Salute To The General

Chapter 1689
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Chapter 1689

Nathan and Penny entered, with Colin and Kylie following closely behind.All of a sudden, they were approached by Kerk and Hayley who led a troupe of armed guards.

“It's them!” Hayley pointed at Nathan and Penny as she turned towards the captain of the guards. “These nouveaux riches showed up without anofficial invitation! They must have bribed the attendants and sneaked in here. Hurry, arrest them and give them a heavy punishment!”

Carson Weiner and his troupe had been assigned as the security forces for the evening reception. They had to maintain utmost order and ensure thesafety of all the leaders and important guests.

This event had been specially hosted to welcome the Foreign Minister of Xyperia. Besides the Cabinet leaders, the First Lady herself would grace thisreception with her presence too. Rumors went around that the General of the North would also make an appearance.

On such a pivotal evening like this, Carson and his troupe could not afford to make any mistakes

He did not waste a second upon receiving Hayley's reports about a few uninvited people who had slipped past security and entered the venue. Not asingle intruder could be taken lightly.

With a stern look at Nathan and the group, Carson questioned in a deep voice, “Sir, can you please show your invitation and let us verify?Kerk and Hayley narrowed their gaze at them.

Nathan smiled calmly. “I don't have an invitation.”

At his response, everyone around them turned and stared in shock.

They were expecting that man and his companions to at least explain or defend themselves in such a situation. Who would've known he'd admit sobluntly that he didn't have an invitation!

Carson frowned.Kerk on the other hand, curved his lips upwards into a smirk

“See? I was right about these nouveaux riches! They sneaked in without invitation,” Hayley exclaimed loudly in arrogance. “What are you waiting for?He has admitted it himself, so why not arrest these rats and throw them into prison

right away?"Carson's eyes scanned Nathan from head to toe. Something didn’t feel right. “Sir, can you explain how you managed to enter without an invitation?”

“It's simple,” Nathan replied with a smile. “The guards at the entrance let me in immediately after I told them who I am.

Hayley jeered, "They let you inbecause of y6ur identity? Who doyou think you are? Some .high- ranking official or a xcommanding officer?” She turned toCarsdn and prompted, ‘CaptairiWeiner, there's no need to wastetime with these clowns. Just arrest!" Content belongs to


all of them!NovelDrama.Org

A steadfast and grounded person himself, Carson ignored Hayley's urges and decided to clarify the uninvited guests’ identities before taking action.“Can you tell us who you are, then?” “I'm Nathan Cross,” Nathan answered

The onlookers were taken aback by Nathan's extremely simple reply. That's it? He only said his name!

Hayley burst into laughter. “That's all you can sayr

Kerk let out a scoff. "This guy must be an idiot! We're asking for his identity, not just a single name.

Carson, however, continued staring at Nathan in suspicion and amazement.

Most people would usually introduce themselves by saying "My name is so and so. "Only those with absolute confidence will say, “I'm so and so.From his completely unshaken composure, he could somehow feel that this man whe called himself Nathan Cross wasn't just any commoner.

At the same time, that name sounded familiar. Nathan Cross...

All of a sudden, an image of the fearsome God of War in his military uniform surfaced in Carson's mind.

He's the General!

His eyes widened in surprise and awe.

This man who stood tall and straight before himself with a charming, all-knowing gaze, was none other than the General of the North!

Meanwhile, Kerk and Hayley went on with their mockery.

“Captain Weiner, why bother with his

identity? He didn't even declare his

position or his background. Does he

think, he can just throw his name

around like a useful title?” Hayley

taunted. Content belongs to

NovelDrama.Org -novelbin

“Look at how confident he seemed when he revealed his name! People could've been fooled into thinking he's some powerful commanding officer,”Kerk chuckled.

Hayley scoffed at her husband's remark. “He's but a mere orphan, let alone a commanding officer. What a joke!”

“Look, Captain Weiner. There's noneed to talk tehim anymore. Justround themcup now!” Kerk couldn'twait any, fonger. “Otherwise, things.will look.bad when the Xyperian.>minister and the representatives, theGeneral, Mr. Davier, the FirstLadyand the Minister of Foreign Affairsarrive.” “That's right! Arrest themquickly!” Hayley chimed in eagerly.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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