No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2151-2160
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chapter 2151-2160

Chapter 2151 Oliver’s face turned beet red; his hand started to tremble on their own as if wanting to strangle Jackie.

Wesley was so angry that he was at the risk of having a seizure. “You asshole! You’re just wastingeveryone’s time with all this talk of wager! As if you’re ever going to win against my brother!”

Jackie arched his brow. How annoying could Wesley get? Jackie had endured his nonsense for longenough! He turned to face him and said, “This has nothing to do with you, so can you just shut up? Thesound of your voice really irks me!”

After saying this, Jackie raised his head and looked at Elder Godfrey; he motioned to Elder Godfrey withhis eyes. Elder Godfrey raised his eyebrows. He naturally understood what Jackie meant; the threat inhis eyes was obvious enough. It seemed that if he did not speak out soon enough, Jackie would quit, sohe sighed with resignation.

He stepped forward and said to Wesley, “Jackie is right. This matter has nothing to do with you. Youshould stay in your lane and not meddle in this matter. I’m starting to wonder if your parents taught youany manners.”

Elder Sayer’s face darkened instantly. Although he was not Wesley’s parent, they were still related toeach other. Elder Godfrey’s remark was undoubtedly the face of the Sayer family. He was about to saysomething when the look on First Elder’s face stopped him. He had always obeyed his order, and thistime would not be any different. Lips twitching, he had no choice but to swallow back his anger.


Wesley’s face was flushed red, but he dared not say anything after being reprimanded so fiercely byElder Godfrey. Oliver stared coldly at Jackie, his hatred for him bore deep into his bones; theirrelationship had successfully proceeded to the point of arch nemesis.

Oliver laughed icily, and then said, “Fine, we’ll have It your way. There’s no excuse for you to back out ofthe battle now that I’ve agreed to put up a wager.”

Since Oliver had agreed to it himself, the First Elder and Second Elder also readily agreed. “In that case,let me be the referee,” said the Second Elder. He was actually looking forward to seeing what tricksJackie had up his sleeves.

Jackie nodded. The position of a referee was originally held by the top brass, and the Second Eldernaturally qualified to hold this position.


Oliver did not want to delay any longer, and said with a cold face, “What kind of wager do you want to beton?”

Jackie thought about this for a while before saying, “Do you have seven hundred contribution points onyou?”

Chapter 2152 Seven hundred contribution points?! Many were dumbfounded when they heard this. No one knewwhere this question would lead to.

Oliver’s lips twitched. Of course, he had seven hundred contribution points. He was a formal discipleafter all. Coupled with the fact that he was strong, earning contributions points was not difficult for him.He had built up quite a sizable stash during his period there.

Oliver nodded coolly. “Of course, I do. Are you asking me to bet seven hundred contribution points? Doyou even have that much? From what I know, you’ve only joined recently so you can’t possibly have thatmuch.”

He deliberately raised his voice when he said all that. Everyone heard him loud and clear, and some ofthem were even nodding their heads in agreement. Generally speaking, both sides would need to put upa wager of equal value, and there was no way Jackie could come up with so many contribution points.

Therefore, it was to their shock that he said, “I never once said that my wager will be contribution points.”

Oliver scoffed, and asked, “What else can you put up except for contribution points? Don’t tell me youhave some item of equal value!”

The mockery in his eyes was evident. However, Jackie did not take the bait and remained calm. “Ofcourse, I have something of equal value. It’s worth even more than the seven hundred contributionpoints.”


Everyone looked curiously at Jackie, wondering what it could be.

“I’ll put the last disciple position as my wager!” said Jackie.

Everyone’s eyes widened in an instant. What did he mean he would put his last disciple position as hiswager?

Oliver frowned, and said, “What do you mean? How can you put up your last disciple position as awager?”

Elder Godfrey’s expression changed as soon as he heard Jackie’s wager. If it was not for the occasionthey were in right now, he would have rushed down and scolded Jackie to a puddle.

Jackie did not really care about other people’s opinions. “If I lose, I will give up my position as ElderGodfrey’s last disciple. The fact that I lost means that I’m not qualified to be his last disciple.”

Oliver’s expression altered slightly. He did not even have the time to say anything before the First Eldercut in, “That settles it then! Oliver’s wager will be seven hundred contribution points! I can even throw Inanother three hundred contribution points if you don’t think that’s enough!”

