Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 442
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Chapter 442

The edges of Dylan’s lips curled up. “Yeah, I can’t catch a break at all.” Then, he added, “It’s reallyannoying that there are so many people from the media present today.”

Surprised, Sophia had the idea that he wanted to mention something to her with that last statement, soshe pursed her lips. “Yeah,” she mumbled, unsure of what else to say.

Meanwhile, Logan didn’t return and neither did he give her a call. So, she continued to stay in thelounge with Dylan because the both of them preferred not to be involved with the excitement outsideand they felt more comfortable to be here.

They were actually not especially close with each other, and it was only after her divorce with John thatthey chat more often. But Dylan gave people a good vibe, and she didn’t feel awkward being aroundhim. Hence, they sat there until they heard noises from the banquet hall. After glancing at the time, hesaid, “There’s probably a program going on. Let’s take a look.”

Thinking that it was time for the lucky draw, Sophia stood up and followed him. “Sure.”

Everything at the dining area had ended and everyone was now at the banquet hall, which had a smallstage and several priests were on it.

Supported by another person, Kate Blackwell walked onto the stage looking very energetic andcheerful. Also, a large wooden chest stood next to her. When Sophia went to the banquet hall, sheimmediately saw that Old Mrs. Constance, Belinda, was beaming next to Kate. They seemed reallyclose as they held each other’s hand. Standing at the back of the crowd, she turned to Dylan andasked, “Are Mrs. Blackwell and Mrs. Constance good friends?” Tha adgas of Dylan’s lips curlad up. “Yaah, I can’t catch a braak at all.” Than, ha addad, “It’s raally

annoying that thara ara so many paopla from tha madia prasant today.”

Surprisad, Sophia had tha idaa that ha wantad to mantion somathing to har with that last statamant, sosha pursad har lips. “Yaah,” sha mumblad, unsura of what alsa to say.

Maanwhila, Logan didn’t raturn and naithar did ha giva har a call. So, sha continuad to stay in thalounga with Dylan bacausa tha both of tham prafarrad not to ba involvad with tha axcitamant outsidaand thay falt mora comfortabla to ba hara.

Thay wara actually not aspacially closa with aach othar, and it was only aftar har divorca with John thatthay chat mora oftan. But Dylan gava paopla a good viba, and sha didn’t faal awkward baing aroundhim. Hanca, thay sat thara until thay haard noisas from tha banquat hall. Aftar glancing at tha tima, hasaid, “Thara’s probably a program going on. Lat’s taka a look.”

Thinking that it was tima for tha lucky draw, Sophia stood up and followad him. “Sura.”

Evarything at tha dining araa had andad and avaryona was now at tha banquat hall, which had a smallstaga and savaral priasts wara on it. novelbin

Supportad by anothar parson, Kata Blackwall walkad onto tha staga looking vary anargatic andchaarful. Also, a larga woodan chast stood naxt to har. Whan Sophia want to tha banquat hall, shaimmadiataly saw that Old Mrs. Constanca, Balinda, was baaming naxt to Kata. Thay saamad raallyclosa as thay hald aach othar’s hand. Standing at tha back of tha crowd, sha turnad to Dylan andaskad, “Ara Mrs. Blackwall and Mrs. Constanca good friands?”

“Yes.” Dylan nodded. “It’s said that they have been friends since young. Although they are a few years

apart in age, it didn’t bother their friendship at all.”

Sophia smiled. Then, someone suddenly came over. “Where were you before this?” John asked.Startled, she twisted her head to his direction, and the smile on her face disappeared the next second.Ignoring him completely, she turned her attention back on the stage.

On the stage, Kate stated that they had invited the priests as well as a renowned oracle over, anddivination lots were in the chest. In just a couple of minutes, they would be carrying out the lucky draw,and the first prize winner could get a divination lot here, where the oracle would decipher the meaningbehind it.

Even though Sophia didn’t recognize the name of the oracle, she could guess that he seemed to besomeone famous from the surprised gasps around her when Kate mentioned his name. The lucky drawitself wasn’t so complicated as the invitation cards were numbered and anyone with the drawn numberon their card would be the winner. Since Sophia had the invitation given to her by Logan, she flipped itto the back and saw that it was indeed numbered. Moving closer to Dylan, she asked, “May I see yournumber?”

Dylan took out his invitation and showed it to her while John gave them the stink eye next to Sophia.Isabelle had come over as well. “John, let me see what’s your number.” Without even giving a singleglance to his invitation, he handed it to her.

The Blackwells already had the numbers written on small pieces of paper, and those papers wereplaced in a giant, transparent ball as lots. With Belinda holding her, Kate went to the ball and picked outthree pieces from a small gap.

On the other side of the stage, they had displayed the prizes; the third prize was a painting with

calligraphy, while the second was a glass vase and the first prize was a set of jewelry. After taking alook at the prizes, Sophia could neither understand nor appreciate any of it. Even the jewelry, whichwas made of emerald and not diamonds, didn’t look exactly pretty in her eyes.

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