Salute To The General

Chapter 1716
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Chapter 1716

In the hospital

Nathan waited anxiously. Many friends and colleagues had also caught news of Penny's admittance to the hospital and flocked over to visit her.Even the First Lady, Camilla Quinn, arrived at the hospital.

“Nathan, how is Penny?” Camilla asked with a downcast expression.novelbin

Nathan shook his head. “I have no clue; she is still undergoing surgery.”

Suddenly, the doors to the operating theater opened up

A female doctor in her fifties stepped out.

“Doctor, how is my wife?” Nathan came forward immediately alongside Camilla and his men.

“She is in stable condition now,” The doctor reported as she took off her surgical mask.

Everyone broke into delighted smiles upon hearing the news. They were all relieved that Penny was safe.“Unfortunately...” The doctor added quietly, “We could not save the baby in her.


Nathan was thunderstruck.

He stumbled backward in shock at the tragic news and would have hit the ground if it weren't for the help of Colin and the Elite Eight, who quicklymoved to offer their support to Nathan.

Nathan clenched his teeth to resist the swell of bitter emotions in him. “Thank you, Doctor, you've tried your best. May I see my wife?” He asked whiletears threatened to spill from his eyes.

The doctor nodded in approval, “You can visit her in her room. But please be gentle; she is in a fragile mental state right now."Penny was moved from the emergency room to the wardWhen she regained consciousness, the dreadful news of her unborn child broke her down into a mess of sorrowful tears.

“Although our little angel has left us,” Nathan said as he embraced his wife tightly, "I'm sure he's in a better place now.” He wanted to reassure Pennybut he was also struggling to keep his own tears at bay.

“Honey, we can still have more babies together.

I'm sure we will have many more kids in the future.”

Despite her husband's comforting words, Penny couldn't control the tidal wave of bitter tears; she wept miserably.

Exhausted from all the crying, she eventually drifted into an uneasy slumber.

Nathan ordered Kylie to keep watch of his wife. Additionally, he instructed the Elite Eight to remain stationed outside her room for extra protectionFollowing that, he dispersed the group of people that were awaiting to visit Penny.

Lastly, he turned to Camilla. “Madam, you should head back first. I will be paying a visit to the headquarters of the Guardian Special Forces. It's timeto give that b*stard the ending he deserves.”

"Clifford won'tsit by idly to watchyou kill his son. Although you are aNSNrenownedgeneral of your own righthe still otttranks you in terms omautharity,” Camilla warned himy'Isurete will try to protect hisson tothebest of his ability.” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

Nathan gave her a stony look. “Madam, if you are looking to persuade me into forgiving that b*stard, you should save your breath.”

“I know that yau're angry right nownd I share your pain. There is nooubt that the low-born deservesothing but death.” She smiled <>iter“ I will follow you to theeadquar ers since you never~afined on taking up my advicefyway. Content belongs:toNovelDrama.Org

DoD a


With my support, Clifford will have to deal with twice the trouble if an argument occurs.” "Thank you, Madam, for your support.” Nathansaid.

In a blink of an eye, Nathan had arrived at the Brimmopolis Headquarters of the Guardian Special Forces with Camilla by his side. He had alsobrought an entourage of guards along.

A group of leaders and elders of high status in their respective factions were already gathered in the meeting room.

Clifford was present amongst the members as the Supreme Attorney General. Will Long, Commander of the Guardian Special Forces, was in thecrowd as well.

“General, you've arrived!”

“Oh, the First Lady is here as well!

Will rose to his feet to greet Nathan and Camilla

Even Clifford willingly swallowed his pride to greet Nathan and Camilla respectfully alongside everyone else. He would do anything to protect his son."I'm merely here to accompany the General. You need not entertain me," Camilla said calmly.

Colin pulled out a chair for Nathan to take a seat.

He observed the people around him with a cool gaze. “I see that many people have decided to come today.”

“We are all equally stunned and horrified by what has happened.” Clifford responded with a faint smile. “I'm sure we are all here to make sure thatKiel receives a fair judgement.”

Clifford continued, “I'm not here outof malicious Jntents. I'm here for asingle reason my son should face .the conseq uence he deserves, andanyone-who tries to dissuade mefrométis i idea will see their efforts invain. But if the fault does netie withhim, no one should even think of

pointing a finger to blame him.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


“Mr. Davier, you are righteous as always,” Nathan remarked sarcastically.

Will feared that Nathan and Clifford would start a fight if this continued. In order to diffuse the tension, he decided to call upon his nearby soldiers.“Bring Kiel out of his cell; it's time to determine his punishment

“Yes, Sirl

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