The First Elder was worried that Jackie would regret his decision so he wanted to set everything in stoneas soon as possible. A hint of joy flashed across Jackie’s face when he heard that the First Elder waswilling to bump up the wager to a total of one thousand contribution points.

“First Elder, do I have your word on that?” asked Jackie seriously.

The First Elder nodded solemnly, and said casually, Of course. You have my word as the First Elder ofthe Dual Sovereign Pavilion. Oliver will put up seven hundred contribution points and I will put up threehundred contribution points, making it a total of one thousand contribution points. This amount of pointsshould get you quite a lot of things.”

According to the rules, no one could put up a wager o f more than one hundred and fifty contributionpoints, but it was obvious that this was a special circumstance and that rule did not apply.

Chapter 2153 Upon hearing this, the spectators grew even more excited. No one in the audience thought that Jackiewould win, but the amount was enough to make it worthwhile for them to watch the battle.

The one thousand contribution points were peanuts to the First Elder. What he really cared about mostwas Jackie giving up his last disciple position. This way, Elder Godfrey would have no choice but tochoose another last disciple since it was Jackie who willingly gave up the position. Thinking of thisinstantly made the First Elder and Second Elder feel better.

They glanced meaningfully at Elder Godfrey as if to remind him that Jackie was the one who spoiled hisown plan. Elder Godfrey’s expression was to look at but he remained silent while gazing sternly atJackie.

His heart was beating wildly against his chest. He had not seen Jackie in battle before, but judging fromthe way the Thousand Leaves Pavilion informal disciples treated him at the Mount Beasts, and from theconversation they had, he could vaguely guess that Jackie was the one who got them out of trouble.Therefore, it would not be far-fetched to say that Jackie was someone of extraordinary caliber.

However, whether Jackie could win against Oliver was a whole other matter. He started praying in hisheart, ‘You punk! You better not lose or else it would be bad news for the two of us!’

Jackie, of course, knew what the elders were plotting. Now that everything was finalized, he had nothingto worry about and immediately walked up to the battle platform.

Oliver was made a little speechless at what he thought was Jackie’s bravado. At first, he thought thatJackie was only bluffing, but looking at what he was doing now, Jackie clearly believed that he wasstronger than him!

Oliver chuckled to himself. His eyes were full of irony. It would only make him look bad if he did not getup to the battle platform right now. He swished his robe and strode toward the battle platform at twice thespeed of Jackie so that he would be the first one there.

It was all a little immature, but Jackie did not take it to heart. He did not care who got there first. In fact,nothing could ruffle his feathers, to be honest. Oliver chose the westernmost area of the battle platform,so Jackie chose the easternmost.

They stood facing each other, and even before the fight had begun, sparks were already flying around Inthe air. All the spectators’ eyes were wide with anticipation, not daring to blink in case they would misssomething.

“I don’t know why but I’m really excited for the battle even though I know that Jackie is definitely nomatch for Brother Oliver. I’m so glad I took the time to come here! I’d hate to think of the regret I wouldfeel if I missed this battle.”

“Yeah! Actually, I think he might have a little something to him. If not, he wouldn’t have acted so cockily.He might just really surprise us!”

“Even so, there’s no way he can win against someone who is ranked eighth amongst the formaldisciples. Didn’t you see how Gresham was so against Oliver joining the battle for the last disciple?”

Chapter 2154 “Why do you think Gresham was so against Oliver joining? It’s all because he knew thatOliver was stronger than him.”

“You’re right. Even he doesn’t want to fight head-on with Oliver, where does Jackie get the idea that hecan win against him?”

“All I can say is ignorance is bliss.”

The surrounding discussion was endless. The louder the conversation, the darker the faces of Noel andBrook became. The two of them were really worried about Jackie, but they dared not say anything at thistime.

Jackie had a close relationship with the two of them, and everyone knew that they were friends. If thetwo of them said something at this time, they would immediately become the target of everyone’s attack.

The informal disciple was much quieter than those of the formal disciple because Jackie’s reputation wasfamous among his own peers, and they knew Jackie to be very talented.

After all, Jackie defeated Wesley as a newly recruited informal disciple. This was something most ofthem could not do. Even so, they did not think Jackie could beat Oliver. However, they did not wish todwell on the matter.

Oliver stood on the westernmost side of the battle platform. The spring breeze blew on his robe. With hishands folded behind his back, Oliver looked like a prince. The only thing he lacked now was a foldingfan.

