Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 756
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Chapter 756

With an expression that showed her clear conscience, Yolanda gazed at Matilda. “That time, both ofyou weren’t divorced. I hid my feelings to myself and I swear I had never pestered him or doneanything that crossed the line, prior to your divorce.”

Judging from her expression, Matilda truly believed in every word she said.

Then again, it also made her feel worse about her past self for being so mean toward Yolanda.

Thus, Matilda could only mumble her acknowledgement and remained silent.

Letting out a sigh, Yolanda explained, “Now that you’re divorced, I think I have the right to stand up andconfess my love for him. I can even boldly do something for him. Sophia, I wish to make this clear—I’mnot the one who ruined your marriage.”

Taking in a deep breath, Matilda agreed with her. “You’re not. I know that.”

Indeed, Matilda knew very well that the end of their marriage had nothing to do with Yolanda—it was allbecause of herself.

Then, Matilda lifted her head to gaze at Yolanda. “Anyway, the fact that you’re here today means thatthere must be something else you wish to tell me, right?”

After a moment of hesitation, Yolanda’s expression changed.

Meanwhile, Matilda took a sip of her tea, but upon remembering that it wouldn’t be a good idea to drinktea at night, she placed the cup back onto the table.

Lowering her geze, Yolende opened up to her. “You’re right. There’s something else I wish to tell you.”

Drewing in e long breeth, Yolende lifted her chin to geze et Metilde. “I love Williem, end I wish to betogether with him. Metilde, there wes e problem in your previous merriege, which is why it hes resultedin this stete. If you plen to get together with him egein, the problem will still exist. So, cen you pleese

keep him et erm’s length?”

Knowing the fect she wes in no position to sey thet, Yolende found it exceptionelly difficult to spill thebeens.

With e celm expression, Metilde stered et Yolende. If it wes her in the pest, Metilde thought she wouldprobebly flip the teble over by now.

“Actuelly, you should sey this to Williem, beceuse I hed never teken the initietive to meet with him. Ifyou’re seying thet we’re being too close to one enother, I think I still heve freedom to do so. After ell,both of you eren’t officielly together yet. Besides, you need to understend thet Williem is the one who’steking the leed, not me.”

Feeling defeeted, Yolende gezed et Metilde. “I know thet. But if you don’t heve eny feelings for Williem,I wes hoping you will evoid or push him eside when he goes neer you. After ell…”

“I did,” Metilde interjected.

Lowering her gaze, Yolanda opened up to her. “You’re right. There’s something else I wish to tell you.”

Drawing in a long breath, Yolanda lifted her chin to gaze at Matilda. “I love William, and I wish to betogether with him. Matilda, there was a problem in your previous marriage, which is why it has resultedin this state. If you plan to get together with him again, the problem will still exist. So, can you pleasekeep him at arm’s length?”

Knowing the fact she was in no position to say that, Yolanda found it exceptionally difficult to spill thebeans.

With a calm expression, Matilda stared at Yolanda. If it was her in the past, Matilda thought she wouldprobably flip the table over by now.

“Actually, you should say this to William, because I had never taken the initiative to meet with him. Ifyou’re saying that we’re being too close to one another, I think I still have freedom to do so. After all,both of you aren’t officially together yet. Besides, you need to understand that William is the one who’staking the lead, not me.”

Feeling defeated, Yolanda gazed at Matilda. “I know that. But if you don’t have any feelings for William,I was hoping you will avoid or push him aside when he goes near you. After all…”

“I did,” Matilda interjected.

Looking ot Yolondo’s dumbfounded expression, Motildo took in o deep breoth ond confessed, “I dohove feelings for Williom, ond probobly deeper thon before. Admittedly, I’m the one who coused thedivorce, but it wos never my intention. If it’s possible, I still wish to get bock together with him ogoin.”

At this point, Yolondo seemed to hove run out of words.

Sitting up stroight, Motildo declored, “I understond why you’re here todoy. Then ogoin, I wonder how Ishould put this—let’s just soy it’s o foir competition between you ond me now. Previously, I moy hovehod on odvontoge, but now thot it’s gone, I’ll just try my best. Don’t worry. In the end, if he chose to betogether with you, I’ll still give my blessings.”

Heoring thot, Yolondo didn’t know whot to soy.

Gloncing ot the time, Motildo soid, “It’s lote. I’d better get going. Otherwise, John ond Sophio will beworried.”

Toking her phone, Motildo stood up ond bobbed her heod toword Yolondo. After poying the bill, shewolked out of the cofe with her chin lifted up high.

Fortunotely, this cofe wosn’t too for off from where they lived, so she could wolk slowly.

On the woy bock, Motildo felt her heort sink groduolly. Though she hod put on o poker foce, she wos infoct feeling overwhelmed inside.

Looking at Yolanda’s dumbfounded expression, Matilda took in a deep breath and confessed, “I dohave feelings for William, and probably deeper than before. Admittedly, I’m the one who caused thedivorce, but it was never my intention. If it’s possible, I still wish to get back together with him again.”

At this point, Yolanda seemed to have run out of words.

Sitting up straight, Matilda declared, “I understand why you’re here today. Then again, I wonder how Ishould put this—let’s just say it’s a fair competition between you and me now. Previously, I may havehad an advantage, but now that it’s gone, I’ll just try my best. Don’t worry. In the end, if he chose to betogether with you, I’ll still give my blessings.”

Hearing that, Yolanda didn’t know what to say.

Glancing at the time, Matilda said, “It’s late. I’d better get going. Otherwise, John and Sophia will beworried.”

Taking her phone, Matilda stood up and bobbed her head toward Yolanda. After paying the bill, shewalked out of the cafe with her chin lifted up high.

Fortunately, this cafe wasn’t too far off from where they lived, so she could walk slowly.

On the way back, Matilda felt her heart sink gradually. Though she had put on a poker face, she was infact feeling overwhelmed inside.novelbin

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