No.1 Supreme Warrior

Chapter 2146-2150
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chapter 2146-2150

Chapter 2146 “Did you forget to take your medicine today? You’re digging your own grave here! How dare you spout allthis nonsense? There should be a limit to how ignorant one can be!”

The other disciples kept the worst insults to themselves as the elders were present, but there was noguarantee that they could keep it that way if Jackie continued on like that. Jackie was being toooutrageous! How could he look down on the formal disciples? On Oliver, who was ranked eighthamongst them all?!

Even them, the formal disciples did not dare to look down on Oliver, for ninety percent of the formaldisciples there had lost to Oliver before! Why that cocky little Jackie! They gritted their teeth, imagininghis flesh between them right now.

Oliver laughed coldly. The way he was looking at Jackie now was as if he was nothing but a clown whowould not amount to anything. “I’ve gotta say you’re the most arrogant person I’ve ever had thedispleasure of coming across.”

Jackie pretended he did not hear his scathing remark, and instead asked, “You said that I didn’t have thequalifications to become Elder Godfrey’s last disciple. Then, may I ask, what qualifications does oneneed to have?”

Oliver narrowed his eyes, and said coldly,” Excellence in all aspects!”


“Then do you think you are qualified? More than me?” asked Jackie.

Oliver was confused by this. His smile froze, and it took him five seconds to snap out of it. The corners ofhis mouth were slightly twitching and he was looking at Jackie like he was a fool.

“What do you mean? Of course, I’m more qualified than you! I’m stronger than you in all aspects! Areyou saying that I’m not?” If it was anyone else, Oliver might not be so confident or be so direct, but I infront of him was a measly newly recruited informal disciple who had no right to even be standing on thesame platform as him. There was no need for him to ‘hold back. He was at least a hundred timesstronger than Jackie.

Jackie smiled enigmatically at Oliver’s answer. One look and all the disciples present knew that Jackiedid not agree with Oliver’s evaluation of him. This caused another round of uproar.


“He must be a few screws short to think that he’s stronger than Brother Oliver!”

“He must have been dropped on the head when he was young! We should not try to brain him. It wasoutrageous enough for him to say all that he had and now this?!”

The formal disciples did not bother to keep their voices low; both Noel and Brook’s expressions changedwhen they heard all these. They knew Jackie was not the type to bluff so if he said he could do it, thenhe could do it. The two of them glanced at each other and they could tell that each of them was feelingfifty percent certainty and fifty percent doubt.

Chapter 2147 The comers of Brook’s lip were trembling. “What do you think Brother Jackie is doing? Does he reallythink that he’s stronger than Oliver?”

Noel shook his head, not knowing how to answer him. He stared at Jackie’s back and took a deepbreath. “Who knows what he’s thinking. He’s always confident in everything, but somehow I feel like he’sbluffing this time. Oliver is ranked eighth amongst all the formal disciples who were in the running to bethe chosen disciple after all. He’s not someone we can take on. I do not doubt Jackie’s talent, but hehasn’t been training for long and he’s only…”

He suddenly paused. Then, a lightbulb went on in his head. “He has broken through!” he shoutedhoarsely. He was going to end his previous sentence with the words ‘initial stage of innate level butdiscovered that Jackie had broken through to the intermediate stage of innate level after reading hiscultivation level.

Brook quickly looked at Jackie, and then said,” Brother Jackie has really broken through! But how is thispossible? He was still at an initial stage of innate level ten days ago!”

Noel shook his head in amazement. “Don’t ask me. I don’t know anything. But even so, he had only justbroken through. Therefore, being at an intermediate stage of innate level won’t help him that much. He’sstill no match for Oliver.”

Jackie was unaffected by whatever the disciples were throwing at him. He only smiled at Oliver, and aftera while, said, “That’s exactly what I’m saying. I am, in fact, better than you, in all aspects.”


His words had the effect of an island being blown to bits by a nuclear bomb. Everyone’s eyes nearlypopped out of their sockets, while thinking that mental asylum was one patient short.

Even the informal disciples were stunned into silence. Only Wesley laughed. He pointed at the back ofJackie’s head, and shouted, “That has to be the funniest thing I’ve heard all day! You should be acomedian instead! Or even better, a clown!”