Compared to his appearance of strolling leisurely in a courtyard, Jackie looked ordinary and plain. Hejust stood there quietly, without any movement or expression, as if the battle that was about to take placewas just as normal as sitting down for lunch.

The more indifferent Jackie was, the more irritated Oliver became. “Boy, I am not someone who doesthings half-heartedly. Your previous behaviors have completely offended me. Although there are rules inplace, I will make sure to find a way to make you feel the greatest pain in your life without breaking therules!”

Everyone knew very well what he meant. Jackie would not be beaten to death, nor would he be disabledfor life, but his limbs would be mercilessly broken. A broken leg would heal anyway, so it was not apermanent disability.

If this kind of threat fell on someone else, it would be able to scare that person to the point where theirlegs would turn into jelly, but Jackie’s expression remained impassive. “Are you done? Can we begin thebattle now?”

Oliver’s face flushed with anger. “You *sshole! Looks like you’re in a hurry to die! Fine, I will fulfill yourwish then!”

Immediately, he made several seals with both hands, and dazzling rays of light flowed between hisfingers. In the next second, his whole person was dazzling like a sun, releasing light that could burnpeople’s eyes. Many people there had to squint their eyes.

“This is Oliver’s strongest martial art technique, Light Blade Lore. I remember the Light Blade Lore is apremium red level martial art technique!” shouted someone.

“It’s indeed a premium red level martial art technique. There are not many people here who can attain it.The main reason is that the martial arts of this level are too difficult to practice. Judging from thecultivation, he should be proficient, right?”

“I’m not sure about that. Oliver hasn’t been in a battle since the last ranking battle. I don’t know whatcultivation level is his skill right now.”

The formal disciple’s discussions drifted into the ears of the informal disciples. Their mouths opened insurprise when they heard that Oliver was cultivating a premium red level martial art technique.

They were naturally aware of the difficulty of the cultivation of premium red-level martial art techniques.Some people had cultivated for several years and still could not reach a proficient cultivation level. Nowonder he could be ranked eighth among the formal disciples!

A violent wind blew past as if there was a windstorm. Oliver was plunged into dazzling light, and peoplecould not distinguish his figure.

Chapter 2155 One light blade after another suddenly flew out from the dazzling light. The speed of theselight blades was extremely fast, like a meteor hitting the earth; their tails long as they rushed towardJackie.

Jackie furrowed his brows and began to move speedily to avoid Light Blade Lore. However, he was notfast enough, and a light blade cut through his sleeves. This shocked him. The speed at which he wasdodging was definitely not slow, but his sleeve was still ripped open by the light blade.

He looked down and saw that the location where it was cut off, there was a flame that went out everynow and then. The light blade was not only extremely fast and powerful but flaming hot as well!

He successfully dodged the remaining light blades, and those fell to the ground. Even though the battleplatform was made of special materials, several potholes still appeared where the light blades landed,

which made the eyes of many, widen.

“I’ve gotta hand it to him! The premium red level martial art technique is so much stronger than anintermediate red level martial art technique,” said the formal disciples with awe.

“Yeah, I definitely would not be able to dodge the attack. That kid is really fast!”

“This kid wasn’t bluffing after all! He does have extraordinary speed. The Light Blade Lore has theadvantage of attack speed, and most people wouldn’t be able to dodge it but that kid got away with just aripped sleeve!”

A cold snort came from the dazzling light. “You’re fast, I’ll give you that.”

Oliver’s disdainful voice sounded in Jackie’s ears. He frowned and stared at his cut-off sleeves. He hadunderestimated Oliver’s power. Jackie knew that his speed was fast even without using the laws ofspace, and yet he could not avoid the attack. He was sure that he would have lost his arm if he was stillat his initial stage of innate level.

“I have cultivated the Light Blade Lore to be faster than the ordinary premium red level martial arttechnique, and the move just now was just a test!” said Oliver.

He once again made a magic seal, and six light blades flew out from the dazzling strong light. The speedof these six light blades was faster than before, and the dazzling light made the spectator’s eyes hurt.

Three light blades attacked Jackie’s left side, and the other three attacked his right, flanking him fromboth sides, cutting off his escape path. Jackie furrowed his brow and exhaled lightly before moving backquickly.

The disciples were all surging with excitement.” Surely this kid can’t escape with three light blades onboth sides.”

