Salute To The General

Chapter 1691
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Chapter 1691

At this point, Kerk and Hayley were filled with so much dread that they would rather die.

Who would have thought that Nathan was really the renowned General himself?

They had assumed that he was nothing more than an ignorant bogus, and even called him a clown!Yet, they were the ones who had been the real clowns since the very beginning.

Their guts knotted up in fear and regret as they remembered how they had mocked Nathan and Penny at the entrance, attempted to have the guardsarrest them, and hurled insults at them in front of all the other guests. How they wished they could dig a grave and bury themselves right there!

Of all people, they had offended General Nathan Cross, the most feared general of Eurasia.

Kerk and Hayley knew there was no escape. Despaired beyond tears, they kept their heads low and trembled in fear while walking hesitantly towardsNathan and Simeon.

“Do you both have a few screws loose in your heads?” Simeon lowered his voice, suppressing his burning anger as much as possible in front of theGeneral.

“M-Mr. Carlton, I..." Kerk stammered as his eyes darted around in a panic. “Th-there was some m-misunderstanding behind this...”

“I didn't know that my cousin’s husband is the General of the North all along! I wouldn't even dare to speak against him if I'd known better...” Hayleydefended in a shaky tone.

How she wished she hadn't been so harsh towards Penny and her husbandIf she had treated her cousin better, she could've earned herself a mountain load of privileges from being a relative!

If she had known better who her cousin truly was, she could've lived a glorious life with her head held high all the time. Her husband's careerwould've had an even brighter future too.

Alas, they had crushed such an opportunity in their own hands.

They had directly made an enemy of a highly prestigious relative out of their own ignorance.

Simeon could tell that things weren't as simple as a mere misunderstanding.

He turned towards Carson. “You tell me what's going on!” he ordered.

Carson quickly stepped forward and whispered a few sentences in his ear.

His face burned with rage as he listened to Carson's report. If looks could kill, the Lexington couple would have been dead by now.

“How insolent!” Simeon whirled his head towards the duo. He was so furious that his expression turned livid. “Apologize to the General and his wifenow!”

Kerk and Hayley stumbled forward and stood terrified in front of Nathan and Penny.

“Penny, Nathan, I..." Hayley started with a trembling voice.

“Hold up.” Nathan interrupted coldly. “Please don't force yourselves to acknowledge us in sucha friendly manner. We're out of your league.novelbin

Hayley had no choice but to address them differently. “General, Mrs. Cross, we humbly apologize for our foolish mistake... We must have been blind!she squeaked with a lowered voice.

“Yes, we're incredibly sorry... Please forgive us!” Kerk added quickly.

Nathan turned to Penny. “Honey, what do you think?”

Penny was long disappointed in this

cousin of hets from the very start.

She couldn't be bothered to keep in>

touch with her anyway. Now that

HayleyYooked so pitiful, it was c:

already pointless to make things

rmore complicated than they were.

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She had no intention of causing a scene with Hayley and Kerk either. Being unnecessarily mean towards pathetic, insignificant people like themwould do no good to her husband’s reputation

“Well, they've owned up to their mistakes. Let's not pursue the matter anymore,” she answered.

Nathan gave a reassuring smile. “Sure. Whatever you say, honey.”

He then turned towards Kerk and Hayley with a cold look. “If it were me, I wouldn't have let you go just like that. However...

He gently wrapped an arm around Penny's shoulders. “Considering that my wife was kind enough to forgive you, I shall pardon you both just thisonce.”

The crowd's eyes were drawn towards Penny in envy.

Who would have expected the almighty, merciless God of War to shower his wife with such affection? What a fortunate lady!

Meanwhile, Simeon could not let this matter pass although Nathan had forgiven his subordinates.

He glared. atthe cowering duo withcold, menacing eyes. “The Generalmay have pardoned you, but I won'toverlgok such disrespectful _~behavior! I shall settle it withyyouonee the reception ends.” Gontent

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Blood drained.from the couple'sfaces. Theirs Kearts sank to thelowest pits thinking of the NNpunishment awaiting them. Evend?Nathaahad decided to let thera go,Mr. Caflton would definitely dosomething as an atonementtards the General. Copténtbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Kerk knew he was doomed. On top of having offended the General, he had now landed himself in his superior's bad books.By now, the other distinguished guests had arrived one after another.

Leigh Kauffman, the Foreign Minister of Xyperia, made an appearance with his men while escorted by Clifford and few other leaders from theCabinet.

Soon after, the First Lady Camilla garnered a huge wave of attention as she arrived in a grandiose dress

Before long, everyone had forgotten about Kerk and Hayley as the crowd gathered around Nathan, Camilla, Clifford, Leigh and the other importantguests.

A large group of local and international reporters flocked in. Blinding flashes of camera shutters rained upon Nathan and the others as theyexchanged greetings and handshakes

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