Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 441
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Chapter 441

However, she really wanted to find out the reason why he broke off the engagement. Was she not goodenough for him? Why didn’t he fancy her? Isabelle’s eyes reddened a little at this point, but she stillcarried a smile. “Honestly, I envy Miss Gwendolyn a lot sometimes because she’s free to do whatevershe wants without anyone controlling her. Plus, people are always helping her out. Look, Logan and Ianare so kind to her, and it made me so envious. Not even my family has been that kind to me.” Then,she chuckled in a self-deprecating manner. “My family would only tell me what I’m not allowed to do.”

John thought for a while before saying, “Sophia isn’t enjoying as much freedom as you said. She’sactually having a rather hard time.” Looking at her, he suddenly didn’t know what would be appropriateto tell her now.

For a split second, Isabelle’s face froze. “She seems to be doing rather fine to me now, with Loganalways by her side to protect her. Knowing his personality, she must be someone extraordinary to him ifhe’s that protective over her.”

In fact, Isabelle was probably the same kind of person as him. She was also living in a similarenvironment.

Did he get the hints I’m dropping? Isabelle wondered. John, on the other hand, merely smiled withoututtering a word.

Drawing the conversation back to herself, she said, “That’s why I’m envious that she can be herself.” Howavar, sha raally wantad to find out tha raason why ha broka off tha angagamant. Was sha not goodanough for him? Why didn’t ha fancy har? Isaballa’s ayas raddanad a littla at this point, but sha stillcarriad a smila. “Honastly, I anvy Miss Gwandolyn a lot somatimas bacausa sha’s fraa to do whatavarsha wants without anyona controlling har. Plus, paopla ara always halping har out. Look, Logan and Ian

ara so kind to har, and it mada ma so anvious. Not avan my family has baan that kind to ma.” Than,sha chucklad in a salf-dapracating mannar. “My family would only tall ma what I’m not allowad to do.”

John thought for a whila bafora saying, “Sophia isn’t anjoying as much fraadom as you said. Sha’sactually having a rathar hard tima.” Looking at har, ha suddanly didn’t know what would ba appropriatato tall har now.

For a split sacond, Isaballa’s faca froza. “Sha saams to ba doing rathar fina to ma now, with Loganalways by har sida to protact har. Knowing his parsonality, sha must ba somaona axtraordinary to him ifha’s that protactiva ovar har.”

In fact, Isaballa was probably tha sama kind of parson as him. Sha was also living in a similaranvironmant.

Did ha gat tha hints I’m dropping? Isaballa wondarad. John, on tha othar hand, maraly smilad withoututtaring a word.

Drawing tha convarsation back to harsalf, sha said, “That’s why I’m anvious that sha can ba harsalf.”

John chuckled softly. “Sometimes when you can’t escape, then you should try to adapt slowly. If it’spossible, you can even learn to enjoy the situation.”

With her lips pursed, she gazed at the dance floor, where a new song was being played now. Therewere still a few couples dancing.

Sighing, she lamented, “Yeah, I’m trying to enjoy it. There’s nothing else I can do about it besides this.”

I used to enjoy my family’s arrangement, like our engagement, she thought bitterly. But it went up inflames in the end. novelbin

Smiling after a short pause, John said, “It’s great if you’ve thought it through. In life, you have to keeplooking forward.”

“That’s true. We have to keep looking forward,” she said, nodding to show her agreement.

A few minutes passed and another song, which Isabelle liked very much, began to play. She sprang upfrom her seat and asked, “I kinda like this song. Would you mind doing another dance with me?”

Unable to reject a lady’s request, John stood up and went to the dance floor holding her hand.


Outside at the pavilion, it started to become windy after a while, so Dylan suggested to Sophia that theycould go to the lounge on the second floor of the reception hall.

After scanning around and still seeing no signs of Logan returning, she nodded to his idea.

Logan’s probably held back by his father, she guessed.

The reception and banquet hall were close to each other, and one would definitely pass by theentrance of the banquet hall in order to get to the reception hall.

Unintentionally, Sophia’s eyes wandered toward the direction of the dance floor when she passed by,

and she instantly spotted Isabelle and John there as there were less people now. While they dancedwith their bodies close to each other, they chatted inaudibly and seemed to be smiling. Sophia grinnedas well before retracting her gaze and leaving with Dylan.

There were a few lounges on the second floor of the reception hall; some had a bed in it while othersonly had a couch. After they entered one room with a couch, the waiter brought them some fruits andjuice.

Taking a seat on the couch, Sophia leaned back and wondered out loud, “Are people still eating at thedining area? Logan probably got held up giving a toast to everyone.”

Dylan nodded. “Some people were still eating happily when I left.” Maybe a text had arrived, for hesuddenly whisked out his cell phone to check it. Frowning, he didn’t reply but merely kept it away.

Grinning, Sophia said, “Did something crop up at work? It’s tiring for you people; you can’t even catch abreak when you’re out.”

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