The light blade swished through the air at an incredibly fast speed, as it aimed for Jackie’s face. Althoughhe retreated quickly, he was still too slow. Everyone’s eyes widened when they saw the blades closing inon his arms, and even some of them were imagining what his arms would look like after, all mangled andbloody.

Chapter 2156 Brook covered his mouth, so scared that tears were about to fall. “Look out, BrotherJackie!” he shouted.

Suddenly, everyone saw Jackie’s footsteps shrank as if the space in front of him had been slightlydistorted, and the light blades all collided to the ground.

Many people were stunned. They looked blankly at Oliver and Jackie, thinking ‘What just happened?’One moment Jackie was about to lose his arms, but the next he was yards away from the blade.

“He just used the laws of space!” growled the Second Elder in a creepy, deep voice.

Not many disciples knew about it, but it was easy for the elders to recognize it when they saw it. Rightthen, all the elders had a surprised look on their faces.

Jackie did take a step back just now, but with the laws of space, this step was equal to more than tenyards. The few light blades thought that they had found their target, so they cut straight down, notexpecting Jackie to be able to dodge them, and all their power slammed toward the ground.

At this moment, even Oliver was a little stunned. He stared at Jackie from behind the dazzling light, andblurted out, “How did you do it?”

Jackie was obviously unwilling to answer this question. Wesley had a sense of déjà vu. The same thinghappened when he launched his strongest attack at Jackie. He was hundred percent positive his attackhad closed in on Jackie, but then it seemed like a warp bubble occurred, allowing Jackie to pull thedistance from the attack.

“Not this again!” roared Wesley furiously.novelbin

The informal disciples who had watched the battle between Jackie and Wesley knew what washappening. After all, Jackie had used this trick before, but compared to before, it seemed that he hadmore control over it this time.

Before, he was gasping for breath after using the same technique, but now he seemed relaxed as if ithad not taken him much effort to use the technique. This was due to the Ancient Eclipse Dragon’s bloodhe absorbed. The Ancient Eclipse Dragon possessed an innate ability to control space.

With the light flowing in his palms, Oliver punched out another series of hand seals. Immediately, the lightenveloping him converged, leaving only the dazzling ball of light on his hands. Now Oliver’s figure wasonce again revealed.

His eyebrows furrowed tightly, and he was looking daggers at Jackie, his hatred for him written clearly onhis face.

The disciples started whispering amongst themselves again.

“Why do I get the feeling that Brother Oliver hates Jackie? It’s true that Jackie’s words can be scathing,but there’s no need to hate him to this extent right? Don’t you find all this a bit odd?”

The person standing next to him chuckled and said,” I would hate Jackie too if I were him. Think about it;Jackie is just an informal disciple, and what are informal disciples to us? Something worse than trash. Infact, we have always treated them as runner disciples instead of informal disciples.”

Chapter 2157 “I’m willing to bet that Oliver accepted the challenge with the expectation that he would beable to squash Jackie within a few moves. However, lo and behold, Jackie managed to dodge both of hisattacks, so it is no wonder that he would hate him so much.”

This man’s explanation sounded reasonable, and everyone around him nodded. He was indeed right.Oliver’s hatred for Jackie was totally out of this world. He really thought that he would be able to end thebattle with just one move; he did not expect Jackie to be this slippery.

Oliver sneered, and said, “Is that all you can do? You can dodge all you want but it will not change athing! I was holding back just now so don’t even think that my speed is limited to this!”

Immediately, he shot out like a cannonball toward Jackie. The ball of light shone brilliantly in his hand,and with a few swishes, five-light blades flew out again, rushing toward Jackie with a murderous aura.

Jackie arched his brow then raised it. He knew that Oliver did not unleash his full power in the first twomoves. Why would he when in his eyes, Jackie was no better than trash at the side of the road? As thesaying goes-take not a musket to kill a butterfly.

“Oliver’s attack speed has doubled!” shouted someone.

Everyone’s eyes widened, trying to keep up with the light blades’ movement. The speed was indeedtwice as fast as before. There was no way Jackie could dodge it this time!

Jackie blocked out all of the noise around him and fixed his eyes on the light blades. Then he exhaledgently, tipped his toe, and used the laws of space again.

With a loud bang, the light blades crashed against the ground, carving several deep pits on the platform.Jackie stood only a yard away from the deep pits, which was shorter than the distance he had pulledbefore. However, the most important thing was that he escaped again! He heaved a sigh of relief andgathered up all his focus.

