Salute To The General

Chapter 1775
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Chapter 1775

lvan's eyes grew wide with bewilderment. “Who do you think you are, little rascal? I can crush you with just a finger.”

He whipped out his military ID and slapped it on the table as he sneered at Nathan, “I'm a major in the East military, Ivan Liam. Let me see your IDright now. You're not showing me any respect, and according to military rules, I reserve the right to punish you.”

Nathan replied in an icy tone, “Are you sure you want me to show you my ID? You'd better think twice, lest you regret it

Ivan snorted. “I've never known regret in my life. You're just a lowly soldier while I'm a major. How dare you insult me? Rascal, you're good as done.”Kylie was flabbergasted at Ivan trying to provoke Nathan.

Ivan was unfazed by Nathan's threat and said adamantly. “Yes, I'd like to see your soldier ID right now.”

Just as he was done talking, Nathan waved his hand and something was hurled right at Ivan's face.

The latter was stumped and reached out to catch the item in a swift motion

Furious, he gritted through his teeth, "Are you trying to ambush me?”

Nathan was bemused. “You're not worth the effort.”

Ivan was rendered speechless as he seethed with anger.

Lowering his head, he noticed that the item hurled at him was a military ID instead of a soldier ID that he thought befitted Nathan.He was stumped. He thought that Nathan, a lowly soldier would only have a soldier 1D instead of a military ID.

At a glance of the military ID, much to Ivan’s surprise, Nathan was a lisutenant-colonel

This meant that the lowly soldier was in fact a rank higher than himself.

What the hell?

Ivan was perplexed by the turn of events

He lifted his gaze and looked at Nathan in disbelief. Beyond his wildest imagination, the unassuming man before him was a lieutenant colonel of theNorth Army.

Ivan hurriedly fumbled with ID, frantically looking for proof to confirm that it was a fake one.However, to his dismay, every aspect of the ID showed that it was in fact a military ID issued by the North Army upon his careful inspection.

Nathan was pleased with the look on the major's face, and sneered, "Who ranks higher here? And please remind me who should pay respect towhom right now?"

All color drained from Ivan's face.The military took hierarchy very seriously, and personnel who ranked lower should always pay respect to higher-ranked personnelIvan's face went red with indignation. He stood up, still irked by the turn of events, and did a military salute. "Greetings, sir.”

Nathan mumbled a response impassively.

Kylie's Jaw dropped as shewitnessed the whole incident. Thisinconspicuous-looking man whomshe called Bay was actually one rankhigher than Ivan, and it sure Was anunanticipated fact for her. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org =

Of course, the person who was utterly humiliated was IvanHe had wanted to brag in front of Kylie, but he locked like a doofus after Nathan discredited him.Mortified, his brain launched into overdrive to come up with ways to save his dignity.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan was not planning to let the major off easy either. Ivan had drugged him when they were set to fight in the final round of the wrestlingcompetition for new recruits back then.

Ivan had caused him to suffer days of diarrhea and he was even bedridden, hooked up on the drip at the army hospital.

Nathan was even about to forget that the despicable man ever existed. Since he's dumb enough to come parading in front of me, I might as wellsettle the score with him.

He put on a solemn face and said coolly, “Major Liam, as a military man, you just publicly insulted the General. Please explain your behavior.”

"Cross, you're the lieutenant colonel while I'm the major. Need I remind you that you're just one rank higher than me?” van retorted.

“Besides, youTe from the North whileI'm from the East Army. Don't act allhigh and mighty i in front of me, and?don't reprimand me like I'm yoursubordinate. I don't think theresanything wrong with me saying thatI'vedefeated the General Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

before.“Besides, I think that right now, and in the future, I will be able to defeat him like I used to. Is it wrong to be confident about my capabilities?”

Nathan found his unwavering confidence amusing. “You have defeated the General before? What a load of bullsh*t!”

"So what's with the rumors goingaround saying that you drugged theGeneral's water the day before the ~fight of fe wrestling competition fornew regruits? I heard that your:despicable act forced him to forfeittheseompetition, and that’ show youefided up winning it.” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

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