Salute To The General

Chapter 1764
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Chapter 1764

Alan sneered. "Hah! Of course, I do. And not only that, but I'll also shoot every single one of you to death if you don't identify Penny Smith as theinstigator.”

The Eighteen Riders of the North were fuming and another one of them voiced his anger. “We are under the command of the General of the North.Kill us all if you have the guts!”

Alan smiled icily. “As you wish!”

Without hesitation, he ordered, “Drag all of them out to be shot to death.”

“Yes, Sir!

Armed soldiers of the Security Department immediately closed in on the Eighteen Riders.

In a state of shock and fury, Jack and his men were contemplating on whether to fight back.

Right then, a commanding voice sounded from outside. “Stop!”

Everyone turned their gazes to the door in surprise.

A smart and gallant woman clad in military uniform and a pair of black combat boots walked in with a hard look on her face.It was Aval

Alan eyed Ava with doubt. “Who are you?

“This is the South Army Security Department.

What were the guards on duty thinking? Who let you inr

In an icy tone, Ava answered, "I'm the Deputy

Captain of the General of the North's National Guards, Ava Quinn!”

Nathan Cross’ Deputy Captain of the National Guards!

Alan frowned slightly. “Sc you're the General's Deputy Captain. What are you doing here?”

Ava glanced at the Eighteen Riders and said curtly, "I'm here to take our North Army soldiers away.

Alan's eyes flicked toward the Eighteen Riders and he laughed mirthlessly before saying to Ava, “Apologies, but they violated the law, murderingmasses in the South, so I cannot let you take them away.

Ava snapped, "They belong to the North Army. Even if they have committed a crime, they are still under the jurisdiction of the North Army. On whatgrounds are you stopping me from taking them away?”

"On the grounds that my rank is higher than yours!” Alan arrogantly stated with a raised chin.Ava was boiling with anger. “What's the meaning of this? You're using your rank to pressure us?”Alan smugly said, “That's right. That's exactly what I'm doing.

"These eighteen men will be at my mercy now.

Even God can't save them.

"Girl, if I willingly allow you to take these men away today, then I'll eat my own sh*t.”

The moment he said this, Ava took out something and threw it right at his face.

"Get ready to do just that then. Take a look at that!” Ava folded her arms across her chest.Alan was stunned, subconsciously reaching up to grab the item Ava had thrown at his face.He realized with no small amount of surprise that it was a letter.

To be precise, it was a notice letter.

Alan opened it with uncertainty, discovering that it was a military personnel recall notice.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

To the South Army SecurityDepartment: have eighteen NorthArmy soldiers temporarily stationed,in the Sagth. As I have an importantmissiop-on my hands, I need saideighteen soldiers to return to theNorth at once. No unit or indviduashalof the North Army, Nathan Cross.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Alan looked at the military personnel draft noticein shock, his hands trembling slightly.

Ava squinted at him and said, “Sir, have you read the General's military personnel draft notice?”

“Yes.” Alan's face had turned gloomy."So can I take these eighteen soldiers with me now?” Ava said with a hint of challenge in her voice.

Alan gnashed his teeth together, clearly reluctant to let them go.

"Sir, we have an important mission:back in the North Army. I'm sure youknow what the consequences arefor abstructing a military mission,right?” Content belongs to.NovelDrama.Org

Alan's expression changed drastically.‘Release them, all of them,” he raised his voice, greatly aggrieved by the outcome.The soldiers of the Security Department carried out their orders and allowed Jack and his men to leave.

Ava smiled as she led the Eighteen Riders away.

Before they left, she looked over hegshoulder ‘with a smile. “Sir, I'l be Nytaking them with me now. Enjoyyour meal.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org =

Alan's face flushed red with anger upon hearing that.

Even after Ava and the Eighteen Riders left, their mocking laughter still echoed in his ears.

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