No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2161-2170
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chapter 2161-2170

Chapter 2161 Everyone was stunned by Jackie’s martial art technique. No matter how they used their divine senses toprobe, they could not feel any energy fluctuations from the martial arts technique conjured up by Jackie.

After all, the more powerful martial arts technique, the greater the fluctuation of energy, but the grayblackdaggers in Jackie’s hand were like black holes with no energy fluctuations.

At this time, the ten light blades were already within ten yards of Jackie. Emotionlessly, he pushed hishands forward, and the ten Soul Swords instantly collided with the ten light blades.

All everyone heard was a burst of bang, bang, bang, like cannonballs crashing against each other. Aneye-piercing light briefly shrouded the two of them, and the next second Jackie already had his palmstogether.

After the light subsided, a three-foot-long giant Soul Sword shot out in the air toward Oliver. The othersmight not know it, but he knew that his ten light blades all instantly exploded into a light ball, and wereextinguished after coming in contact with the gray-black energy.

What surprised him, even more, was that the ten Soul Swords remained unscathed. The ten SoulSwords converged into a giant Soul Sword after Jackie put his palms together, and in a blink of an eye,appeared in front of Oliver.


“Shit!’ thought Oliver. It would be the end of him if he was slashed by the giant Soul Sword. Hedesperately backed away. Fortunately, his Light Blade Lore not only increased his attack speed but alsohis own speed.

Unfortunately, his opponent was Jackie, who had no intention of letting him escape so easily. Jackiesnorted, narrowed his eyes, and once again used the laws of space.

The giant Soul Sword, which was originally five yards away from Oliver, broke through the shackles ofspace and appeared instantly in front of him after Jackie used the law of space.

All the spectators’ eyes widened, and jaws dropped when they saw that. Jackie gritted his teeth; he knewthat things would not end well for him if he killed Oliver. Originally, the giant Soul Sword was aimed atOliver’s throat, but with a flick of his wrist, it changed its target to Oliver’s right shoulder. Immediately thesound of metal scraping against bones could be heard.


“Ahh!” Oliver’s scream broke through the clouds, making everyone gasp. He quickly staggered back, butlost his balance mid-way, and fell from the air to the ground with a heavy thud.

Tears began to flow out of the corner of Oliver’s eyes. He had always prided himself on having nevercried from pain, but this time there was no forcing back his tears. He had never felt pain like this; it wasas if his soul had been torn apart! His entire body was convulsing. He could not even breathe properly,let alone stand up.

Seeing this stunned everyone into silence, and for a long time, the only sound that could be heard wasthe screams of Oliver.

“Is this really happening? Did my eyes deceive me? Did Jackie just neutralize Oliver’s strongest attackwith one move? What are those gray-black swords? How is it so powerful?”

“Brother Oliver actually lost! And to a newly recruited informal disciple at that! This kid…” The personcould not continue on anymore.

Chapter 2162 The winner of the battle was obvious, but this result was unacceptable to everyone present. No onethought that Oliver would be defeated by Jackie. From the very beginning, everyone thought Oliverwould be able to take down Jackie in one move or three at the most.

However, it turned out to be a long drawn-out battle. Oliver was still no match for Jackie even aftercasting his strongest attack. He had lost completely and was seriously injured.

He was still screaming and crying on the ground. It did not take much to imagine just how much pain hewas in, for which martial artists would be willing to shed tears in front of others? One’s pride would neverallow them to do such a thing.

“Jackie is just too strong! Can someone please enlighten me how he got this strong?” said someone inshock.


“I would like to know too! He would have no problem being ranked in the top five amongst the formaldisciples!”

“No wonder he was so cocky before! Brother Oliver never stood a chance at all!”

Everyone’s evaluation of Jackie completely changed. Now it seemed like they were the clowns, not him!

Even till now, Jackie ignored them.

Wesley felt his legs turn into jelly and collapse to the ground. He stared helplessly at his big brother whowas still rolling around in pain on the battle platform.

Out of everyone there, Wesley was the one who was most worked up. How could he remain calm whenhis own big brother was defeated by Jackie, who he had a grudge on since the day they knew eachother’s existence.

His back was ramrod straight, but his expression was lost. Suddenly, he shook his head vigorously, as ifwanting to wake himself up from this nightmare. “No, this is impossible! Absolutely impossible! How canOliver lose to Jackie? I must be hallucinating! Yes, this must be a hallucination!”

