily too. Things will surely get uglier then

Ivan had no other choice but to begrudgingly drink the glass of wine full of ashes and cigarette butts like he was downing a glass of poisonIt only took one sip before he vomited it all out in a projectileKylie and the other onlookers exchanged glances with each other.

Nathan then said in a nonchalant tone, “See, that's why you should treat others the way you want to be treated. I hope you've learned your lesson thistime.

"Oh, let me give you another piece of advice. Dirty tricks and deception can only get you so far, no further.“If you really want to accomplish something in this lifetimes, you have to be down-to-earth. Do your due diligence and no more trickery.Ctherwise, you're going to be a clown for the rest of your life.”

Ivan then lifted his head and gazed into Nathan's eyes with conflicting emotions.

When they-tocked their gaze witheach other, van suddenly felta =~sense of familiarity wash over him.He felt as if he had seen the verysame I pair of eyes before, buthecosld not recall where, Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

It was at this moment that the restaurant's door was knocked down with a bangA group of men in suits rushed into the restaurant in an orderly fashion, and their sudden presence garnered everyone's attention at the restaurant.Nathan, Kylie, and Ivan's attention were also diverted at the men in suits.

The men averaged around six feet, and their height differed no more than a few inches.

Not only werethe men tall andformidable, Rut they all had adignified aura to them. Their gaze ->was sharp and sophisticated. Everystep they took was unbelievablyprecise and uniform as if each stephadbeen measured with aruler.Content belongs to NovelDrama.OrgContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan furrowed his brow at the sight

He knew that these men were the creme de la creme from the military.

Judging frem their incredibly similarheights and appearances, he 7deduced that these men were theCabinet S security team, alsaknownas. the Southern Bodyguards.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Over hundreds of men in black rushed into the restaurant and fanned out into two sides, leaving out a path in the middle.A middle-aged man looking in his forties set foot inside the restaurant in a casual manner.Nathan was taken aback at the sight of the man. It's him!

The man was none other than the butler for the Davier family, Yanny Davier.

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