Salute To The General

Chapter 1005 Let Him Come At Me
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Chapter 1005 Let Him Come At Me

Just as he spoke, Adam pulled up a chair and sat down as if he was the host.

Then, he grabbed a bottle of red wine and poured himself a glass. Taking a sip, he squinted his eyes and commented, "The wineis good!"

Insolence!Impudence!Before Thomas even said anything, one of his followers, George, couldn't stand it any longer.

Banging the table, he pointed at Adam and bellowed, "Who do you think you are to make a fuss in Thomas' territory. Do you wantto leave this place in a coffin?"

Swirling the wine in his glass, Adam smirked at George.

Peeved by his reaction, George shouted back, "What are you staring at? Are you looking for a fight?"Adam called out casually, "Cobra!

At his cue, the two-meter-tall Cobra sprang into action.


All George could see was a shadowy figure flashing by. The next moment, he was stupefied to see Cobra standing right in frontof him.

Without waiting for George to react, Cobra seized George's head with his outstretched fingers as if it was a basketball.As he tightened his grip, the crushing pressure caused George to struggle vehemently in pain.Shocked to see what was unfolding before him, Thomas demanded, "Let go!"

However, Cobra let out a diabolical smile instead, exposing a mouthful of white teeth. Digging his nails into George's head,Cobra gave it a final squeeze and crushed it like a watermelon. The next moment, George's head exploded into mush, with hisbloody brain matter splattering everywhere.

Thomas was livid.

Meanwhile, the rest of the guests couldn't help but scream in fear when they saw how terrifying the black man was.Some of Thomas' outraged subordinates roared as they charged at Cobra to avenge George.

Thomas called out immediately, "No, stop!”

However, it was too late.

Before his men could get close to Cobra, Tigre had sprung to action and pounced at them like a tiger.

Bam, Bam, Bam!

In a blink of an eye, Thomas’ men were sent flying by Tigre's devastating punches.

When they crashed onto the floor, they could no longer stand. Instead, blood oozed out of every orifice in their body as they laydead on the ground.novelbin

It was an extremely gruesome sight.Everyone present, including Thomas' employees and henchmen, were shocked to their core.

No one dared to come forward again. Instead, they subconsciously retreated a few steps.

Holding the wine glass, Adam maintained his calm elegance as he smiled at Thomas.

However, Thomas was in anguish.These men were his blood br tRgTB,who wentt ropghh tii Sh in withHind! NW that they were all killeden-masse, the sorrow he felt wasoverwhelming. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Clenching his fist, he glared at Adam and scowled, "Was it necessary to be so ruthless when they had no quarrel with you?"

Holding up his wine glass, Adamreplied cheekily. "Don't you know?Every time | kill, so ewonldAsnms the sate qugetion in tears. Infact, they would be pleading formercy on their knees while telling methere's no need for me to be soruthless.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Just as he spoke, Adam took anothersip of red wine. Smirking at Tho 'he continued, " patyelidor'e Oungierstahtts that I'm doing this justto see the expression you currentlyhave on your face. Hahaha." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Widening his eyes in rage, Thomas roared, "Bastard, | will send you to hell today if it's the last thing | do!"

With that, he picked up a chair and lunged towards Adam aggressively.

When Cobra, Tigre, and the rest of his bodyguards were about to step in, Adam stood up holding his wine glass.Thrusting his chin forward, he squinted his eyes and sneered, "Let him come at me."

In the blink of an eye, Thomas was already in front of Adam. Lifting the chair, he swung it forcefully in Adam's direction.

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