His expression was frightening to look at. His face was ashen and pale at the same time as if he had justrecovered from a serious illness. The man with the triangular eyes standing next to him was stunnedspeechless. He, too, nursed a grudge against Jackie. He thought by allying himself with Wesley, one dayhe would surely see Jackie meet a tragic end, but again and again, it was Jackie’s opponent who hadtragic endings.

The man with the triangular eyes took a deep breath. At this time, he was not in the mood to comfortWesley. His mouth twitched and said, “How is he so powerful? He wasn’t this powerful before!”

The rest of the informal disciples were shocked and did not know what to say as well. However, theywere not as shocked as the formal disciples because they had prior knowledge of Jackie’s talent.

Still, it was a long time before they could compose themselves. It was impossible for Jackie to be thismuch stronger than he was previously. Could it be that he has been concealing his power all this time?

Chapter 2163 A month ago, it took Jackie all that he had to defeat Wesley, but now, he effortlessly defeated Oliver.Although Wesley and Oliver were brothers, there was a world of difference between their powers. Afterall, Oliver joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion a few years earlier than Wesley.

Then there was also the fact that Oliver was ranked eighth amongst the formal disciples while Wesleywas not even in the top fifty of the informal disciples. It would take years before Wesley could even catch

up to his big brother. That was why it was so shocking that Jackie was able to bridge the great gulf ofpower within a month!

“Jackie definitely hid his real power from us! There’s no way that he could have leveled up so muchwithin a month!” said an informal disciple firmly.

“It must be so! After all, the gap in power between Oliver and Wesley is really too big. It’s like comparingapples and oranges. It was only a month ago that Jackie barely defeated Wesley, and now he defeatedOliver without even sweating much! This is not something that can be done within a month!” said theperson next to him.

“In any case, Jackie is too strong! He’s so strong that I don’t even dare to dream about catching up tohim! And he’s only at the intermediate stage of innate level whereas Oliver’s at the final stage of innatelevel!”

This sentence reminded them that Jackie had actually defeated someone who was one level higher thanhim. Gradually, they began to realize that there was definitely something extraordinary going on.

Not only were all the disciples shocked, but the elders on the round platform were also in disbelief. Theycould not believe what they had just witnessed.

The First Elder’s lips were trembling, and he glanced at the Second Elder. He immediately felt a littlebetter when he saw that the usually impassive Second Elder was also trembling with shock.

The Second Elder exhaled deeply, turned to face Elder Godfrey, and scoffed. “I now know why you’re soinsistent on having Jackie as your last disciple. His talent and strength indeed qualify him to be your lastdisciple. However, I do wonder why you never bother to tell us all in the first place.”

On the surface, the Second Elder’s words sounded like praises, but he was actually blaming ElderGodfrey for making a joke out of them.

Elder Godfrey arched his brow, the only change in his face. He was a little irked by the Second Elder’swords and wanted to brag a little to blow off some steam, but this was the first time he saw Jackie inbattle too.

He was not much different from others; he went slack -jawed the moment he saw Jackie neutralizeOliver’s Light Blade Lore, and wound him with a single move. Although he knew Jackie wasextraordinary, he did not expect him to be THIS extraordinary.

Elder Godfrey sighed. He knew that he could not let the others in on just how shocked he was. “Didn’t Itell you before that my last disciple has to be excellent in all aspects? Why would I choose Jackie if hedid not meet the criteria?”

Chapter 2164 The First and Second Elder’s faces turned dark after they heard this. The Second Elderwas so angry that the corners of his mouth twitched continuously as he narrowed his eyes. The FirstElder did not hide his anger and glared at Elder Godfrey maliciously. He looked like he was about to rushforth and give Elder Godfrey a scolding. Elder Sayer, who sat behind the whole time, also looked terrible.He had a twisted expression on his face as he tightened his fists. Jackie was the Sayer family’s enemy.The stronger Jackie was, the more unfavorable the situation was for him.

At this moment, Oliver once again yelled out in pain. This time, his cries were much more intense as thepain seemed to have invaded his spine. “Ah! It hurts! Help me!”

Elder Sayer snapped out of his daze when he heard the cries. He immediately stood up from his seatand rushed toward the battle platform. He performed seals after seals with his hands and the sealsrushed onto the guardian array like a meteor shower before merging with the guardian array.

