Salute To The General

Chapter 1762
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Chapter 1762

The moment he said that, his men immediately moved to arrest them"Wait!" Jack abruptly called outAlan's eyes narrowed into slits. "What else do you want to say?”

Jack's expression was hostile when he said, “We're soldiers of the North, and you're from the Security Department of the South. Since when youhave the authority to arrest soldiers of the North Army?”

“That's right, Officer Goldstein. According to the rules, if there's a problem with the North Army soldiers, the Security Department in the North shouldbe the one to handle them, not the one in the South,” Franklin chimed inContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Alan gritted out with displeasure, "Are you teaching me how to do my job, General Wilson?" “I wouldn't dare!” Franklin became slightly awkward.Alan locked down his nose at him. "I thought


"Men, seize these eighteen men and take them away.

Jack looked at Alan, his gaze steady. “You don't have the authority to arrest us. If you arrest me today, I'm afraid you'll come to regret it tomorrow.”

Alan huffed coldly. “There's no such thing as regret in my dictionary. As for you b*stards who had the guts to hurt my nephew, I'll be sure to give youhell after we arrest you.”

“Take them away!”A dozen Security Department personnel charged forward to capture Jack and the rest.The Eighteen Riders did not put up a fight, allowing themselves to be arrested.

Franklin watched in horror as the Eighteen Riders of the North were arrested. Then, he hastily instructed one of his men, "Hurry! Inform the Generalthat the Eighteen Riders have been taken away by someone from the Goldstein family.”

“Yes, Sir!Penny led Nathan and Ava to Cross Group's reception room to meet the Goldstein family's lawyer, Jeffrey Nelson

Besides a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles, Jeffrey was also wearing a hostile expression as he pushed a lawyer's letter toward Penny, then said in anarrogant manner, “Good day, Ms.

Smith. I am the Goldstein family's lawyer, Jeffrey Nelson.”

Without waiting for Penny's response, he continued, "1 came here to issue you a lawyer's letter on behalf of my client, Madam Goldstein.Penny glanced at the lawyer's letter on the table and asked doubtfully, "What's this about?”

Jeffrey adjusted his spectacles and answered, “It's about you ordering Bay and your subordinates to attack Ceaser Goldstein.

"Madam Goldstein wants you to apologize and do it with sincerity.

"Otherwise; we will take legal action.and sue you for sending your men Foharm Mr. Goldstein. If it comes tothat, I'm afraid you'll be facing jaitire. * Content belongs 10.NovelDrama.Org

Penny had no idea that Nathan had broken Leaser's leg.She assumed that Jeffrey was referring to the incident when Bay had beaten Leaser up at the banquet the other day.

“Mr. Goldstein caused trouble first, so I'd say that he brought it upon himself.

‘Go back ahd tell Ms. Goldstein notto use this trick to intimidate me.”because she's wasting her time: Mycompany's lawyers can also issueyou awyer's letter, as many as youwant in fact. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

"If she insists on kicking up a fuss, then I shall wait to receive a court summon and see her in court.“Bay, Ava, send this man on his way!”

Nathan stepped forward with Ava before snapping at Jeffrey, "Scram!

Jeffrey refutethangrily. “PennySmith, how dare you disrespect theGoldsteim-family and disregard ~~ >Madam So dstein's lawyer's letter?Very well, you can wait to suffer:Madam Goldstein's wrath. It} be toolafeto regret your actions. by then!”Content be ongs to NovelDrama.Org

With that, he left in a huff.

Nathan and Ava followed Jeffrey out of the company building and made sure he left the premises.

After Jeffrey's car vanished from his sight, Nathan uttered in a chilly voice, “The Goldsteins really don't know when the quit.”Ava lowered her voice to say, "General, there's something I need to report to you urgently.”

Nathan turned to look at Ava. "What is it?”

"I just received news that the Eighteen Riders have been taken away by the Goldstein family to receive punishment.”

With shock and fury coursing through his veins, Nathan asked, "What happened?”

Ava relayed everything to Nathan, down to the tiniest details.

Nathan's face was overcast with simmering anger by the time she was finished. "The

Goldsteins are courting death.

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