Salute To The General

Chapter 1776
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Chapter 1776

Ivan was washed over by a sense of trepidation when he heard Nathan

Kylie was mystified by the revelation and looked at Ivan in shock. "I was wondering how you beat the mighty General. So you only defeated himbecause you resorted to such a despicable act!”

Ivan's face flushed red from fury and embarrassment and chided, "Nonsense! I won him fair and square. He forfeited because he knew he was nomatch for me!”

Nathan jeered at him, "How dare you say that the General is no match for you when you're such a loser?”Did he just say I'm a loser?

The prideful Ivan was pissed at Nathan's


His eyes flashed with fury, especially since Nathan essentially humiliated him before everyone. He snorted at Nathan, “Lieutenant colonel, it seemslike you're not so convinced about what I can do. Why don't we fight this out and settle this once and for all?’

Nathan's lips curled into a smile. "So we're going to just fight?”“Of course not. We have to throw in some bets to make it fun,” Ivan sneered.Intrigued, Nathan asked, "What kind of bet are we talking about?”

Ivan thought about how he was utterly humiliated in front of Kylie. Not only he wanted to let Nathan get a taste of his own medicine, but Ivan alsowanted to regain his lost dignity.

With that thought in mind, he picked up an ashtray full of ashes and poured it all into a glass of red wine near him.Pointing at the glass of red wine, he said to Nathan in a devious manner, “Let's fight this out, and the loser has to drink this. Are you up for it?”Nathan smirked. “Man, you have a peculiar taste. Well, since you fancy this type of drink, I'll gladly fulfill your wish.”

Kylie was overwhelmed at what was about to transpire. Before she could process the whole incident, the two men before her were ready to break intoa fight.

The restaurant's staff noticed that the two were about to break into a fight right at the restaurant itself.

Just when they were about to stop them, the restaurant's manager stopped the waiters and security and said to them in a low voice, "That pretty girlover there is Kylie Tonkins, the General's cousin-in-law. Let them fight if they want to. We'd better stay out of it.”

The waiter and security then decided against butting in the matter.

The two men stood facing each other.

Nathan was the first to make a move. He smiled and waved at Ivan, “Let's fight!”

Ivan growled, "You have a death wish!”

After he was done talking, he lurched toward Nathan in a swift motion.

Ivan was known for his straightforward and strong, swift, punches in the military. He lifted his legs and aimed for Nathan's head.

“Great move!"

Diners at the restaurant were justwatching-as they noticed a fightbreaking out at the restaurant. Theycheered in awe at the sight aoflvan’ Ssswift kicks. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org ig

His powerful kick struck out swift as lightning.

He was proud of his kick and was thinking about using only one move to defeat Nathan so that he could look like the hero in front of Kylie again.However, Nathan outwitted him by leaning back ever so slightly and dodged his kick.

“I really have to give it to you for being able to dodge that kick.”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Ivan was slightly taken aback. However, he did not stop his kicks and punches. He edged closer and closer as he rained down punches on


Even though he was aggressive withhis moves, they did not seem tobother Nathan one bit. The latterdodged. them all casually like he wastaking-a walk in the park. It did nottakedong before Ivan realized thatheshad nothing against hisopponent. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Just when Ivan was ruminating over his failed moves, Nathan finally struck his first move.

Nathan lifted his leg high and gave an earth-shattering kick.

The kick flew at Ivan at neck-breaking speed

Ivan's pupils dilated at the sight before him, and a look of horror was written all over his face.

Before he could dodge the kick, he had already suffered a blow to his abdomen.

Ivan's body curled inward from the momentum of Nathan's potent, nimble kick, and it sent him flying mid-air.A pin-drop silence ensued.

Everyone at the scene was startled by the turn of events, including Kylie.

Just when -Nathan retracted his leg,.Ivan fell f from mid-air and to the floorwith a foud thud. He wailed from thepainand vomited the food her”ingested yesterday. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org a

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