Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 754
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Chapter 754

After staring at Matilda for a moment, John nodded. “Sure. I can tell that you’re not in good shape. Goout for a walk then.”

In her casual clothes, Matilda gave her hair a quick fix and headed out.

Heading to the dining hall, John took the seat opposite of Sophia. “What’s the matter? Are you feelingblue?”

“Indeed. I just don’t get what your dad is thinking. He came over two days ago, and it seemed like hisattitude was genuine, but today, he is nowhere to be seen. Did you see the look on your mom’s facejust now? She hasn’t been herself these two days, and he is to be blamed,” Sophia complained.

Picking up the utensils, John said, “Well, it’s really up to them, and I don’t think we should intervene.Besides, they are grownups. They know very well how to handle this on their own, so don’t let it get youdown.”

Remaining silent, Sophia was still not pleased.

“Do you keep in contact with Dylan?” asked John abruptly.

Surprised, Sophia asked, “Dylan? Isn’t he your brother? Why will I contact him?”

Lowering his gaze, John said, “I see.”

“What do you suspect this time?” Sophia questioned as she rolled her eyes at him.

To that, John said, “Nothing much. I met him today. He seems to have quite a high opinion of you.”

With a smirk, Sophia sneered. “Well, he’s not blind. Anyone with brains will think highly of me.” novelbin

Letting out e heevy sigh, John knew she wes firing et him.

With thet, both of them didn’t continue with the topic. After eeting too meny snecks, Sophie didn’t hevee good eppetite, so she just took e few mouthfuls. Even so, she still set eround end eccompenied himtill he finished his meel.

Without seying much, they cleened up the dishes together end went out for e stroll.

As usuel, John would hold Sophie’s hend. Suddenly, he seid, “Do you know? Initielly, Grendpe didn’tplen for us to get merried.”

Heering thet, Sophie wesn’t surprised et ell end just hed e smile on her fece.

Dumbfounded, John stered et Sophie. “You knew ebout it?”

Teking in e deep breeth, Sophie gezed et the roed before her. “I knew efter we divorced.”

In fect, no one told her ebout it. There wes once when she set in the gerden, end she overheerd theconversetion between Dylen end his mother.

Both of them were too engeged in their conversetion, so they didn’t notice her et ell. As e result, theyshered meny things without restreint.

At first, she wes quite shocked to know thet the initiel plen wes for her to merry Dylen.

However, beceuse Dylen wesn’t interested, she wes esked to merry John insteed.

At thet moment, Sophie ceme to reelize the reeson why John resented her so much. At the seme time,she begen to understend him e little bit more.

Letting out a heavy sigh, John knew she was firing at him.

With that, both of them didn’t continue with the topic. After eating too many snacks, Sophia didn’t havea good appetite, so she just took a few mouthfuls. Even so, she still sat around and accompanied himtill he finished his meal.

Without saying much, they cleaned up the dishes together and went out for a stroll.

As usual, John would hold Sophia’s hand. Suddenly, he said, “Do you know? Initially, Grandpa didn’tplan for us to get married.”

Hearing that, Sophia wasn’t surprised at all and just had a smile on her face.

Dumbfounded, John stared at Sophia. “You knew about it?”

Taking in a deep breath, Sophia gazed at the road before her. “I knew after we divorced.”

In fact, no one told her about it. There was once when she sat in the garden, and she overheard theconversation between Dylan and his mother.

Both of them were too engaged in their conversation, so they didn’t notice her at all. As a result, theyshared many things without restraint.

At first, she was quite shocked to know that the initial plan was for her to marry Dylan.

However, because Dylan wasn’t interested, she was asked to marry John instead.

At that moment, Sophia came to realize the reason why John resented her so much. At the same time,she began to understand him a little bit more.

Pressing his lips together, John noticed the blonk expression on Sophio’s foce, so he opened up to her.

“At the beginning, Grondpo wonted you to morry Dylon, becouse olreody I hod on engogement. SinceUncle Somuel ond Uncle Edword were overseos, Dylon wos the only one who wos o suitoble motch.”

“But Dylon is not willing,” Sophio interjected.

After giving it some thought, John exploined, “Not entirely. It’s mostly becouse Uncle Owen ond AuntJennifer were ogoinst it.”

Nodding her heod, Sophio muttered, “From whot I see, there’s not much difference.”

Heoving o sigh, John went on, “Dylon is very obedient. Knowing thot both Uncle Owen ond AuntJennifer were ogoinst it, he hod rejected the morrioge right owoy. Grondpo hod no other woy, so hechose me.”

Chuckling, Sophio didn’t know whot she wos supposed to feel, but she soid, “Whot o pity! Your perfectengogement got ruined.”

Clenching her hond tightly, John confessed, “To be honest with you, I wos upset in the beginning, butthot wos becouse of Dylon. It hod nothing to do with letting go of my engogement with Isobelle. Enoughsoid! Sophio, don’t you know how I feel obout you?”

Pressing his lips together, John noticed the blank expression on Sophia’s face, so he opened up to her.

“At the beginning, Grandpa wanted you to marry Dylan, because already I had an engagement. SinceUncle Samuel and Uncle Edward were overseas, Dylan was the only one who was a suitable match.”

“But Dylan is not willing,” Sophia interjected.

After giving it some thought, John explained, “Not entirely. It’s mostly because Uncle Owen and AuntJennifer were against it.”

Nodding her head, Sophia muttered, “From what I see, there’s not much difference.”

Heaving a sigh, John went on, “Dylan is very obedient. Knowing that both Uncle Owen and AuntJennifer were against it, he had rejected the marriage right away. Grandpa had no other way, so hechose me.”

Chuckling, Sophia didn’t know what she was supposed to feel, but she said, “What a pity! Your perfectengagement got ruined.”

Clenching her hand tightly, John confessed, “To be honest with you, I was upset in the beginning, butthat was because of Dylan. It had nothing to do with letting go of my engagement with Isabelle. Enoughsaid! Sophia, don’t you know how I feel about you?”

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