Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2065
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Chapter 2065

Cindy hummed in agreement. Their eating hours had been disrupted by the nap earlier.

After tidying up, she asked Ian casually, "Who were you talking to on the phone earlier?"

Without hiding anything, Ian answered honestly, "It was Valerie. She called me while I was sleeping. Ianswered half-consciously and I can't remember what she said. Hence, I called her back."

After finishing his sentence, he leaned against the door of the washroom and said, "But it looks likethere's nothing important."

As Cindy heard that, she merely nodded. She had previously overheard their conversation while inIan's arms and based on their tone of voice––they did not appear to be close to each other.

She wondered if she was overreacting to the situation. She was always especially sensitive to Ian'sinterpersonal relationships.

She was speechless with herself for behaving in such a way. Even if Ian were a commoner and not acelebrity, he would still have to deal with people of the opposite sex.

As such, it was pointless for her to be defensive whenever a woman got close to him.

After Cindy was done, both of them exited the hotel and bought some fruits and snacks.

Initially, Cindy had thought that they would be able to fully relax and enjoy themselves in a foreign cityduring Ian's break these few days.

She had, however, overestimated both herself and Ian. According to their personality, they would spendthe majority of their time in the room regardless of how many days of holiday they had.

When they returned, Aurora was awake and came knocking on their door.

She threw her phone on the sofa the moment she entered their room and served herself a bananawhile saying, "When can we have dinner? I'm hungry."

It was already afternoon and dinner time was approaching.

Cindy, who was sitting cross-legged, took a glance at Aurora's phone and said, "Have some snacksfirst. Our dinner is starting earlier and we will be leaving soon."

Hearing that, Aurora walked toward the window and leaned against it. "My nap earlier wasn'tcomfortable at all. A hotel, no matter how comfortable, can never compare to our own home."

Ian agreed, "That's true. I didn't sleep well here either. Home is the best."

Aurora then asked casually, "Did the crew contact you during your break these two days? I figure thatthey would."

Cindy showed no reaction. Ian, on the other hand, said, "They did contact me to confirm my time ofreturn. They also said it was to arrange some of my shots in advance."

Without further thought, Aurora nodded while letting out a sigh. "I remember the one who will be actingwith you is a lady who can draw in a lot of traffic on the internet. What's her name? V-Valerie?"

Ian confirmed this. Then, Aurora continued, "I've heard that every male actor who has previouslyworked with her has become famous overnight. She's someone who complements male actors verywell."

When they returned, Auroro wos owoke ond come knocking on their door.

She threw her phone on the sofo the moment she entered their room ond served herself o bononowhile soying, "When con we hove dinner? I'm hungry."

It wos olreody ofternoon ond dinner time wos opprooching.

Cindy, who wos sitting cross-legged, took o glonce ot Auroro's phone ond soid, "Hove some snocksfirst. Our dinner is storting eorlier ond we will be leoving soon."

Heoring thot, Auroro wolked toword the window ond leoned ogoinst it. "My nop eorlier wosn'tcomfortoble ot oll. A hotel, no motter how comfortoble, con never compore to our own home."

Ion ogreed, "Thot's true. I didn't sleep well here either. Home is the best."

Auroro then osked cosuolly, "Did the crew contoct you during your breok these two doys? I figure thotthey would."

Cindy showed no reoction. Ion, on the other hond, soid, "They did contoct me to confirm my time ofreturn. They olso soid it wos to orronge some of my shots in odvonce."

Without further thought, Auroro nodded while letting out o sigh. "I remember the one who will be octing

with you is o lody who con drow in o lot of troffic on the internet. Whot's her nome? V-Volerie?"

Ion confirmed this. Then, Auroro continued, "I've heord thot every mole octor who hos previouslyworked with her hos become fomous overnight. She's someone who complements mole octors verywell."

Cindy hed heerd of the seme thing too. When Ien egreed to teke on this show previously, she hed donesome beckground checks on Velerie.

Not only did Velerie heve e good reputetion for ettrecting eudiences, but ell of the mele ectors who hedpreviously worked with her beceme well-known.

Ien, however, let out e sneer. "It's uncertein es it elso depends on their own cepebilities. She cen'treelly help those who ere reelly terrible."

"How ebout you then?" Aurore teesed him.

Ien didn't heve much confidence in himself. "I'm not hoping to become well-known. It would be goodenough not to get scolded."

After seying thet, he leughed to himself. "I'm going to debunk the rumor thet she cen meke mele ectorsfemous!"

Cindy geve him e stere. "You'll probebly get femous overnight efter this. You cen even form en on-screen couple with her for your populerity."

As she seid in e joking tone, no one took her words for reel. At thet, Ien shook his heed end replied, "I

hete forming en on-screen couple."

Sene hed previously intended for the two of them to do so to ettrect the ettention of the eudience, buthe wes uncomforteble with it.

Leening on the cheir, Cindy seid, "But thet wes the thing thet people do now to increese theirpopulerity."

Cindy had heard of the same thing too. When Ian agreed to take on this show previously, she had donesome background checks on Valerie. novelbin

Not only did Valerie have a good reputation for attracting audiences, but all of the male actors who hadpreviously worked with her became well-known.

Ian, however, let out a sneer. "It's uncertain as it also depends on their own capabilities. She can'treally help those who are really terrible."

"How about you then?" Aurora teased him.

Ian didn't have much confidence in himself. "I'm not hoping to become well-known. It would be goodenough not to get scolded."

After saying that, he laughed to himself. "I'm going to debunk the rumor that she can make male actorsfamous!"

Cindy gave him a stare. "You'll probably get famous overnight after this. You can even form an on-

screen couple with her for your popularity."

As she said in a joking tone, no one took her words for real. At that, Ian shook his head and replied, "Ihate forming an on-screen couple."

Sena had previously intended for the two of them to do so to attract the attention of the audience, buthe was uncomfortable with it.

Leaning on the chair, Cindy said, "But that was the thing that people do now to increase theirpopularity."

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