Salute To The General

Chapter 1690
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Chapter 1690

Nathan remained calm throughout. His faint smile emitted a subtle hint of ridicule.Carson soon regained his composure.A look of fear clouded his face. He shot a fierce glare at Kerk and Hayley. “Silence, you two!

Without hesitating for another second, he quickly tidied his uniform and straightened himself. As Kerk and Hayley stared in bewilderment, he lookedstraight at Nathan and shouted, “Attention!”

“Salute!” he commanded.

A look of confusion flickered across the faces of his troupe.

As military officers, however, it was their first and foremost duty to obey orders.

There were over twenty of them. At Carson's command, every single one of them immediately positioned himself and held up a hand in salutation.“Greetings, General!” Carson shouted.

His troupe followed suit. "Greetings, General!”

Kerk and Hayley gawked at the sight of the entire troupe giving their salutation. Many people around them turned and looked as they heard thecommotion.

Murmurs arose as the curious crowd wondered about Nathan's identity.“Wait, what's going on?” Hayley exclaimed in disbelief. “They're just a bunch of intruders! Why are you saluting him as if he's a superior officer?”“Indeed! Captain Weiner, could you have mistaken anything?” Kerk asked.

Carson shot the ignorant couple a cold glance. He quickly fixated his eyes back onto Nathan with complete reverence. “There's no mistake. He isnone other than the pride of the army, the God of War. General Nathan Cross!”

General Nathan Cross?

Kerk and Hayley trembled as they gasped in horror.

Kerk just recalled what he had heard about the General earlier. His name indeed sounded like “Nathan Cross.”The General whom he was supposed to aid as a foreign language interpreter tonight..

It can't be... Is he the real General or just a


Hayley shifted her horrified gaze from Nathan onto Penny, who stood beside him quietly all this while.

If he really was the General, then wouldn't she be the General's wife. a noble lady?

A sharp pang of jealousy overwhelmed her for a second before Hayley shook her doubts off. How is it possible that Penny is the General's wife? ThisNathan in front of us must be a quacklHe can't possibly be the real deal!

“He must be an impostor!” Hayley shouted as she pointed at Nathan. “He can't be the General!”

“That's right! Fae real Generalwould've shewn up fully dressed inhis military.dniform at such a grand>event like-this,. Kerk argued along:“And there would've been a whiletroupe of guards by his sidethisroa must be an impostor!Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

At these words, the guards behind Carson shot a puzzled glance at each other.

They were unsure of what to make of the situation. So is this man the real General, or is he not?Just then, another uproar came from the entrance.

It was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Simeon Carlton, who had arrived with a large troupe

He was also Kerk's top superior within the ministry.

The moment he saw Simeon, Kerkim mediately dragged Hayley alongand hurried over to greet him with ~excessive flattery. “Mr. Carlton, yaulcame Yt I in time!” he said ande>po inted back at Nathan. “Thatmanover there is pretending to be theGéneral and causing a scene...

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Hayley put on a similarly adulating smile. "Mr. Carlton, please order your guards to arrest that impostor quickly!”Impostor?

Simeon's curious gaze followed in the direction where Kerk had pointed, only to be greeted by the sight of Nathan looking at him with a somewhatamused smile.

With a slight jerk, he pushed Kerk and Hayley aside and rushed over to Nathan. “General! You're here early,” he greeted politely as he stood in frontof Nathan.novelbin

General?Kerk and Hayley froze in horror as they watched their superior greet Nathan in a similar fashion.He really is the General!

“Hello there, Carlton.” Nathan smiled. “That man named Kerk, is he your subordinate?’

Realizing something was amiss,

Simeon nodded with a faint look ofastonishment on his face. “Yes, one of the interpreters

in our-aiinistry. He's fluent in the

Xypenan language. I have assignedhins-earlier as your interpreter for

t@ight.” Content belongs:to


“He and his wife were spreading word that I'm an impostor, and even asked the guards to arrest me,” Nathan replied plainly. “Why don't you explain tothem on my behalf?”

Simeon's eyes widened in horror and exasperation. He turned towards Kerk and

Hayley with a fuming glare. “You two! Come over here right now!” he bellowed.

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