Salute To The General

Chapter 1714
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Chapter 1714

At the entrance of the villa

Nathan was locked in a fierce battle with Eugene.

Both men moved in a blur as they fought and traded over ten blows with each other.

At the beginning of the fight, Eugene managed to hold himself firmly against the attacks through sheer willpower.But as the fight dragged on, he found himself lagging and his resolve weakened.

Just as he was pushed to the brink of danger, the owner of Sky View Villa burst in with a panicked expression on his face; he was closely followed bytwo of his employees.

“Mr. Cross, I have bad news! Kiel has brought a group of underlings with him and barged into the indoor saunas. We were unable to stop him!" Theowner yelled hysterically.


Both Nathans' and Colins' faces darkened in an instant.

Upon hearing the news, Nathan exuded a deadly yet sadistic vibe as his eyes gleamed dangerously like a blazing fireWithout warning, he sent an angry punch at Eugene.

Faced with a fierce strike, Eugene would be at death's door if he did not defend himself.

Nathan let out a cry, putting his entire strength behind the single punch. In an act of desperation, Eugene cowered away to defend himself against theincoming blow.


Eugene's right shoulder shattered immediately upon the impact of Nathan's fist. He was unable to shield himself from the raw power of Nathan'spunch.

Eugene flew backwards like a kite with a severed string before he collapsed to the ground

Blood splattered across him and stained the floor around his unmoving body; Eugene could barely cling to his own life.

That single strike from Nathan not only crippled his right arm, the relentless strength behind it even ravaged all the internal organs in his torsoIt seemed that he would meet his doomed fate


Without sparing a single glance at the now defeated Eugene, Nathan urged Colin and the Elite Eight to follow him. They rushed hurriedly towards thedirection of the indoor saunas.

Eugene lay abandoned on the floor; the flame in him flickered out eventually. Through his blurry vision, he watched Nathans' back shrink into a dot.Meanwhile, more blood frothed out of his mouth.

“He's so powerfull”

“So this is the taste of defeat... Finally, I've experienced it. How painful...

Upon his last words, Eugene's neck arched sharply to the side and his chest stilled forever.

Along the hallway of the indoor saunas.

When Kylie saw how Kiel was aboutto attack Penny, her instincts kickedin and she e quick y moved to protect.Penny. Kylie é couldn't help but feelsboth enraged and shocked whilstshe yelled for Penny to make.a rdashto safety. The only thought.that rantBrough her mind was to Btock Kielin that very instant. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

Kylie had picked up a few tricks regarding selfdefense in the past.But facing Kiel, she was nearly powerless. Kiel had been trained in martial arts since youngit would be an understatement to say that he was skilled.

Even before she could approach him, Kiel thrust out his right hand and locked her neck in a cruel grip. Then, with one arm, he lifted her by the chinuntil her feet were no longer touching the


Kylie's face turned beet red from the sudden lack of oxygen.

Repeatedly, she pummeled him with both her fists and legs but her efforts were to no avail.novelbin

Her eyes began to bulge as her face became drained of all colors. It was clear that she would soon be strangled to death by Kiel.Ever since he was a young boy, Kiel had had a sadistic edge to his personality.

Whenever he felt threatened or insecure, the birds in his garden would fall victim to his ruthlessness as he choked them to death.

Last night, he-felt bitter and resentfulafter endurinty the scolding fromNathan atDivine Teahouse andcalled upen a prostitute to sate hisangercHe proceeded to physicallyassault her and even smothered thepoor girl to death. Content belongsto’NovelDrama.Org on


Seeing Kylie gasp for breath made Kiel laugh aloud in delight.

Right at this moment.

“Be careful, Mr. Kiel!” his subordinate urgently called out to him.

Kiel lifted his fread in response andsaw Penny {goming over him. A

flowerpotthat she had picked up -from the‘sidewalk was in her nanShe lifted it high up and smashedthe. pot down onto his head as hardas she could. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

“You asked for it!"

Kiel let out a deep groan. The blow to his head forced him to release Kylie. At the same time, he kicked his leg against Penny's lower abdomen,sending her flying several meters away.


Kylie let out a loud wail of anguish at the horrifying sight.

Penny whimpered in pain. As she cradled her stomach, crimson blood started to trickle down her legs and drip steadily on the floor.

She could not push herself upright and was paralyzed on the floor from the immense pain. The only thing in motion was the blood that was oozing outof her wound.

Right at this moment, Nathan and his men arrived on site.

The moment Nathan laid eyes upon the ghastly scene before him, he turned red with fury. “Whoever dared to lay their hands on my wife, end them a111" He bellowed.

Kiel was utterly shocked upon seeing that

Nathan was alive and unscathed.

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