Salute To The General

Chapter 1774
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Chapter 1774

Kylie was extremely curious about Nathan's past.

As she listened to Ivan telling Nathan's past, her face blushed bright red. She was eager and excited. She told him, “Please continue.”When Ivan saw how excited Kylie was, he misunderstood and thought that she was interested in his past.

Ah, there is a chance! His eyes shined. I have seen many young lasses such as her who admire military men.

He thought to himself. As long as I continue to brag, a fangirl like her would surely have high admiration for me. Hehe... Who knows I might even getlaid by her tonight.

He began to blow his own trumpet after having this indecent thought.

“You all heard of Nathan, the General of the North, who was also known as God of War before right?

"And you all certainly think that he is exceptionally powerful as well as being the top soldier among the armies right?" He continued to boast,"Actually, he is worthless. Those days when we first joined and trained in the army, I was always better than him."He bragged further,

‘l even managed to defeat him during the wrestling competition for new recruits. Then, I was crowned as the champion for that competition.”Upon hearing what Ivan said, Nathan frowned.

Then, he recalled. Indeed this incident did happen!

However, it was different from what lvan told.

During his tenure as the new recruit, he already trained wholeheartedly and diligently. He went as far as sneaking out from the hostel in the middle ofthe night to train about marching, wrestling and so forth

He trained harder than others. On top of that, he was talented. Naturally, his results were also outstanding among the new recruits.

During the wrestling competition for new recruits, he overcame a lot of obstacles and managed to defeat countless competitors.

In the final of the wrestling competition, Ivan who was now standing in front of him was his competitor.

lvan's strength was just average and thus, Nathan could have beat him easily by default

However, Nathan took the drink which was mixed with a laxative. As a result, he lost to Ivan in the final competition of wrestling.

All this while, Nathan didn't know who the culprit behind the drink was spiked with the laxative.

He managed to find out only after a long time. The person who poisoned his drink with a laxative before the final competition was Ivan, unexpectedly.However, by the time he knew this, Ivan had already been transferred from the North Army to the East military district.

Hence, Nathan didn’t confront him and as time passed by, he had already forgotten about this occurrence.

When he heard-that Ivan wasboasting about how he defeatedhim, he just recalled that it was thig>fellow, Wan who resorted to the >unscrgpulous tactics to beat himduring the new recruits wrestlingcoripetition. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org =

Nathan stared at lvan while a stream of anger arose from his heartKylie sounded suspicious and looked at Ivan, “You alone managed to defeat the God of War? Are you bluffing?”

Ivan snorted while replied, "Nah, God of War? I don't care whether it is in the past, present or future, he is still no match for me. I can take on himeasily with just one hand."He continued,

"He is only able to become the General as well as being honored as God of War due to him saving the First Lady's life. Only then was he bestowedby the President.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Allin all, he is just lucky."He added,

“Nathan is just not qualified enough to compete with my strength and abilities.

Kylie became upset instantly upon hearing how Ivan slandered Nathan. She was preparing to refute angrily.However, Nathan who was by her side started to speak coldly first.

Nathan gazed at Ivan who boasting about himself and said indifferently, “Who are you to proclaim yourself as the number one soldier in the army?You have further insulted the General.

Ivan was pretending in front of Kylie in order to impress her and thus, it was natural for him to boast about himself as much as possible.Nonetheless, he didn't expect that the man in front of him whose outlook was just mediocre and kept silent all this while suddenly spoke out to refutehim

Ivan stared angrily at Nathan, "Who

are you? Iwas reminiscing aboutthe

past between Nathan and me.

Additionally, I compared my strength

and bilities with him. So what has it

gotto do with you?” Content belongs

t&"NovelDrama.Org id

Nathan responded coldly, “l am just a mere soldier in the North Army. However, I just can't bear anymore after hearing you brag and insult theGeneral.”

Ivan was dumbfounded uponhearing that snd sneered instantly,"A mere soldier from the North ~~Army? Then, my military rank shatildbe sevéral ranks higher than yqurs.You should obediently stand-up andatte to me as you have nawbmped into me, your superior!”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan responded calmly, “You don't deserve my salute!

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