The others started to laugh with him. The image of Jackie being a clown was cemented in their minds.

Oliver scoffed, looked disdainfully at Jackie, and said,” For a moment there, I really thought you heldsome kind of trump card of your sleeves, but I see that now you’re just an ignorant fool who doesn’t know

the way of the world!”

Gresham and Calvert were also looking at Jackie like he was a clown. Only those who did not know theirown limits would be this cocky.

Jackie was unaffected by the derisive laughter aimed at him. He laughed coldly, and said, “Well, whydon’t we settle this once and for all on the battle platform?”

Chapter 2148 This made the sound of laughter even louder.

“Did you forget to pay your brain bill? Careful, you don’t want to be crippled by Brother Oliver in a battle!Haha!”

“Hello, Earth to Jackie! It’s time to wake up now. Don’t you know that the person standing next to you isBrother Oliver, who’s ranked eighth amongst all the formal disciples? even we’re no match for him, whatmakes you think you can defeat him? I really do wonder where you get your guts from!”

The elders on the round platform were silent as they watched everything unfold below them. The way theSecond Elder was looking at Jackie had changed. He was now more sure than ever that Elder Godfreywas not right in the head for choosing Jackie.

“Your choice for the last disciple is certainly very interesting, Eleventh Elder. It seems like he’s reallyadamant that he’s stronger than Oliver. I wonder where he gets his courage to issue a challenge with adisciple who’s ranked eighth amongst all his peers,” said the Second Elder with a smile.

Elder Godfrey ignored him and continued to observe Jackie. What Jackie said was truly outrageous inthe ears of others, and many people felt that he should get his brain checked out, otherwise how couldhe spout such conceited nonsense? An informal disciple against a top ten formal disciple? Ha! Anyonewould have assumed that Jackie was bluffing. Anyone, except for Elder Godfrey.

Jackie must have felt his gaze as he lifted his head slightly to look at him. Jackie gave him a curt nodand said nothing

Elder Godfrey let out a deep exhale, and said, “I think we should let them battle it out. Oliver’s talent Isundeniable but that doesn’t mean that Jackie cannot beat him.”

The Second Elder thought he had heard wrong. “You really trust him that much huh? I’m starting towonder if you guys are best friends.”

He glanced meaningfully at Elder Godfrey before putting his attention back on Jackie. All sorts ofthoughts began to course through his mind as to how Elder Godfrey and Jackie knew each other.

The men he had sent to spy on Elder Godfrey had never mentioned any disciple who was close to him,and yet, he was sure that Elder Godfrey would never pick a name out of thin air just like that. Jackie musthave been someone special to him for him to choose

Him as his last disciple.

The Second Elder did not know anything about Jackie at all. Why would he when there were threethousand informal disciples in the sect? Besides, a measly cannon fodder was not worth his time.

Elder Godfrey chuckled softly, and said dismissively, “To be honest, we’re just acquaintances and it waspure chance that I met him, but I’ve always been a good judge of people.”

Chapter 2149 No one believed him at all. There was no way they were just acquaintances. Theirrelationship must be deeper than that. Still, they could not say for sure how they came to know eachother.

“Well, that’s a very unique way of choosing your last disciple. I guess that would explain why thecandidate you have chosen is a little…unique too. In any case, you might think that you’ve made theright choice, but don’t you think he’s a little too confident for his own good?”

Elder Godfrey just blinked innocently at him and said nothing. The First Elder laughed coldly. He wouldhave used a few choices of words to him if it were not for the fact that they had an audience before them.

Instead, he turned around, and said to Jackie, “You say you’re stronger than Oliver eh? Well, why don’tyou prove yourself? The battle platform is right in front of you! One fight and we’ll know who’s stronger!”

A dangerous glint flashed through Oliver’s eyes.” First Elder is right! You and me, the battle platformnow!”

Oliver’s smile became more presumptuous. His eyes were fixed on Jackie as if telling him that he wouldsoon be dead meat.

“Yes, First Elder is right! Step on the battle platform and prove that you’re stronger than Oliver!” said theSecond Elder. It was a rare instance that he was on the same wavelength with the First Elder.