Everybody only heard the clicking sound of the mechanism being activated and the guardian array wasinstantly removed. Elder Sayer’s feet had landed on the battle platform and he hurried toward Oliver. Hestretched out his hand to help Oliver up before taking several pills from his storage space and feeding

them to Oliver. He then checked Oliver’s pulse and his face instantly darkened after he checked Oliver’swounds.

He instantly looked up and glared at Jackie hatefully. “You b*stard, how dare you do such a terrible thing.How can you do something like this by tearing up his soul?!” Elder Sayer was furious. The wounds on hisbody were fine but the wound that his soul suffered were much more difficult to recover compared to thewounds on his body. Apart from that, those wounds required the help of exceptionally expensive pills.From the looks of things, Oliver’s wound would require at least six months to recover.

Six months might be nothing to the elders but it was extremely precious to the disciples that were in theirgrowth period. How could Elder Sayer not get angry when this could affect Oliver’s future.

There were no changes on Jackie’s face when he heard this. It did not matter to Jackie even if ElderSayer died on the spot due to anger. He chuckled lightly and said calmly, “I don’t understand what ElderSayer means by this. In a battle between two people, I will definitely do my best unless I reallyunderstand Senior Brother Oliver’s true strength! There’s always a possibility of getting wounded duringa battle and it’s even more difficult to control one’s strength when the person is trying their best.Everybody saw that if I didn’t hold back when the two of us were performing our last attack, SeniorBrother Oliver won’t be able to cry out in pain right now.”

Elder Sayer was so angry that his face blushed a crimson color. He stretched out his hand and pointed atJackie as he spoke, “What a young man with a glib tongue. Since you can control your last attack, can’tyou just directly disperse the attack! In that way, Oliver won’t get hurt.”

Jackie laughed out loud when he heard what Elder Sayer said. However, his laughter sounded cold ashe glared coldly at Elder Sayer who was standing in front of him. How dare he say such a thing? Was heasking Jackie to disperse his attack so that Oliver could bounce back and they would end up in anotherlife or death battle?

Jackie glared at Elder Sayer coldly. “Didn’t you see how Oliver attacked me? He was trying to kill me.Why can’t I attack him when he’s allowed to do that to me? I know that Oliver is a member of your Sayerfamily and you will definitely be on his side. However, you cannot support him blindly and forbid me fromattacking him while allowing him to kill me!”

Chapter 2165 What Jackie said immediately caused his surroundings to quiet down. Jackie’s words weresharp and devastating. However, that was exactly what Elder Sayer meant. He only allowed Oliver toattack Jackie but forbade Jackie to do the same!

All the disciples standing there looked at Elder Sayer angrily. Elder Sayer humphed softly andunderstood that he had been caught in the trap by Jackie. If he continued the conversation, it would hurthis prestige. He might even lose his position as an elder because of this. He humphed coldly and said,“B*stard, don’t you quote what I said out of context. That is not what I meant.”

“If so, what do you mean? Why are you questioning me so angrily for what I did? I didn’t break any rulesand I didn’t kill Oliver. I also did not cause him to be disabled for life. Since I didn’t break any rules, whyare you questioning me?”

What Jackie said successfully choked Elder Sayer and he felt like he had swallowed a huge piece ofstone. The stone was stuck at his throat and he was unable to swallow or spit it out. As an elder of thesect, he was forced by Jackie to a point where he was speechless.

Jackie smiled coldly and said loudly, “I know what Elder Sayer means. If I’m the one who’s badlywounded and on the ground, you will be sitting on the round platform, looking at Oliver happily. However,you’ve rushed over to question me because Oliver is the one who’s on the ground right now. I canunderstand that you’re just protecting your family. However, you should treat every disciple the same asyou’re an elder. I’ve never expected for you to be so biased!”

“You!” Elder Sayer was so angry that his eyes were almost popping out of his sockets.

“All of you, shut up! Elder Sayer, why are you wasting time speaking to him on the battle platform insteadof helping Oliver to receive his treatment?!” The First Elder’s voice traveled far and exploded loudly byeveryone’s ears.

At this moment, the First Elder was so exasperated that his entire body hurt. Oliver could be considereda disciple siding with him and Elder Sayer was an unwavering supporter of his. One of them wasdefeated by Jackie while the other ignored his position and started a fight with Jackie. The mostembarrassing part was how Elder Sayer was suppressed by Jackie and was unable to win the argument.The First Elder was in an extremely embarrassing situation.

