Salute To The General

Chapter 1004 Adam Black Is Here
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Chapter 1004 Adam Black Is Here

Although Sean agreed with what Nathan said, he still felt that Nathan was still too young. The Black Clan is rich and powerful, sowhy would they bother negotiating with you?

When Nathan saw the worried expression on the faces of Sean and the others, he reassured them again, saying that they didn'tneed to worry as long as he was around.

Although Sean was still concerned, he knew that it was useless to dwell on it. All he could do was hope that the Black Clanwould show them some mercy and let them off the hook.

Unbeknownst to him, Adam Black was already headed for Channing with a group of his most capable men.They were sitting in first class on a flight from Northania.Everyone else who bought first-class tickets had been herded away to economy class.

The passengers made a fuss in the beginning. But when they realized that it was Adam who was hogging the first-class cabin,they acquiesced.

Obviously, no one dared to offend the Black Clan.

At that very moment, Adam was sitting in one of the first-class seats. On his lap was a pretty flight attendant in a disheveleduniform, and she was moaning.

An hour later, she left the first-class cabin, hardly able to walk properly.

Meanwhile, Adam summoned his subordinates. He only had a shirt on, and it was unbuttoned, exposing his chest and abs,which made him look even more dashing and imposing.

He ordered, "Once we land in Channing, | will get rid of Thomas Dunn first. He will be the first to pay for injuring the Black Clan's

men.His followers replied in unison, "Yes, Master!"In the Cloud Palace Restaurant within the Axis of Channing.novelbin

Today was the annual dinner of Thomas Dunn's company. Therefore, the Cloud Palace was reserved for company employeesand closed to outside guests.

All the minority shareholders of the company and management personnel were invited to the dinner as well.At that moment, there were hundreds of guests inside who were seated according to their positions.

After a short speech by Thomas, the dinner began.

He then sat down with Jack Green and his other men, feasting together.

Thomas and his guests were enjoying themselves when they suddenly heard a loud crash.

The restaurant's glass door was shattered, and glass shards were strewn all over the floor.

All the guests were stunned as they looked towards the main door.

Thomas was now the de-facto leader of Channing's underworld. Both sides of the law in Channing feared him. Therefore, whowas so brazen to crash his party like that?

As the guests were still trying to figure out what was going on, they saw a well-built man entering with a bunch of followersbehind him.

That man was Adam Black.He had two of his best men on each side, Cobra on his left and Tigre on his right.Cobra was a black man who was more than two meters tall. With a lanky figure, his gaze was as sharp as a venomous snake.

Meanwhile, Tigre was fromNorthania. Although he was

foot AS h g wascbuileike a'tank withHawraneoles He looked like afearsome beast, just standing there.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Both of them were loyal retainers ofAdam. They had been following hisince the day he {gigad the Fag landmharcéhaty group. They werenatural-born killers and used to belieutenant colonels as mercenaries.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Both of them were considered Adam's right-hand men.When Thomas saw them approaching in such an intimidating manner, he frowned and asked, "Who are you?”

Adam replied with a smile, "You don'teven know who | ama yetyou\agatKe Black Clan?ie Dunn, death awaits youl!"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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