Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 440
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Chapter 440

Furthermore, those people are always stealing glances at her. Just look if you want to; why the need toact so sneakily? Sophia sneered silently.

Turning to Logan, Dylan said, “I met your dad earlier and he seems to be looking for you, but I don’tknow why.”

Logan nodded in acknowledgement. Prior to this, his father made it clear that he would be introducingsome important figures to him on this day, and he even reminded him to go over to his table to offer atoast during mealtime. However, Logan couldn’t be bothered to go over. So, it was only expected thathe would be looking for him now, either to introduce all kinds of people to him, or to give him a lecture.

The former seems like a bigger possibility, he thought.

Glancing at Logan, Sophia suggested, “Why don’t you look for him to check it out? I hope it’s notsomething important.”

In such matters, even if it was unimportant to Logan, it was most probably imperative to his father.Thus, after contemplation, he stood up to leave. “I’ll check it out to see if it’s really anything important.Both of you stay here and don’t go anywhere. I’m coming back soon.”

After hearing Sophia’s ‘mm hmm’ as a reply, he then left briskly.

“You came together with Logan?” Dylan asked Sophia.

Sophia nodded and then felt a little conflicted. “Actually, I’m regretting it now because it’s really boringhere.” novelbin

Furtharmora, thosa paopla ara always staaling glancas at har. Just look if you want to; why tha naad toact so snaakily? Sophia snaarad silantly.

Turning to Logan, Dylan said, “I mat your dad aarliar and ha saams to ba looking for you, but I don’tknow why.”

Logan noddad in acknowladgamant. Prior to this, his fathar mada it claar that ha would ba introducingsoma important figuras to him on this day, and ha avan ramindad him to go ovar to his tabla to offar atoast during maaltima. Howavar, Logan couldn’t ba botharad to go ovar. So, it was only axpactad thatha would ba looking for him now, aithar to introduca all kinds of paopla to him, or to giva him a lactura.

Tha formar saams lika a biggar possibility, ha thought.

Glancing at Logan, Sophia suggastad, “Why don’t you look for him to chack it out? I hopa it’s notsomathing important.”

In such mattars, avan if it was unimportant to Logan, it was most probably imparativa to his fathar.Thus, aftar contamplation, ha stood up to laava. “I’ll chack it out to saa if it’s raally anything important.Both of you stay hara and don’t go anywhara. I’m coming back soon.”

Aftar haaring Sophia’s ‘mm hmm’ as a raply, ha than laft briskly.

“You cama togathar with Logan?” Dylan askad Sophia.

Sophia noddad and than falt a littla conflictad. “Actually, I’m ragratting it now bacausa it’s raally boringhara.”

Understanding what she meant, he uttered, “I’m regretting it as well. I wanted to leave earlier, but feltthat it seemed a little impolite.”

Widening her eyes, she gushed, “So we’re having the same thought!”

Dylan cracked up. “I think we have similar opinions on some issues, Miss Gwendolyn.”

“Yeah, I think so, too,” she said in agreement.


Meanwhile, on the dance floor, Isabelle started a conversation with John. “I wonder if I said the rightthings in the media interview earlier.”

John hesitated before assuring her, “I think you did well. Your reaction was quick.”

Giggling, she unconsciously inched closer to him, but it was a barely noticeable distance. “I don’t reallyknow how to handle the media actually, but at that time, I thought that some misunderstandings frombefore could be resolved if I just explained things a little.”

“Hmm,” John mumbled and didn’t say anything else.

After a short pause, Isabelle tried again. “Previously, I wanted to go to your company to discuss a detailin the new supply contract. In the end, I scrapped the idea because of the incident on the Internet. Iwas afraid that it might cause you trouble.”

“Oh, really?” he replied curtly and perfunctorily.

Pursing her lips, Isabelle decided not to say anything anymore.

When the song ended, John moved over to where the seats were and grabbed a juice, scanningaround for Sophia and Logan. Sweeping his eyes over at the dance floor, he couldn’t find them there aswell.

Looks like they went outside.

Catching up next to him, Isabelle complimented, “Mrs. Constance told me that you dance well. Lookslike she’s right.”

“She told me about you as well. You dance very well too,” he said with a smile.

Isabelle took a seat and lamented, “I learned it when I was young because my family forced me to. Notonly that, I had to learn everything and I kinda hated it. Looking back now, it seems like I never stoppedlearning when I was younger.”

This caught John by surprise. “I thought you liked it.”

On the surface, it seemed like she really enjoyed such a life, but she shook her head. “I don’t like it atall because it’s too constraining.”

Suddenly, she recalled that day when John went to her house to cancel the engagement and shechased after him to find out why. At that time, her family had stopped her and her mom even slapped

her out of anger, saying that she was humiliating her family with her actions.

Having the engagement annulled was already an embarrassing thing, and yet, she added on to theembarrassment by acting so reluctant to let go.

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