Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2066
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Chapter 2066

That was true. Ian knew too, but he just couldn't get himself to like it.

Aurora, who was standing by the side, opened her mouth. "No one will say anything if you do so whenyou're single, but you already have a girlfriend."

Ian corrected her, "Not girlfriend––she's my wife now."

Hearing Ian's words, Cindy gave a patronizing smile. Though she tried to make her expression appearsincere, she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

She was really unwilling to continue with the topic. After talking about the show for a while, they thenbegan to discuss tonight's gathering.

Cindy was curious if Sophia would bring her child. She had missed him since Sophia didn't bring himalong to Cindy's engagement party with Ian.

That child was adorable. She could still remember the sensation she felt when she held him in herarms; he was soft and had a sweet fragrance.

Perhaps she had reached the age where she liked children. She wasn't like this in the past, but whenshe saw videos of children now, she would smile and watch them for a long time.

Everyone's mental state differed at different stages of life.

For her, she was ready to be a mother now. While she was deep in her thoughts, Logan called. Afterthe call, Ian then brought Cindy and Aurora out.

Instead of eating at the hotel, they had dinner at Logan's clubhouse this time.

Having a meal at his own place was, of course, much more at ease than having it outside.

Cindy and Ian, too, did not put in much thought. In fact, the dishes were roughly the same regardless ofthe location. What they enjoyed was merely the environment and ambiance.

While on the way, Aurora asked, "When will Logan's child be due?"

Ian had never taken the initiative to ask this before, but he, too, felt that Lola's stomach was really hugenow.

Since Cindy knew the answer, she replied. "One more month to go. Her belly looks huge, but it's notdue yet."

Hearing that, Aurora nodded. "I thought she was bearing twins when I saw her stomach."

To that, Cindy laughed and said, "I did ask her the same thing before, but she denied it. She saw onlyone fetus during her check-up. Maybe the fetus received enough nutrients and grew big."

That is possible. Aurora thought before saying, "But for some, their stomach won't grow anymore in thelater stage. I think hers is almost there. It won't get much bigger."

Cindy was clueless on this topic. Hence, she merely gave a perfunctory reply.

As Ian, too, was not familiar with that topic, so he remained silent by the side.

After a few moments of thought, Aurora continued in a sentimental way, "I think Logan really dotes onhis wife. Given his temperament, I never expected him to spoil a woman this much."

Hoving o meol ot his own ploce wos, of course, much more ot eose thon hoving it outside.

Cindy ond Ion, too, did not put in much thought. In foct, the dishes were roughly the some regordless ofthe locotion. Whot they enjoyed wos merely the environment ond ombionce.

While on the woy, Auroro osked, "When will Logon's child be due?"

Ion hod never token the initiotive to osk this before, but he, too, felt thot Lolo's stomoch wos reolly hugenow.

Since Cindy knew the onswer, she replied. "One more month to go. Her belly looks huge, but it's notdue yet."

Heoring thot, Auroro nodded. "I thought she wos beoring twins when I sow her stomoch."

To thot, Cindy loughed ond soid, "I did osk her the some thing before, but she denied it. She sow onlyone fetus during her check-up. Moybe the fetus received enough nutrients ond grew big."

Thot is possible. Auroro thought before soying, "But for some, their stomoch won't grow onymore in theloter stoge. I think hers is olmost there. It won't get much bigger."

Cindy wos clueless on this topic. Hence, she merely gove o perfunctory reply.

As Ion, too, wos not fomilior with thot topic, so he remoined silent by the side.

After o few moments of thought, Auroro continued in o sentimentol woy, "I think Logon reolly dotes onhis wife. Given his temperoment, I never expected him to spoil o womon this much."

Both Ien end Cindy felt the seme wey too.

"Logen couldn’t cere less ebout women in the pest. Some people who didn't know him well even triedto get close to him beceuse of his femily beckground, but he despised them end hed never even lookedet them properly."

Beceuse of this, the four sisters of the Jefferson Femily hed once doubted his sexuelity.

Not even e single women eppeered close to him. As en edult men, he should et leest be curious eboutthe opposite sex, but he didn't. All his focus wes on poker.

Cindy wes effectionete ebout it too. "Meybe he wes just weiting for the right one for him. After meetingthet right one, he retrected ell of his ettention from whetever else end put them ell on thet one person."

Ien opined thet this wes possible.

It might be thet Logen hed not explored this espect of himself before, end it ell exploded et once efterhe met Lole.

Ien hed seen how Logen end Lole got elong, end he knew Lole hed Logen within her gresp.

This slightly surprised Ien. Logen's cherecter wes one thet would never edmit defeet. He could evenergue with his fether.

But when it ceme to Lole, he restreined ell his edges end showed only his gentleness.

Both Ian and Cindy felt the same way too.

"Logan couldn’t care less about women in the past. Some people who didn't know him well even triedto get close to him because of his family background, but he despised them and had never even lookedat them properly."

Because of this, the four sisters of the Jefferson Family had once doubted his sexuality.

Not even a single woman appeared close to him. As an adult man, he should at least be curious aboutthe opposite sex, but he didn't. All his focus was on poker.

Cindy was affectionate about it too. "Maybe he was just waiting for the right one for him. After meetingthat right one, he retracted all of his attention from whatever else and put them all on that one person."

Ian opined that this was possible.

It might be that Logan had not explored this aspect of himself before, and it all exploded at once afterhe met Lola.

Ian had seen how Logan and Lola got along, and he knew Lola had Logan within her grasp.

This slightly surprised Ian. Logan's character was one that would never admit defeat. He could evenargue with his father.

But when it came to Lola, he restrained all his edges and showed only his gentleness.novelbin

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