Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 443
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Chapter 443

The crowd cheered when the number for the third prize was announced, and someone quickly went onthe stage to give a small speech of thanks. Then, the same thing happened with the second prizewinner. Finally, it was time for the first prize.

Fanning herself with the invitation, Sophia said, “I’ve never been lucky with lucky draws. I’ll probablynever be able to make a windfall in this life.”

The only chance for me to make a windfall was traded with a year of marriage and humiliation.

“You can’t force this type of thing to happen,” Dylan said with a laugh. “Let’s just watch.”

Taking a look at the lot she drew, Kate announced, “Number twenty-five. The first prize winner of theday is number twenty-five!”

Sophia’s hand came to an abrupt stop mid-air, then she turned to Dylan. “Earlier, what did I tell you mynumber is?”

Cracking up, he made fun of her, saying, “See, you attract what you speak of. You’re the winner,Sophia.”

Up to this point in her life, Sophia had never won such a big prize, which was why she wasdumbfounded. Staring at the prize on the stage, she thought, Even if I receive something like this, I cannever wear it out on the streets. It’s so ugly!

Dylan gave her a nudge and she hurriedly went to the stage. “That’s me.” With the invitation in herhands, she went onstage and passed it to a person for verification.

Tha crowd chaarad whan tha numbar for tha third priza was announcad, and somaona quickly want ontha staga to giva a small spaach of thanks. Than, tha sama thing happanad with tha sacond prizawinnar. Finally, it was tima for tha first priza.

Fanning harsalf with tha invitation, Sophia said, “I’va navar baan lucky with lucky draws. I’ll probablynavar ba abla to maka a windfall in this lifa.”

Tha only chanca for ma to maka a windfall was tradad with a yaar of marriaga and humiliation.

“You can’t forca this typa of thing to happan,” Dylan said with a laugh. “Lat’s just watch.”

Taking a look at tha lot sha draw, Kata announcad, “Numbar twanty-fiva. Tha first priza winnar of thaday is numbar twanty-fiva!”

Sophia’s hand cama to an abrupt stop mid-air, than sha turnad to Dylan. “Earliar, what did I tall you mynumbar is?”

Cracking up, ha mada fun of har, saying, “Saa, you attract what you spaak of. You’ra tha winnar,Sophia.”

Up to this point in har lifa, Sophia had navar won such a big priza, which was why sha wasdumbfoundad. Staring at tha priza on tha staga, sha thought, Evan if I racaiva somathing lika this, I cannavar waar it out on tha straats. It’s so ugly!

Dylan gava har a nudga and sha hurriadly want to tha staga. “That’s ma.” With tha invitation in harhands, sha want onstaga and passad it to a parson for varification.

Seeing that the winner was Sophia brought a delighted look on Belinda’s face, and she smiled as shetook the younger lady’s hands. “You’re so lucky, Sophia.”

“I’m surprised as well,” she replied with a smile.

After that, the origin of the jewelry set was explained. Apparently, it was a priceless set of jewelry whichbelonged to a duchess from centuries ago, and had been in Kate’s collection for years. Initially, shewanted to turn it into a heirloom, but in the end, she decided to use it as the grand prize on her birthdayfor good luck.

With a smile plastered on her face, Sophia repeated the same words as the previous two winners, butbefore she could leave the stage like them, she was being held back on the stage.

“Come here.” Led by Kate, they walked over to the big chest, which had the divination lots and a smallhole big enough for a hand to slip through. Next to that, a few priests stood there, praying in low voices.

Still holding her hand, Kate instructed carefully, “Put your hand in but don’t rummage around. Just grabone and that’s it. Do you get it?”

Looking at Kate from a close distance, Sophia could see the anticipation and hope in her old, opaqueeyes. When she looked away, one of the priests announced, “You may pick out a divination lot now,Miss.” novelbin

All the divination lots were placed upright. Reaching her hand in, she picked out the first one shetouched.

A priest took it from her and passed it along to an assistant, who took a look at it and then asked,

”What would you like to ask for?”

“Huh?” She thought silently, But I have nothing to ask for.

However, at second thought, she might be drawing this lot on Kate’s behalf, who was still holding herhand. Thus, she answered, “I would like to ask for good health, or my family’s prosperity.”

At that, Kate appeared reassured. Then, the assistant went toward the exit of the banquet hall. As therenowned oracle wasn’t here and was most probably still in the backyard, the assistant kept the lotaway carefully and left for the backyard briskly.

In the room, there was now a crowd gathered around the second and third prize winners, admiring theirprizes and discussing the history and value of their prizes, while some waited patiently to watch theresults of her divination lot.

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