The corners of Elder Sayer’s mouth twitched and he knew that things would not end well for him and theFirst Elder might teach him a lesson if he insisted on fighting with Jackie. He exhaled deeply andforcefully suppressed his anger. He asked others to help Oliver down the battle platform and sent himaway for treatment. Jackie also walked down from the battle platform slowly and steadily.

Everybody was looking at Jackie. They still remembered their feelings when they initially looked at Jackiewalking up the battle platform. Right now, everything had changed and the strength that Jackiedemonstrated was really shocking! Just as Jackie walked down the battle platform, he suddenly raisedhis head and looked toward the First Elder, who was on the round platform.

The First Elder had no idea why but he felt uncomfortable when he saw Jackie looking at him. He sawthe corners of Jackie’s mouth curling upward and a standard smile appeared on Jackie’s face. “FirstElder, please don’t forget about the bet between us. You can directly ask somebody to send the sectcontribution points over or I can personally pick them up.”

All the audience was in an uproar once again when they heard what Jackie said. The First Elder’s facehad already turned into a crimson color and he recalled at this moment about his personal promise toJackie that he would top up 300 contribution points on top of Oliver’s wager of 700 contribution points ifJackie won.

Chapter 2166 The First Elder scoffed indignantly and spoke, obviously flustered, “Don’t you worry. As theFirst Elder, I’ll keep my promise and send the sect contribution points to you later!”

He then flicked his sleeve and turned around to leave. He might feel that his presence had no othermeaning apart from embarrassing himself. Since the First Elder had left, the other elders did not need tostay, too.

Jackie’s room still looked the same. It was a standard single-bed room with a wardrobe, a table, a chair,and a shelf. After he returned from the noisy gathering spot, Jackie had been tidying his belongings. Infact, he did not leave many things in this house. Apart from his bedding, there were only several ancientbooks that he borrowed.

Brook and Noel had also followed Jackie to his room, they had been talking throughout their journey.Their conversation did not stop after they entered the house and sat by the table.

The excitement on Noel’s face was overflowing. “You have no idea what those people thought of youwhen you walked out from the crowd. Some were jealous, some hated you, and some admired you,surely. Anyway, you have the respect of them all. You defeated one of the top ten formal disciples as anewly recruited informal disciple. I don’t think there are many people in the sect with such a record!”

Brook nodded vehemently, and he was much more excited than Noel. After all, he was just a runnerdisciple, and it was his great honor to be acquainted with Jackie, who would definitely become a chosendisciple in the future. “Elder Sayer looked at you like he’d eat you. When you ask the First Elder toremember the three hundred sect contribution points he promised, Elder Sayer glowered so badly. Notonly have you defeated Oliver, but he has to give you seven hundred contribution points obediently. Thistime, he has suffered a terrible loss!”

Brook could not stop smiling when he thought of this. When Jackie mentioned that he was going to havea fight with Oliver, no one around Jackie thought of him highly. Everybody belittled Jackie terribly,wanting to trample all over him. However, their view of him changed so quickly, faster than skimming

through books, and soon changed the direction of their conversation. They started to mock Oliver andsaid that he was outwardly strong but inwardly weak.

Noel poured himself a cup of tea. “This time, no one in the sect dares question you. Those who lookeddown at you dare not say anything right now. I’ve never expected you to be so strong that even Olivercan’t contend against you. No wonder you could survive the dangerous Mount Beasts.”

Brook could not stop running his mouth when it came to matters regarding Jackie’s strength. He inhaleddeeply and said, “How can you be so strong? What martial skill are you practicing? How did you stillmanage to crush Oliver when you’re challenging him from a lower level? The question of what martialskill you’re training is in everyone’s minds right now. Some people are even guessing that you’repracticing an Earth level martial skill!”

Brook and Noel’s expression changed when they heard the words, ‘Earth level martial skill’. The two ofthem were so excited that they forgot the most crucial point. However, Jackie obviously had no plans oftelling them about this. He only chuckled and packed everything. He pointed toward the outside of thedoor. “Elder Godfrey sent somebody to inform me that I’ll head directly to the Mysterious Green Hall afterI pack my things.”

In the Dual Sovereign Pavilion, every formal elder owned their personal hall, and the one belonging toElder Godfrey was known as the Mysterious Green Hall. Noel and Brook were not insensible, and theystopped asking when they noticed Jackie not wanting to continue with the topic.

