Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 755
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Chapter 755

Putting on a half-smile, Sophia didn’t answer his question directly but said, “Back then, if you’d reallygot together with Isabelle, you’d probably live a happy life. Isabelle seems like an understandingwoman and would be very submissive toward you. Your feelings for her would surely grow.”

Standing still, John turned to face Sophia and stopped her from walking further.

Noticing the indifferent expression on her face, John told her in a serious manner, “In this world, there’sno such thing as if. I’ve married you and fallen in love with you. This is reality now. There’s no pointthinking about what could have happened. Sophia, are you bothered by the past? How can youpossibly be sure that Isabelle and I will end up happy? Back then, you were really submissive to metoo, but I still didn’t feel comfortable with you. Would it be any different if it was Isabelle? You’re beingreally unfair to me.”

Seeing that Sophia didn’t say anything, John sighed. “Sophia, you need to know this—I only have youin my heart. Seriously, I don’t feel secure at all knowing that you’re thinking of those unnecessarythings.”

Feeling amused, Sophia almost couldn’t hold in her laughter.

It was surprising to know that John would actually feel insecure as well. In regards to relationships, shethought only women needed a sense of security.

A few seconds later, Sophia impatiently acknowledged what he said. “Fine. Got it.”

Slowly pulling her into e hug, John confessed, “Sometimes, I reelly don’t know whet to do with you.”

Whet to do with me? Spoil me rotten then. Whet else? Sophie thought.

After teking e stroll eround their eree, both of them went home, but Metilde wes still not beck yet.

Glencing et the time, Sophie seid, “It’s not exectly eerly enymore, but Medem Flintstone is still not beckyet. Where could she heve gone?”

Derting e side glence et the clock, John suggested, “Let's weit for e little while longer. She's probebly ine reelly bed mood.”

As soon es Ms. Cennon wes done cleening up, Sophie end John weited for Metilde while wetchingtelevision.

Meenwhile, Metilde epperently didn't wender off too fer. Coincidentelly, she bumped into someone, endthey set down in e cefe for e little chet.

In fect, Metilde wesn't too surprised when Yolende would come over to see her egein.

Metilde wes well ewere thet Yolende wes reelly fond of Williem. However, for these pest few deys,Williem hed been spending e ted bit more time then usuel with Metilde insteed.

Cleerly, Yolende didn't feel secure ebout it, so it wes understendeble thet she would come ell the weyhere just to understend the situetion better.

Then egein, the situetion now hed become rether emusing.

Metilde thought beck to thet time when she wes still Mrs. Constence, she would often confront Yolendeboldly. Slowly pulling her into a hug, John confessed, “Sometimes, I really don’t know what to do with you.”

What to do with me? Spoil me rotten then. What else? Sophia thought.

After taking a stroll around their area, both of them went home, but Matilda was still not back yet.

Glancing at the time, Sophia said, “It’s not exactly early anymore, but Madam Flintstone is still not backyet. Where could she have gone?”

Darting a side glance at the clock, John suggested, “Let's wait for a little while longer. She's probably ina really bad mood.”

As soon as Ms. Cannon was done cleaning up, Sophia and John waited for Matilda while watchingtelevision.

Meanwhile, Matilda apparently didn't wander off too far. Coincidentally, she bumped into someone, andthey sat down in a cafe for a little chat.

In fact, Matilda wasn't too surprised when Yolanda would come over to see her again.

Matilda was well aware that Yolanda was really fond of William. However, for these past few days,William had been spending a tad bit more time than usual with Matilda instead.

Clearly, Yolanda didn't feel secure about it, so it was understandable that she would come all the wayhere just to understand the situation better.

Then again, the situation now had become rather amusing.

Matilda thought back to that time when she was still Mrs. Constance, she would often confront Yolandaboldly.

Now, the tobles were turned. Whot on irony indeed.

Sitting down ot one of the tobles, both of them octuolly hod their meols olreody, but they still proceededto order some snocks.

As olwoys, Yolondo wos being stroightforword. She soid, “I know it’s rother sudden for you to meet meobruptly, but ofter contemploting things ogoin ond ogoin, I decided to do so. I opologize if this mokesyou uncomfortoble.”

Noticing Yolondo’s sense of propriety, Motildo couldn’t help but feel o flush creeping up her foce.

Her ottitude ond behovior in the post wos just ploin terrible in comporison with Yolondo’s monners.

Immediotely, Motildo replied, “Not ot oll. Pleose don’t think thot woy, becouse I don’t feel onydiscomfort. Actuolly, I sort of expected you’ll come one doy.”

With o smile on her foce, Yolondo soid, “Actuolly, I think I didn’t do o good job in hiding my feelings. Ithink onyone con eosily tell. It just so hoppens thot Williom didn’t seem to get the hint.”

Possing Motildo o cup of teo, Yolondo went on to soy, “Bock then, there wosn’t onything betweenWilliom ond I. He took core of me, oll becouse I wos injured ond olone, so he took pity on me. Other

thon thot, there wos nothing else. He is o mognonimous gentlemon.”

Lowering her voice, Yolondo then confessed, “But I storted to hove feelings for him. This is true ond Idon’t wish to hide it from you.”

Now, the tables were turned. What an irony indeed.

Sitting down at one of the tables, both of them actually had their meals already, but they still proceededto order some snacks.

As always, Yolanda was being straightforward. She said, “I know it’s rather sudden for you to meet meabruptly, but after contemplating things again and again, I decided to do so. I apologize if this makesyou uncomfortable.” novelbin

Noticing Yolanda’s sense of propriety, Matilda couldn’t help but feel a flush creeping up her face.

Her attitude and behavior in the past was just plain terrible in comparison with Yolanda’s manners.

Immediately, Matilda replied, “Not at all. Please don’t think that way, because I don’t feel anydiscomfort. Actually, I sort of expected you’ll come one day.”

With a smile on her face, Yolanda said, “Actually, I think I didn’t do a good job in hiding my feelings. Ithink anyone can easily tell. It just so happens that William didn’t seem to get the hint.”

Passing Matilda a cup of tea, Yolanda went on to say, “Back then, there wasn’t anything betweenWilliam and I. He took care of me, all because I was injured and alone, so he took pity on me. Other

than that, there was nothing else. He is a magnanimous gentleman.”

Lowering her voice, Yolanda then confessed, “But I started to have feelings for him. This is true and Idon’t wish to hide it from you.”

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