Salute To The General

Chapter 1778
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Chapter 1778

Yanny was here on Mr. Davier's orders. His purpose was to investigate Bay Cross's identity.

The man tried to gather information about Bay Cross but did not manage to yield many results. The only reliable lead was that Bay was a lieutenantcolonel of the North Army.

The man was perplexed by Bay's identity since the latter actually addressed the South commander-in-chief, Zach Hill as his brother.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Who is Bay Cross?

To clear the air, the man decided to come to meet the famed Bay Cross himself.

The restaurant's manager was taken aback by the dignified aura that the group exuded and hurriedly greeted Yanny, “How may I be of helpto you, sir?”

Yanny fished out a black card, and casually slid it into the manager's pocket. "Swipe the card and pay for everyone's meals and respectfully requestthem to leave the premises. And then, spare another million as the renovation cost for your restaurant.”

The manager's jaw dropped at the man's peculiar request and said, “Huh?”

Yanny narrowed his eyes at the manager. “I'm not a patient man. Do not keep me waiting for too long. Ctherwise, I'm afraid that you might have tospare another amount as compensation for your family for their loss.”

The manager was petrified and scurried off to clear the restaurant and requested for all guests to vacate the premises.

Then, Yanny ordered before turning around to lock at Nathan, "Everyone has to leave, except for this guy.”

Nathan raised a brow. So he's indeed after me.

Kylie was astonished and whispered, "Nathan, are these guys after you?”

"Obviously," Nathan said with a smile.

Cther guests in the restaurant sensed that things were taking a bad turn. Seeing as they did not need to foot their bill, they hurriedly left the scene.Even the staff at the restaurant also fled the scene.

To Nathan's surprise, Kylie stayed.

“You're only here because you're accompanying me for a blind date. As your friend, I cannot just leave you alone here.,” she said adamantly.Nathan was even more surprised to see that Ivan had stayed as well.

Is he staying so that he can witness me making a fool out of myself, or is he staying for Kylie?

Yanny noticed the guests and staff, who did not wish to be entangled in the mess had bolted the scene. Only Nathan, Kylie, and Ivan remained at thescene

He was pleased with those peoplegetting out ofhis sight. Grabbing abottle of opened ed wine, Yanny

~~picked outs random clean glass andpoured iimself half a glass in a>nonchalant manner. He swirlecttheglass in his hand in an attempt to letit Breathe, and threw a question atathan in an indifferent ranner. “Doyou have any idea who I am?”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“You're one of the Daviers,” Nathan replied impassively.Yanny nodded. "I'm Yanny Davier, the butler of the Davier family. Since you know who I am, I guess you're well aware of the reason I'm here.

“You're here because of Leaser Goldstein?”

'm glad that you know about that. Did you know how the Goldstein family and Mr. Davier were related? Did you know that Leaser Goldstein was Mr.Davier's son?

"How dare you hurt Leaser, and humiliate the skilled fighters of the Goldstein family? I'm here to seek justice for the Goldsteins on behalf of Mr.Davier.”

All colors drained from Kylie's face when she heard him.The Davier family has been troubling Penny lately, and they're here now.Ivan, on the other hand, was shaken. He did not expect the man whom he knew as Bay Cross to be able to beat up Clifford Davier's son.

Elated as he was at the thought of Nathan getting himself into trouble, he could not help but be curious about Bay's identity.

‘Please pass an the message thatthe pain that:Ceaser and theGoldstein family suffered was ~entirely eir own doing and that Mr.Davier-should spend more time oneducating his son properly, lest heregeets if anything should happen tohig only heir.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Yanny was incensed by his arrogant remarks.This Bay is getting too cocky!His face went red with fury as he berated, "How dare you threaten Mr. Davier? You really do not know your place, bastard.”

Yanny's men boiled with fury at Nathan's remarks as well. “Mr. Yanny, don't waste your time yakking with this guy. We should just teach him a lesson!”

Yanny liftecthis hand to stop hismen as he narrowed his eyes at =Nathan: “Rascal, before you die, I'dlike to clear some things up.” “Whoare you that even Admiral Hilt callsyotthis brother?” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org od

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