Brook mentioned that he wanted to send Jackie to the Mysterious Green Hall, and Jackie agreed to it.The three of them left the individual house and walked towards the Mysterious Green Hall.

The Mysterious Green Hall was located at the east side of the Dual Sovereign Pavilion where disciplesdid not dare venture to, apart from the elder disciples. Jackie had already become Elder Godfrey’s lastdisciple and was naturally a member of the elder disciples. Hence, his living quarters had changed fromthe secluded room to the Mysterious Green Hall.

Noel and Brook had never visited where the formal elders stayed. The two of them wanted to accompanyJackie there with hopes of getting a peak. The informal disciples stayed at the west side of the entiresect, and they had to walk across the entire sect to reach the Mysterious Green Hall.

Chapter 2167 They talked as they walked, meeting many other disciples along the way as they did.

The battle at the gathering spot made Jackie relatively well-known, and a lot of people viewed him in adifferent light from then on. Most of them looked at him with admiration, but some envied Jackieimmensely. Despite this, Jackie’s expression remained stoic and unperturbed, no matter what thepeople’s opinions were of him.

The closer they were to the east side, the fewer the disciples they ran into. After all, the people active inthe east side were mostly the management members with high positions, or even elder disciples. Jackieand the rest did not know their way as this was their first time here. They struggled to find their way hereand had to ask for directions from several disciples.

The only road to the Mysterious Green Hall was one turn away. They quieted down a little as they gotcloser as their surroundings were utterly quiet. Apart from the sound of the wind blowing past thebamboo trees, the only thing that could be heard were their voices. At this moment, Noel suddenlyfrowned as he lowered his voice and said, “Who’s that guy up ahead? Why is he looking at us like that?”

Jackie followed his voice and looked over. A man was standing behind a clumper of bamboo, and heseemed to be doing that on purpose so that they could not see him clearly. However, all three of themcould see the hostility in his eyes. Jackie frowned as this was the only route to the Mysterious GreenHall.

Was this a member of the Mysterious Green Hall?

Jackie continued walking, even though doubts riddled his heart. Jackie could only see the person a littlebetter as they approached. This person was quite good-looking, and Jackie was surprised when he saw

that the person was wearing clothes that indicated he was a chosen disciple. There was an obviousdivision between the sect’s disciples. The disciples had different clothes according to their ranking ofbeing informal disciples, elder disciples, and chosen disciples.

This person had three begonias sewn on his waist, and he was obviously a chosen disciple as well.

All three of them raised their guards mentally upon seeing him.

Brook had the lowest position, so he decided to hide behind the two others. Only his eyes were seenpeeking out behind them as he looked at the chosen disciple in fear.

Griffin Olsen looked at Jackie coldly. “Why are you looking at me so alertly? I won’t do anything to youright now.”

What he said sounded like he wanted Jackie to be at ease, yet it was a complete power show. Jackiefrowned; this person did not come bearing good intentions. He had no idea who this person was as hehad only joined the Dual Sovereign Pavilion recently. He could not have offended a chosen disciple,either.

Jackie could only gesture politely with his hands out of his mannerism. “May I know who you are?”

Griffin raised his eyebrows. “I’m a chosen disciple, Griffin Olsen. Remember this name; you’ll be hearingit often in the future.”

Jackie frowned at Griffin’s intonation. He was even more concerned about why Griffin was purposelyblocking his way here to meet him.

Griffin stared at Jackie coldly. He seemed to have read Jackie’s thoughts as he sneered and said, “I hadto meet you. You so effortlessly won a spot while my brother lost his.”

Jackie was puzzled when he heard this. He had no idea who Griffin was, let alone his brother. As for thespot Griffin mentioned, could it be the spot as the last disciple? However, Jackie’s guts told him that whatGriffin meant was not the recently obtained spot as the last disciple.

Chapter 2168 Griffin’s words and him waiting for Jackie at this location had confused Jackie greatly.Although Griffin was a chosen disciple and every disciple would automatically feel inferior to them asthey were the future hope of the entire sect, the chosen disciples did not have such treatment when itcame to Jackie.

Before Jackie could understand the meaning behind Griffin’s words and tone, Griffin was already soarrogant toward him. Jackie, unable to tolerate such behavior and not wanting to dilly nor dally, chuckledsoftly and said in a slightly cold manner, “I really don’t understand what you mean, Senior Brother Griffin.I don’t know anything about this spot you’re talking about.”