To him, Jackie’s arrogance came from inexperience. He guessed that Jackie had not even seen a battlebetween formal disciples before so he did not know how strong they could be, thinking that the gapbetween formal and informal disciples was minuscule. Even Calvert, who was ranked 58th, andGresham, who was ranked 63rd, amongst the formal disciples would not dare to challenge Oliver.

At this thought, the Second Elder started cackling in his heart. The more he thought about it, the morecertain he was that Jackie was just a fool who did not know where his own limits were.

Jackie nodded his head earnestly, agreeing to the battle. Seeing this, the clamor of the crowd began todie down until it was completely silent. However, that silence was short-lived.

“Yup, he’s cuckoo alright. He must have thought that the First Elder and Second Elder believed hiswords!”

“I’m willing to bet that he won’t last even a minute! Let’s see if he can still be this cocky when he’s halfdead!”

Wesley was clutching his stomach so hard, trying to keep his laughter in. He assumed wrongly-thatJackie must have got his confidence from the fact that he had beaten him before so now Jackie thoughtthat he could beat Oliver too. He could not wait to see how his brother would beat the crap out of Jackie.

“I can’t believe this rascal agreed to a battle! Knowing Brother Oliver, he would make sure that Jackie iscarried off in a stretcher after the battle for how he had humiliated him! Why even his own mother wouldnot recognize him after Brother Oliver is done with him!” said the man with the triangular eyes excitedly.

Chapter 2150 Wesley guffawed with laughter. He then puffed up his chest, and said, “That would teach him not to messwith my brother! He not only looked down on us but every one of the formal disciples as well!”

Brook pulled on Noel’s sleeves, and whispered into his ear, “Why would Brother Jackie ever agree to abattle? I thought…”

Noel did not wait for him to finish. “Didn’t you hear what Jackie said just now? He was the one whobrought up the idea. He would not have done that if he wasn’t sure of himself,” said Noel impatiently.

Brook was speechless. He scrunched up his face and glanced at Noel. “I thought he was only trying torile up Oliver. Maybe he didn’t expect that the First Elder and Second Elder would give him the greenlight.”novelbin

Noel sighed with resignation, and muttered to himself, “Seems like you really don’t know Jackie that well.I should just save my breath and stop here. It’s not as if I know for sure what’s going through his mind.The only thing to do now is to wait for the result.”

Fortunately, the second round platform in the gathering spot for roll call was a designated battle platformfor the disciples. The flags placed there acted as a barrier, preventing the errant attacks from leaving thearea. The battle platform there was bigger than the battle platform in the wager battle arena, so therewas plenty of space for them to fight It out to their hearts’ content.

Jackie glanced at the battle platform, and suddenly asked the elders, “I haven’t completed my wagerbattle for this month so may I count this as a wager battle?”

Many of them were taken aback. ‘Really? That’s his priority right now?’ It looked like Jackie would notshed a tear until he had seen a coffin.

“Yes, you may. This battle would go toward your monthly wager battle!” said the First Elder. He wouldagree to any of his requests just so that Oliver could teach this cocky kid a lesson.

Jackie nodded, and sincerely looked up at all the elders on the first round platform. “If that’s the case, weshould each put up our wager beforehand. Also, it would be best if there’s a referee.”

Everyone snorted in laughter, amused to no end at his naivety; as if he had any chance of winning at all.

The First Elder’s lips began to twitch. Now Jackie was really pushing it. Under normal circumstances, hewould not even bother with him. In fact, he might even secretly arrange for someone to beat him up inhopes that he would wake up from whatever la-la land he was in. He glanced coldly at Elder Godfrey.This was all his fault! Why did he have to choose this oddball to be his last disciple?

Oliver was red in the face with anger. The way Jackie was acting was as if he was sure he would win.This was adding one humiliation after another on top of him! His mouth twitched as he said, “You piece ofshit! Don’t you think that asking for a wager and a referee is really pushing it?”

Jackie was puzzled by his reaction. He turned to face Oliver, and in all seriousness said, “On thecontrary, I think it’s a perfectly reasonable request. It only makes sense to put up a wager for a wager

battle. If not, it’s not a wager battle at all! It’s not like I have too much time on my hand to simply pick afight with anyone.”


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