Salute To The General

Chapter 1006 I Shall Never Beg For Mercy
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Chapter 1006 I Shall Never Beg For Mercy


Adam's lips curled upwards, as he snorted contemptuously. Immediately, he kicked the chair with all his might, shatteringThomas' chair into pieces.

As soon as he crushed the chair, Adam proceeded to kick Thomas in the chest, sending the man flying away. Ultimately, Thomashad catapulted away, falling onto the ground.

"Thomas!""Mr. Dunn!"Thomas' employees and underlings gasped in shock because Thomas had been beaten to a pulp.

A few of his ribs had been broken. The pale and haggard man was bleeding excessively. It was very evident that he had beengravely injured.

Before Thomas could bring himself up, Adam had already approached him with a goblet in his hand.

As soon as Adam reached Thomas' side, he stepped on his injured chest, without holding back, as he mocked the man with avicious smile, "Why don't you beg for mercy? Perhaps I'll let you off the hook if you're willing to beg for mercy!"

Adam had always resorted to such tricks, previously. He would always get his foes to beg him for mercy before finishing them off.The wicked man derived his pleasure from toying with others.

He would deny his foes and deal the decisive blow, the moment they attempted to beg him for mercy.In short, Adam was a psychopath. He enjoyed watching people dying, in despair.However, Thomas had always been a stubborn man. He was sweating profusely due to the excruciating sensation he had felt.

Nevertheless, he gritted his teeth and neglected the awful look he had on his face, as he warned the man wrathfully, "I'm sorry,but | shall never beg for mercy! Why don't you cut the small talk and kill me? I'm sure that Master will avenge me in the future!"

Adam frowned in response to his words. He could not get to the better of Thomas, as he had always had with many others. Thecommon trick he had always resorted to, had failed, for the very first time.

Adam was unwilling to let Thomas off the hook just yet because he enjoyed crushing his foes, both psychologically andphysically.

He cast a stern gaze at Thomas and stepped on him with a great amount of strength. Once again, the sound of Thomas’ bonescracking could be heard.

Adam warned Thomas in a callous tone, "You should hurry up and beg for mercy. Otherwise, I'll let you die a miserable death bycrushing your heart bit-by-bit."

The gravely injured man's mouth widened, as he tried to catch his breath. However, his efforts were to no avail because his heartwas being crushed mercilessly.

Nonetheless, he gritted his teeth and yelled, 'Td rather die a miserable death than beg you for mercy! | won't allow you tohumiliate me! Why don't you finish me off already? I'm sure Master will avenge me!”

Master! You're talking about your master repeatedly!Adam's eyes glinted angrily because he had been infuriated by Thomas’ words.He was about to deal the decisive blow, sending Thomas over to hell, but he soon had a brand new idea.

Therefore, Adam stepped away from Thomas. He glanced at the man who was on the verge of death. The wicked man narrowedhis eyes as he took a sip of the drink he had.

Ultimately, he told Thomas with agrin, "Ha! I'm not going to kill youbecause | will ill Netealtin tron? ofyey! waht crush the personwhom you have been relying on allalong before killing you. Hahaha!"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

As soon as Adam finished his sentence, he turned around and instructed Tigre and Cobra, "I want both of you to head over tothe Smith Family and the Cross family. Tell them to get Nathan and Sean to meet me!"

"Yes, Sir!" Cobra and Tigre replied simultaneously.

"If they refuse to listen to my instructions, wipe their existence off history. Otherwise, forget about them for the time being," Adaminstructed once again.

"Yes, Sir!" Tigre and Cobra exchanged glances and replied simultaneously once again.

Soon, Tigre and Cobra each picked twenty elites to follow them. They departed once they had their teams assembled. They wereheading towards the Smith Family's place and the Cross Family's place separately.


In the meantime, Sean and his familyhad been living in fear lately becausethey were afraid that those foto lheBIgak Gla Would come after them,taking things out on them sinceNathan and Penny had offendedthem. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Therefore, they were praying for the Black Clan to stay away from them. Nonetheless, those from the Black Clan showed up attheir doorstep.

Cobra showed up with twenty elitesand barged into The Smith Family'splace. She instructed Sean i

callous to 8 "Yr CBlaGR'S eldest son,Aairelee sent me to retrieve you.You have been granted an audiencewith him immediately. If you refuseto come with us, you have to bear thepossible consequences of youractions." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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