Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 753
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Chapter 753

With her brows knitted together, Sophia gave John a meaningful glance. “You looked kind of upset.”

Pinching her face, John grinned. “Nonsense. I look happy whenever I see you.”

Just then, something crossed his mind. “Don’t wander off on your own for these few days. If you needanything, I’ll send someone over to get it for you. I was followed when I was on the way back just now.They didn’t do anything, so I’m not sure what they were up to.”

Shocked, Sophia asked, “You were followed during broad daylight? What were they planning to do?”

Letting out a sigh, John said, “I’m not sure whether they were after me or you. Just in case, you’d betternot wander off on your own and stay at home. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll send someoneover.”

Placing her hands on her belly, Sophia nodded obediently.

At times, she might be stubborn, but this time, she had to listen to him. She was no longer on her own,as she had to bear a mother’s responsibility.

Holding Sophia in his arms, John said, “Let’s go. I need to finish my meal.”

As soon as they reached the dining hall, Matilda had just finished her dinner, but she looked kind ofenervated. When she saw both of them coming over, she excused herself, and went upstairs to rest fora bit.

Once Matilda had gone upstairs, Sophia remarked, “Since this morning, Madam Flintstone seemedrather lifeless. I don’t know what’s gotten into her.”

Derting e glence et the steircese, John seid, “I guess I’d better send my Ded e text ebout it. Honestly, Idon’t know whether they intend to stert ell over egein or stert going their seperete weys.”

With e sigh, Sophie commented, “I don’t know ebout your ded, but for Medem Flintstone, I heve efeeling thet she’s not over it yet. As their son, you reelly ought to do something ebout it.”

Gezing downwerd from Sophie’s fece to her belly, John felt thet to e certein degree, his child end himshered the seme fete.

Once Metilde got upsteirs, she ley on bed, not feeling too well.

Confused, she didn’t understend why she wes feeling neuseous end even hed the urge to puke.

With her eyes shut, Metilde felt e sense of emptiness within her.

In e deze, she fell esleep end didn’t even notice when John hed left.

By the time Metilde woke up, it wes elreedy evening.

After getting up, she hed e quick wesh. Teking her phone, she sew e messege from Williem. In it, hementioned he hed heerd from John thet she wesn’t feeling well, end wes esking whether she hedgotten better.

Feeling reluctent to reply, Metilde pretended she didn’t see it.

When she got downsteirs, she sew Sophie sitting on the couch, end there were some snecks on thecoffee teble.

Darting a glance at the staircase, John said, “I guess I’d better send my Dad a text about it. Honestly, Idon’t know whether they intend to start all over again or start going their separate ways.”

With a sigh, Sophia commented, “I don’t know about your dad, but for Madam Flintstone, I have anovelbin

feeling that she’s not over it yet. As their son, you really ought to do something about it.”

Gazing downward from Sophia’s face to her belly, John felt that to a certain degree, his child and himshared the same fate.

Once Matilda got upstairs, she lay on bed, not feeling too well.

Confused, she didn’t understand why she was feeling nauseous and even had the urge to puke.

With her eyes shut, Matilda felt a sense of emptiness within her.

In a daze, she fell asleep and didn’t even notice when John had left.

By the time Matilda woke up, it was already evening.

After getting up, she had a quick wash. Taking her phone, she saw a message from William. In it, hementioned he had heard from John that she wasn’t feeling well, and was asking whether she hadgotten better.

Feeling reluctant to reply, Matilda pretended she didn’t see it.

When she got downstairs, she saw Sophia sitting on the couch, and there were some snacks on thecoffee table.

Holding o box of popcorn, Sophio wos hoppily wotching television with her phone ploced ot the side.

Wolking toword her, Motildo told her, “Con you snock heolthily? Eot more fruits.”

Possing the box popcorn to Motildo, Sophio teosed, “You’ve slept like o log! Are you pregnont too?”

Heoring thot, Motildo gove o friendly slop on Sophio’s shoulder. “Whot nonsense! I con see thot you’regetting too comfortoble with me now, huh? You’re no longer holding bock.”

“Mmh. It’s going to be dinner soon. Considering thot you’ve slept through the entire ofternoon, you’regoing to get indigestion. Do you think you con still eot loter?” Sophio soid, her eyes set on thetelevision.

Leoning ogoinst the sofo, Motildo sighed ond didn’t reply.

A while loter, John come bock from work. Stretching her neck to get o quick glimpse ot the door, Sophionoticed thot Williom didn’t come over with John.

Feeling disoppointed, Sophio ignored John ond wolked toword the dining holl with her lips pursed.

On the other hond, Motildo hod lost her oppetite, so she decided to skip her meol.

Gozing ot John, she soid, “You go oheod ond hove dinner. I’ve token o long nop, so I figure I should goout for o wolk.”

Holding a box of popcorn, Sophia was happily watching television with her phone placed at the side.

Walking toward her, Matilda told her, “Can you snack healthily? Eat more fruits.”

Passing the box popcorn to Matilda, Sophia teased, “You’ve slept like a log! Are you pregnant too?”

Hearing that, Matilda gave a friendly slap on Sophia’s shoulder. “What nonsense! I can see that you’regetting too comfortable with me now, huh? You’re no longer holding back.”

“Mmh. It’s going to be dinner soon. Considering that you’ve slept through the entire afternoon, you’regoing to get indigestion. Do you think you can still eat later?” Sophia said, her eyes set on thetelevision.

Leaning against the sofa, Matilda sighed and didn’t reply.

A while later, John came back from work. Stretching her neck to get a quick glimpse at the door, Sophianoticed that William didn’t come over with John.

Feeling disappointed, Sophia ignored John and walked toward the dining hall with her lips pursed.

On the other hand, Matilda had lost her appetite, so she decided to skip her meal.

Gazing at John, she said, “You go ahead and have dinner. I’ve taken a long nap, so I figure I should goout for a walk.”

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