Griffin raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing In what Jackie said. Griffin scoffed indignantly andlooked at Jackie as if he had chosen the hard way to deal with things. “You really think I don’t dare doanything to you? Although you’re already the Eleventh Elder’s last disciple, you’re just an elder disciple,but you’re nothing to us chosen disciples. Oliver Sayer is definitely a top disciple among the formaldisciples, but he’s just a newbie in my opinion. I can easily achieve what you were able to do. Don’t thinkthat you can show off in front of me just because you’ve got some little achievements.”

Noel and Brook had slightly darkened expressions on their faces. Although Griffin’s questions were notaimed at them, the look in his eyes was undeniably cold when he occasionally glanced at them. The twoof them proactively took a step back.

Jackie smiled coldly and said in a baffled manner, “I don’t know if there’s something wrong with youreyes or your mind. When was I arrogant and showed off in front of you? This is the first time I’ve metyou, and I’ve never heard of you before today.”

Griffin was, to Jackie, a hilarious character.

Griffin’s face flushed a purple color when he heard what Jackie said. As a chosen disciple, he had neverexpected for Jackie to have replied with such a sharp tongue. Since he became a chosen disciple, allregular disciples were extremely respectful when they interacted with him. None of them dare act likewhat Jackie did as he dared mock Griffin’s intelligence.

Griffin’s fingers slightly trembled as he spoke, ” Amazing! I’ve heard about how unruly you are, and now,I’ve finally experienced it myself. I originally planned to forgive you if you’re sensible enough. However, itlooks like… You’ll be stepping all over us chosen disciples if I don’t teach you a lesson!”

Jackie closed his eyes, utterly bewildered. He abhorred those who, as being in a higher position, spoketo him in such an interrogative manner. They always treated him with such a condescending attitude, andthey would feel insulted once he said something they disliked. As a result, they would go against him.

Jackie exhaled deeply, not wanting to waste a single second of his time. “What do you actually want?”

Griffin raised his eyebrows and took a step forward. His aura slowly increased as he wanted to suppressJackie with his aura. However, Jackie was not made out of paper. Although Griffin had completelyreleased his momentum, Jackie stood his ground, expression stoic as ever as though he was undauntedby Griffin.

“I think it’s best if you cease such useless actions. Just say what’s on your mind, not beating around thebush. I don’t understand anything you said previously,” remarked Jackie coldly.

Chapter 2169 Griffin’s expression faltered and darkened, utterly embarrassed for not overpowering Jackie. However,he felt that Jackie might say something worse if he wasted time here. He knew that this was the onlyroad to the Mysterious Green Hall, and if anything happened here, members of the Mysterious GreenHall would definitely support Jackie, while he might be in trouble due to this.

Griffin suppressed his anger after deliberating the situation. “I’m not here today to question you. Instead,I hope that you’ll be smart enough to give up he spot to visit the Secret Place for Resources. You’re justin the intermediate stage of innate level, and you’ll be in danger if you visit that place. It’ll be better if youstay in the sect and focus on your training. You can visit the secret places in the future when anotheropportunity comes along.”

While it might have looked as though he was advising Jackie, Jackie was no fool and knew Griffin wouldnot be so considerate toward him. It turned out that the reason Griffin came looking for him was becauseof the Secret Place for Resources. However, Jackie had never heard anything about himself gaining aspot to the Secret Place for Resources.

Elder Godfrey’s figure flashed through his head when he thought of this. It looked like the spot hadsomething to do with Elder Godfrey. Elder Godfrey might have even strived for this spot for him. If thatwas the case, he definitely could not yield the spot to Griffin.

That man spoke so impolitely and mocked him in such an enigmatic manner. On top of that, Griffin evenwanted to suppress him with his momentum. If he honored such a person, he would really be ashamedof himself.

Jackie chuckled. “I still don’t know what this spot to enter the Secret Place for Resources is, but it doesn’tmatter if I know about it or not. Since I have a spot for that, I won’t give it up. You’re right that I’m only inthe intermediate stage of the innate level, but carrying challenges ahead of my level is nothing to me.”

Griffin’s expression darkened and he once again looked at Jackie fiercely, but Jackie ignored how Griffinlooked at him.

Jackie’s expression remained neutral as Griffin sized him up with a sharp look in his eyes. Griffin scoffedindignantly coldly and flicked his sleeve furiously. “You truly are an utterly arrogant person. I’ve alreadygiven your respect, and you blatantly refuse it. In that case, pinpointing you in the future!

