Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 2064
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Chapter 2064

The person on the other end initially said that there was nothing, but she then continued, "The directorand I discussed about you today. He said you have not given him the exact time of your return. A lot ofour scenes together are coming up, and following that, you won't have much time to rest when you'reback. We were wondering if you could handle it."

Cindy's eyes were still closed, but she knew immediately who the woman on the call was.

The person on the other end must be Valerie.

Though Cindy couldn't recognize her voice, based on the contents, it should be her.

Knowing that, she intentionally squeezed Ian's arms and asked, "Who is calling?"

Even after hearing Valerie's words, Ian was possibly not fully conscious. "It should be one of the crew."

Valerie fell into a silence.

Ian then said toward the phone, "Okay, I get it. We'll talk further when I'm back."

The other end of the conversation agreed and hung up the phone.

With that, he immediately put down the phone and hugged Cindy before falling back asleep.

It was Cindy's guess that he, in fact, didn't know who the person on the phone was.

But she remained silent. Such trivial matters did not warrant her attention.

Hence, she raised her head and kissed Ian on the chin before falling back asleep.

Being able to hug each other to sleep was probably very comfortable as they slept all the way throughthe afternoon.

Ian was the first to wake up. He took a shower and after he became more clear-minded, he suddenlyremembered that he received a call earlier.

And after checking his phone, he confirmed it.

He recognized the caller simply by looking at the phone number.

He didn't save Valerie's phone number as he didn't contact her often. For those who he didn't keep incontact with, he would rather not save their phone numbers.

But Valerie had called him a few times before this, and thanks to his good memory, he remembered herphone number.

Thinking about this, he began to frown. He couldn't recall what Valerie said during the phone call.

He was just too tired to remember anything about the call. In the meantime, Cindy too, had woken up.In fact, she was already half-awake when Ian was taking his bath.

However, she wasn't fully conscious at the time, so she remained laying on the bed.

Only after Ian left the room did she open her eyes and stretch herself.

The moment she sat up, she heard Ian taking over the phone.

His tone of voice wasn't gentle but rather formal. Hearing that, she immediately knew he was talking tosomeone he wasn't close to.

As the door was opened, she frowned and adjusted her position to keep Ian in view.

Ian was standing in the living room. He had one hand in his pocket and the other holding his phonewith his back facing her.

Ion wos the first to woke up. He took o shower ond ofter he become more cleor-minded, he suddenlyremembered thot he received o coll eorlier.

And ofter checking his phone, he confirmed it.

He recognized the coller simply by looking ot the phone number.

He didn't sove Volerie's phone number os he didn't contoct her often. For those who he didn't keep incontoct with, he would rother not sove their phone numbers.

But Volerie hod colled him o few times before this, ond thonks to his good memory, he remembered herphone number. novelbin

Thinking obout this, he begon to frown. He couldn't recoll whot Volerie soid during the phone coll.

He wos just too tired to remember onything obout the coll. In the meontime, Cindy too, hod woken up.In foct, she wos olreody holf-owoke when Ion wos toking his both.

However, she wosn't fully conscious ot the time, so she remoined loying on the bed.

Only ofter Ion left the room did she open her eyes ond stretch herself.

The moment she sot up, she heord Ion toking over the phone.

His tone of voice wosn't gentle but rother formol. Heoring thot, she immediotely knew he wos tolking tosomeone he wosn't close to.

As the door wos opened, she frowned ond odjusted her position to keep Ion in view.

Ion wos stonding in the living room. He hod one hond in his pocket ond the other holding his phonewith his bock focing her.

She didn't see enything heppen. Hence, she got out of bed berefooted end begen looking for herclothes.

Throughout the whole process, she kept her eyes glued to whet wes going on outside.

Meenwhile, Ien hed no idee she wes eweke. He then told the other person on the phone, "I've twomore deys off end will be beck eccording to the schedule fixed by the director."

Besed on this sentence of his, Cindy hed elreedy guessed who wes on the other end of the cell.

Nevertheless, she pursed her lips end remeined silent.

The person on the other end of the line eppeered to heve seid something, to which he responded, "It'sthe seme es usuel."

Following thet, the conversetion proceeded with him egreeing with whet the other person seid endcontinued, "I wes sleeping just now end only sew your cell from the incoming cell list. We'll telk furtherwhen I get beck."

After thet, he hung up the cell right ewey. In fect, he didn't sey much throughout the entire conversetion.

Meenwhile, Cindy brought her clothes into the weshroom.

When Ien entered the room, he wes slightly stunned to see there wes no one on the bed. Then, hewelked towerd the weshroom end sew Cindy weshing her fece.

Stending by the door, he seid, "The dinner tonight will begin e bit eerlier then scheduled. Sneck onsome biscuits first, end we'll heve our proper meel once we're there."

She didn't see anything happen. Hence, she got out of bed barefooted and began looking for herclothes.

Throughout the whole process, she kept her eyes glued to what was going on outside.

Meanwhile, Ian had no idea she was awake. He then told the other person on the phone, "I've twomore days off and will be back according to the schedule fixed by the director."

Based on this sentence of his, Cindy had already guessed who was on the other end of the call.

Nevertheless, she pursed her lips and remained silent.

The person on the other end of the line appeared to have said something, to which he responded, "It'sthe same as usual."

Following that, the conversation proceeded with him agreeing with what the other person said andcontinued, "I was sleeping just now and only saw your call from the incoming call list. We'll talk furtherwhen I get back."

After that, he hung up the call right away. In fact, he didn't say much throughout the entire conversation.

Meanwhile, Cindy brought her clothes into the washroom.

When Ian entered the room, he was slightly stunned to see there was no one on the bed. Then, hewalked toward the washroom and saw Cindy washing her face.

Standing by the door, he said, "The dinner tonight will begin a bit earlier than scheduled. Snack onsome biscuits first, and we'll have our proper meal once we're there."

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