Oliver’s face looked like he had eaten shit when he saw the same thing happening again. He haddoubled his attack speed so how was it possible for Jackie to dodge it?! “You slippery piece of shit!” hesaid between gritted teeth. “Take this!”

He roared and punched out another series of hand seals, and countless dazzling light blades flew outfrom his hands. The overwhelming light shrouded the space between him and Jackie.

These light blades rushed toward Jackie like meteors. He took a deep breath, and his feet kept movingback with the laws of space, pulling him away from the light blades.

However, he did not use the laws of space perfectly every time. Once he wrongly took half, and a lightblade instantly slashed against his cheeks. Fortunately, he managed to avoid most of the damage withhis fast reaction.

Even so, his sideburns did not fare so well. His fallen hair was blown into the air by the strong windbrought by the light blade. With another swish, the fallen hair was chopped by another light blade andinstantly burned to ashes by the hot energy mixed with the light blade.

Chapter 2158 The spectators erupted in a cheer every time Jackie escaped the light blades. At first, everyone looked athim like he was crazy, but now they were actually impressed by him.

Although he had not used his martial skills, they could tell by the way he dodged Oliver’s attacks that hewas indeed extraordinary. They had the self-awareness to know that they would not have fared as well ifthey were in his position.

“It’s really weird! He seems to be able to manipulate space. Could it be that the technique he’s cultivatinghas something to do with space or is it an attribute of the technique itself?”

“Who knows? I only know that he’s faster than me! Brother Oliver had already doubled his attack speedbut still, he managed to dodge it by at least half a yard.”

“It’s no wonder that this kid was so rampant before. He really is quite capable, but even so, a battle couldnot be won by dodging. After all, there is a difference of one realm between them, making the amount of

the true energy different too. This kid can dodge all he wants, but it’ll be over for him the moment his trueenergy runs out.”

Many people nodded silently at that. It was just as the person said, the difference between anintermediate stage of innate level and a final stage of innate level could not be overlooked. The depth ofOliver’s true energy was much stronger than that of Jackie. There would definitely come a time whenJackie ran out of true energy before Oliver.

The fight was getting boring, and some of the formal disciples started to complain, “It would take at leastone to two hours for either of them to run out of true energy! Are they going to do anything else apartfrom attacking and dodging?”

They thought that they would be able to see Jackie suffer a crushing defeat. If not that, at least a fightfrom both sides. Anything would be better than a one-sided attack.

Some of the spectators stood on tiptoes and yelled toward the battle platform, “Hey you, Jackie right? Isthat all you got? What happened to all that bravado you had? Stop dodging and fight, dammit!”

“Yeah! It’s boring to watch you scurry around like a mouse!”

All those heckling did not make Jackie angry at all. In fact, he could empathize with them. After all, whatthey said was true. The reason he kept on dodging was not that he was afraid of Oliver, but because hewanted to use this as an opportunity to have a better grasp on the laws of space. After absorbing theblood of the Ancient Eclipse Dragon, he had better control of space, but he lacked experience.

This battle was a good chance for him to practice. Oliver’s moves were much faster than any otherformal disciples’, making this a rare opportunity indeed; he turned a deaf ear to all the spectators’clamoring and focused on avoiding Oliver’s attacks.

Oliver was gritting his teeth. He was full of anger and had nowhere to vent. Thus far, Jackie had eludedall his attacks. What was worse was that, as time passed, Jackie seemed to be more and more adept atdodging his attacks.

Chapter 2159 “Dammit! Is that all you can do?” roared Oliver.

Jackie ignored him completely and put all his attention into avoiding all the incoming light blades. Withevery step he took, he became more and more proficient in the laws of space.

Oliver gritted his teeth with anger. Noel blinked, at a loss for words, and Brook, who was standing next tohim, had his mouth and eyes wide open.

After a long while, Noel finally said, “Jackie must have thought that he could rely on this weird skill, butsooner or later, he would need to cast an attack for there to be a victory.”

Brook might not be strong, but he had gained a lot of knowledge and observed a lot of battles betweenformal disciples in his years there, so knew that Noel was right. “Brother Jackie would need to cast animmensely powerful attack to be able to defeat Oliver. If not, he wouldn’t be able to win just by dodgingall the way.”

Elder Godfrey clenched his fists tightly under the robe. Although his face seemed calm, his heart wasuneasy. His understanding of Jackie was limited to their encounter at Mount Beasts. He did not actuallyknow the limit to Jackie’s power.

