Salute To The General

Chapter 1715
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Chapter 1715

This time, Nathan could no longer suppress his urge to kill. It felt as if something within him had exploded beyond control when he saw how severelyPenny was hurt.

“Yes, Sir!’ said Colin and the Elite Eight. They themselves were fuming with rage.

The moment the order was given, they rushed towards Kiel, mad with rage.

Kiels' expression turned into one of horror as the men approached him.

“Protect Mr. Kiel at all costs! Don't let anything hurt him!” The bodyguards around Kiel snapped to attention.

Half of the bodyguards surrounding Kiel were elites specially handpicked by Clifford from the

Cabinet's internal security department. The other half consisted of experienced soldiers who were aces in their respective fields.These bodyguards were a formidable force: right now, their sole objective was to protect Kiel right down to their last breath.

But today, they've had the misfortune of provoking the famous General of the North and were about to face-off against his national guards.Colin and the Elite Eight showed no mercy towards their opponents. The techniques used in their fight were ruthless to the core.Bang. bang, bang!

Kiel’s bodyguards toppled like dominos under the wrath of Colin and his comrades; all of them died immediately.

Even Kiel himself suffered a savage kick from Colin that sent the former flying. Blood seeped out of the corner of his mouth when he crashed heavilyonto the ground.

Before Kiel could react, Colin took a great leap and lunged forward, fiercely pinning Kiel's neck under his right foot.At this very moment, a huge group of heavily armed soldiers barged onto the scene.

Leading this troop the Guardian Special

Forces was Will Long, Major-General of the

Capital Garrison stationed in Brimmopolis.

“Stop this instant!” Will yelled out in panic when he saw that Colin was about to end the life of Clifford’s son

Colin halted in his tracks immediately. Along with the Elite Eight, they all whirled around to look at


Nathan delicately pulled Penny into his embrace. “Penny, are you alright? How are you feeling?” He asked her gently with tears in his reddened eyes.“Darling, my stomach... It hurts...” Penny replied weakly, her face was a sickly shade of white.

“Prepare a car to the hospital right now!

Whoever dares cross me shall die!” Nathan whipped his head around and barked out the order.

“Quick, prepare to send Mrs. Cross to the hospital right now!” Colin instructed.

Nathan rushed outside with his wife in his arms

“You'd better capture this b*stard and pray that my wife is fine. If not, I will rip him into bloody

pieces with my bare hands andinflict semuch pain that he'd wishhe could just die.” Nathan said‘coldlywhen he walked past Will. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org =

With that, he left with Penny.Nathan arrived at the hospital without any delay. A group of gynecologists was already standing by when he entered the buildingImmediately, the doctors brought Penny to the emergency room.

Nathan paced impatiently outside the emergency room whilst waiting. Kylie, Colin, and the Elite Eight waited alongside him

‘General, you should relax. You needto look after yourself, too.” Colin < 1Sadvised softly i in an attempt toc”pacify ‘Nathan's fury when hesawthe-anxiety on Nathan's face.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“My wife is struggling for her life right now. How can you expect me toa remain calm?” Nathan snapped back impatiently.

Colin did not dare speak another word in response.

“Where is that low-born right now?” Nathan demanded

“Earlier, he was captured by Major-General Long's Guardian Special Forces” Calin replied, " He's now awaiting his downfall.“Very good. He'd better pray to the gods that my wife is in no harm, or he will pay dearly for what he did,” Nathan snarled.Colin could already predict the punishment that the General would inflict upon Kiel from the ominous tone of Nathan's speech.Even if Clifford himself showed up in person to dissuade Nathan, it would not be enough to sway the latter's decision.

Right at this very moment, Clifford had just adjourned a meeting with his Cabinet when Yanny rushed over.

Yanny bent forward to whisperurgently into Clifford's ear. It was.clear that even Clifford was nowrin apanic;judging by the dramatic-charge of expression on theusuallystaic man. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org “novelbin

“Quick, prepare a car to the headquarters of the

Guardian Special Forces!” He ordered solemnly.

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