Salute To The General

Chapter 1763
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Chapter 1763

Meanwhile, in Alberesque.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

At the Alberesque military district, Alan and his subordinates were interrogating the Eighteen Riders throughout the night within the walls of theSecurity Department

Alan squinted at Jack and his men, saying icily, “Let me repeat. Two days ago, did you injure and kill innocent civilians at the Celestial Club and breakmy nephew, Ceaser Goldstein's leg?”

Jack replied monotonously, “I've told you many times, we are soldiers from the North, and you're from the Security Department in the South.

“You don't have the authority to arrest us, let alone interrogate us.”

“how insolent!” Alan bellowed

"We at the Security Department are in charge of soldiers who viclate the law. Now, all you need to do is answer my question with a simple yes or no.

Jack remained unfazed. "If we are suspected of violating the law, then the North Army's Security Department will be the one to interrogate us, notyou...”

Bang!Alan struck the table heavily. causing the cups to rattle.

He glared at Jack and the rest with a face that had turned ashen with fury, uttering in a stern tone, "What does it matter if I'm from the North or theSouth Army's Security Department? Since you're suspected of violating the law, then you fall under my jurisdiction!

“Now answer my question. This is an order!Alan's rank was higher than the Eighteen Riders, and at the end of the day, he was still an officer in the South Army's Security Department.Jack had no choice but to answer, “We were indeed on a mission at the Celestial Club two days ago...”

Alan roared angrily, "You injured my nephew and so many people along with him, and you have the audacity to say that you were there on a mission?Who gave you the orders to do this?

Huh?”Jack and his comrades exchanged glances and did not say a word.The General was the one who ordered them to do this, but they couldn't very well expose their own General!

Cddly, Nathan didn't once cross Alan's mind. Instead, Penny was his prime suspect.

He questioned with frost seepingfrom his wice, “Did Penny Smith. ~order you to do this? If you identifyher asthe instigator, then I'l ~consider helping you appeal for alighter sentence.” Content belongst&"NovelDrama.Org -

Without missing a beat, Jack replied, "The mission on the other night wasn't authorized by the General's wife.

Alan had initially thought that aslong as Jackend his men admittedthat Penny Was the one who gave .them theorder; he could accuse rerof abusing her husband's power-toordermilitary personnel to goon amassacre, having no regard-forHaman lives. Then, he could arrestPenny and convict her. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

However, he never expected Jack to deny Penny's involvement in this.

“B*lls*it! You're North Army soldiers. If Penny Smith didn't mobilize you, then who did?" Alan spat, disgruntled.

Jack remained calm and composed. "You should stop asking. We are not under your jurisdiction and you have no authority to put us on trial.“From now on, no matter what questions you throw at us, we will not answer.

“Either you release us, or transfer us to the North Army Security Department. You have no right to keep us here.”

When Alan saw how disrespectful Jack and his men were to him from the beginning until now, he immediately hit the roof.

He laughed through his anger and said, “I have no right to keep you here?

"Would you believe me if I told youthat should I punish you all by omilitary Taw and then give the NorthArmy-some random explanation, itwould be as if nothing ever ?happened at all? Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

“Do you really think the North Army will go head-to-head with me just because of the few of you?’The Eighteen Riders remained silent.

It seemed like they indeed did not plan on talking to Alan anymore.

Alan was immensely enraged, roaring menacingly. “Let's see how long all of you can hold out."Men, drag Jack Hughes out and shoot him to death.

Jack's brows drew together.

The remaining seventeen riders were infuriated and one of them yelled, "How dare you?”

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