Seeing that Jackie had only been dodging the attacks, he started to doubt whether he had judged himwrongly, and this made him a little nonplussed. He would have yelled at Jackie to fight back if it were notinappropriate for him to do so.

The First Elder and Second Elder looked very happy. The two squinted their eyes and observed thebattle with joy on their faces. Jackie was like a mouse scurrying around on the battle platform.

Oliver’s attacks were flamboyant. The dizzying light blades were shining brilliantly and attacking Jackiefrom all directions.

The Second Elder chuckled and said, “Oliver has grown a lot during this period but I bet he’s feelingfrustrated at the moment. After all, Jackie just refuses to fight him head-on.”

The First Elder snorted coldly and shrugged. “It seems like Jackie only knows how to dodge. What’s theuse of such a disciple? Doesn’t he know that offense is the best defense?”

The two elders were dripping with disdain. Everyone on the scene knew that they were secretly labelingJackie as a deserter. Although the ability to escape was also important to a martial artist, it was notglorious after all.

“Hey look, Jackie is almost at the edge of the battle platform!” shouted bearded formal disciples withsurprise.

Due to the airtight attack, Jackie could only gradually retreat toward the corner.

“Brother Oliver must have wanted to force him into the corner so that he would have nowhere to escape.”

Chapter 2160 The person’s voice was trembling with excitement. Everyone suddenly realized that Oliver had beenchanging the light blade’s attack angle ever so subtly so that Jackie would be pushed toward the edge ofthe battle platform

The battle platform was circular in shape, surrounded by array flags. After the array flag was activated,an energy shield was raised. This protective array method was known as the guardian array.

The guardian array was transparent, like a big bowl buckled upside down on the battle platform,protecting the entire platform. Nobody could get in or out once the guardian array was up.

In other words, Jackie’s back would be pressed against the guardian array once he was forced to theedge. All the disciples let out a long exhale after seeing this; finally, they would see some real action.

“I’ve gotta hand it to Brother Oliver. He managed to find a way to handle that slippery kid. I guess he hashis battle experience to thank for that,” said a formal disciple in awe.

There was no way Jackie would be able to evade Oliver’s attack anymore once his back was pressed tothe energy shield; not even if he could shrink himself. Then, he would have no choice but to face Oliverstraight on.

“Haha, let’s see where he can hide this time!” Many of the disciples were so excited that their voiceswent hoarse with cheering, and their eyes were gleaming.

On the battle platform, Oliver smirked cruelly. ‘His footwork is good, I grant him that but I’m no fool! Thisends now!’ With his wealth of battle experience, he had already come up with a countermeasure. It wasjust that it was better to take Jackie by surprise. Electricity crackled from his eyes, never once lettingJackie out of his sight as he kept on punching out hand seals.

Ten yards, five yards. In his heart, Oliver kept counting the distance between Jackie and the guardianarray. “Three yards! Now!” he shouted suddenly.

A whooshing noise sounded as if a strong wind was blowing across the valley, Oliver’s hands once againmade a series of magic seals, and streams of light bloomed with dazzling brilliance between his fingers.

“Die!” he roared. In an instant, the light became even more radiant as he kept ten light blades suspendedin the air. These ten light blades were more dazzling than the ones before, and it was his strongestattack yet. Everyone had to avert their eyes to stop the stabbing pain in their eyes.

Oliver laughed coldly, and said, “There’s no way you can evade it this time! Die, you punk!” He wasdetermined to punch out a few holes on Jackie’s body; this was the next best thing to breaking his limbs.

That way, he would be at least bed-bound for years, and his foundation might even be destroyed! A widegrin split on Oliver’s face at the thought of Jackie being bed-bound. His excitement was obvious from theshine in his eyes.

He pushed both of his hands forward, and the ten light blades slew toward Jackie, who had his backpressed against the guardian array. Jackie let out a sigh and knew that it was now or never. He flippedhis hands and black rays of light flowed between his fingers. In an instant, ten Soul Swords floated onthe palm of his hand.

In fact, the martial arts of the two belonged to long range attacks. They would have the upper hand aslong as they kept a distance from their opponents. At this time, the distance between the two of themwas just right, giving Jackie time to summon his skill. There was horrifying dark smoke swirling aroundthe Soul Swords as if they had come up from the very depths of hell.


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