Jackie tilted his head to one side as a sarcastic smile appeared on his face. “Don’t you find your ownwords funny? What do you mean, respecting me? You were the one who came up with such pompousexcuses when you’re actually pushing me for such minor benefits. Why should I listen to you? If you wishto pinpoint me, feel free to do so. After all, I don’t mind adding you to my enemy list!”

Jackie then took a detour from Griffin, who stood before him, and strode toward the direction of theMysterious Green Hall. Noel and Brook dared not look up as they ran after Jackie, heading toward thesame direction.

Griffin flushed a crimson color out of anger as he tightened his fists and glared at Jackie’s figurehatefully. He looked like his anger could only be resolved if he could pounce and bite Jackie.novelbin

He inhaled deeply and hissed through gritted teeth,” You’re too pompous, young man! Don’t think thatyou’re free to do as you like just because you have the support of the Eleventh Elder. Just wait and see!I’ll make you kneel and make you take back what you said in tears, sooner or later!”

With that, Griffin immediately turned around and walked in the opposite direction of where Jackie washeaded to while Noel and Brook followed after Jackie. The two of them had to walk in large strides tocatch up with Jackie as he was walking speedily.

Chapter 2170 Noel slowly turned around to look at Griffin carefully while walking forward, and only when he saw Griffinturning at a corner and leaving did he call out to Jackie, “Wait for me!”

Jackie stopped walking and turned to look at Noel, who looked visibly pale and with trembling fingers.Jackie chuckled and knew this was the first time Noel faced the chosen disciples. It was normal for himto be afraid under the coercion of a chosen disciple’s aura.

Noel inhaled deeply. “You truly are courageous, and I genuinely admire you. I don’t think I’d be that braveto stand up against him if I were you!”

Jackie nodded wordlessly.

Brook raised his chin and said confidently, “Senior Brother Jackie is different from you. He’s a discipleelder and has the support of the Eleventh Elder. What does it matter if that guy is a chosen disciple?Apart from that, he’s obviously causing trouble. Even though we have no idea what the spot to enter theSecret Place for Resources is, it’s definitely something good as even Griffin is fighting for it. If so, it’s onlynatural that we can’t simply yield this to others!

Noel glanced at Brook speechlessly. “You don’t have to remind us of this. I know that Jackie is differentfrom how he used to be, but chosen disciples are still chosen disciples. You won’t have a nice life if heplans to pick on you. I’m just thinking that we should reduce the number of enemies we have in thefuture.”

Jackie nodded as he understood that Noel was considerate toward him, but he did not agree to whatNoel said. He turned around and looked at Noel with a serious expression on his face.

Jackie’s clothes fluttered as the breeze blew at his clothes. However, Jackie stood straight as if thestrong wind could not bend his spine. “I understand what you mean, but you have to think about itcarefully. Even if I yield this time, he’ll still force me again if something similar occurs again in the future.Should I yield to him every single time? If so, why should I become a martial artist? I won’t be able toimprove if I lose so many great chances.”

He paused here and exhaled softly before he continued, “I’ve always been somebody with my ownprinciples. I won’t offend anybody if they did nothing to me, but I’ll double the reprisal if they dare offendme. If they’ve already come picking on me, I’d rather die than be a coward and yield my opportunity.”

Noel’s expression darkened upon hearing this. He mocked himself by chuckling softly and stretched outhis hand to tap Jackie on the shoulder. “You’re right. If a martial artist wishes to go against nature, theyhave to be equipped with the mentality you have to achieve the peak of martial arts. However, I’m

different from you, being the extremely careful person I am. I’m not as talented as you, so I don’t havethe confidence and strength.”

Jackie did not say anything and only looked at Noel in silence.

Noel chuckled and pointed at the Mysterious Green Hall in front of them as he changed the topic of theconversation. “Let’s go inside so that we both can learn something new!”

The Mysterious Green Hall was a huge palace, and if it was reduced in size, it could be seen as a housewith one main entrance. There were two side halls beside the main hall, and there was a small gardenwith green plants planted in front of the main hall. There was a gazebo in the middle of the garden. Astrees covered most of the gazebo, Jackie could only see the outline of the gazebo.

The runner disciples invited all three of them to the side hall the moment they entered the hall.

The runner disciple did not make any self-introduction. He only introduced all the facilities in the side halland Jackie’s future accommodation to them.


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