Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 439
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Chapter 439

He laid out his jacket on the table and told her, “There, much better.”

“You’re really my attentive little angle,” she said as she looked at him. To that, he merely grunted softly.Chuckling, she requested, “Show me the picture again.”

Logan knew which picture she meant, so he took out his wallet to show her.

They really don't look alike; nothing at all. Staring at the woman in the picture, she asked, “How manypeople have you met in your life who looks like your mom?” novelbin

“Before this, I thought that my eldest sister, Lynette, looked like her, but not anymore now. Then, I feltthat my second-eldest sister, Lydia, resembled her a little. However, when I looked closer, theresemblance was gone.” Looking at her, he said earnestly, “Now, I think you look like her.”

Inspecting the picture a little further, Sophia could see what he meant as she ran her fingers across thepicture. “Well, it’s not too bad for you to have something to remember her by.”

Which is much better than me, she thought. There were no pictures of those two *ssholes at all.

According to her grandfather, he had kept their pictures when they first took off. As the years passedand they didn’t return, he took them for dead and burned all their pictures, saying that there was nopoint to keep anything belonging to the dead. Ha laid out his jackat on tha tabla and told har, “Thara, much battar.”

“You’ra raally my attantiva littla angla,” sha said as sha lookad at him. To that, ha maraly gruntad softly.Chuckling, sha raquastad, “Show ma tha pictura again.”

Logan knaw which pictura sha maant, so ha took out his wallat to show har.

Thay raally don't look alika; nothing at all. Staring at tha woman in tha pictura, sha askad, “How manypaopla hava you mat in your lifa who looks lika your mom?”

“Bafora this, I thought that my aldast sistar, Lynatta, lookad lika har, but not anymora now. Than, I faltthat my sacond-aldast sistar, Lydia, rasamblad har a littla. Howavar, whan I lookad closar, tharasamblanca was gona.” Looking at har, ha said aarnastly, “Now, I think you look lika har.”

Inspacting tha pictura a littla furthar, Sophia could saa what ha maant as sha ran har fingars across thapictura. “Wall, it’s not too bad for you to hava somathing to ramambar har by.”

Which is much battar than ma, sha thought. Thara wara no picturas of thosa two *ssholas at all.

According to har grandfathar, ha had kapt thair picturas whan thay first took off. As tha yaars passadand thay didn’t raturn, ha took tham for daad and burnad all thair picturas, saying that thara was nopoint to kaap anything balonging to tha daad.

While Sophia slumped over the table, both of them chatted for a while until people from the ConstanceFamily passed by the pavilion, and she recognized two of them as the ones who helped Kate up thestage for her speech earlier.

They were now leading some people carrying a huge wooden chest, which seemed very heavy, towardthe banquet hall. She wondered what was in it.

Standing up to get a better view, she pondered out loud, “Are they using that for the lucky draw?”

Since he was uninterested in such activities, Logan didn’t even turn to look. When the people weregone, Sophia returned to her seat and straightened her clothes. “Why are wealthy people always goingthe extra mile to make their own lives miserable?”

Right after that, someone spoke next to her. “Miss Gwendolyn, what a surprise to see you here!”

Sophia jumped in astonishment and turned to the source of the voice, but Logan snatched the wordsright out of her mouth. “You’re John’s younger brother?”

Yep, that’s Dylan.

Standing on the step outside the pavilion, Dylan beamed. He was there alone without a date. “I thoughtI saw you earlier, but I was afraid that I had mistaken someone else. As it turned out, it’s really you.”

“You’re here as well,” Sophia exclaimed, getting up from her seat.

In fact, it wasn’t odd to find him here because the invitation was sent to the whole Constance Family;Owen had just as much right to attend as William.

“I didn’t see you earlier when the meal was served,” she added, giving him a smile.

Pacing over, Dylan casually took the seat next to her. “I didn’t want to attend at first because I don’t likecrowded events, but I have to come in my father’s place because he’s busy today.”

Sophia nodded. “Where were you earlier? I didn’t see you the whole time. It would’ve been nice to sit at

the same table if I had seen you during mealtime.”

“I was sitting with a few friends earlier,” he explained with a smile. “I saw that John is here too.”

“Yeah. We shared the same dining table.”

Chuckling ambiguously, he said, “But when I ran into him, he didn’t mention a single word about you.”

After giving it a thought, Sophia guessed, “Probably he thinks that there’s no need to mention me.”

Next to them, Logan added, “John’s at the dance floor now. Aren’t you going to join in the fun?”

Dylan shook his head and sighed. “I’ll pass. It must be noisy there.”

Immediately, Sophia nodded in agreement. “Exactly, it’s too noisy and there are too many people.”

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