Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1893
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Chapter 1893

As the bar was really loud and noisy, Yulia and Ian only greeted each other and didn’t talk much.

Ian chuckled lightly after he took a deep puff of his cigarette. He didn’t expect Yulia to remember himforever after running into her just once and couldn’t tell if she was courageous or too hasty in herrelationships.

From the phone call just now, Yulia mentioned she would never be able to forget seeing Ian for the firsttime.

At the same time, Ian wasn’t one to get entangled with a person he had just met, and he only fell inlove with Sophia after spending some time with her and realizing that she was a great girl.

After that, he spent a long time together with Cindy and slowly gained feelings toward her.

Ian didn’t believe in love at first sight because he believed that feelings should be built on thefoundation of trust toward one another. If not, the relationship would be based on looks instead ofemotions, and it was impossible to change a partner every time someone prettier appeared becausethere were too many good-looking people in this world.

Ian took another puff of his cigarette before he went to shower. By the time he got to the bed, Cindywas already deeply asleep.

Right then, he lay down in bed, hugging Cindy from her back before closing his eyes, as he had toomuch on his mind right now, and he was too tired to figure things out.

On the other hand, Cindy had a great sleep, and she only got up when she got hungry.

When she turned around, Ian had already left the bed, and the door to the room was closed. Yet, shecould still vaguely hear voices coming from outside.

After a while, Cindy got up and wore a shirt before she went down from the bed and couldn’t help butflinch the moment her feet touched the ground. She had completely lost feeling in her legs right thereand then.

When Cindy got to the reach, she pressed down on the door handle to open a creak at the entrancebefore Aurora’s voice rang out.

At this moment, she instinctively closed the door again.

Since there was a bathroom in Ian’s room, she quickly rushed into the bathroom and checked herreflection in the mirror before sighing. With her look currently, it’d take a fool to believe her if she saidthat she didn’t do anything with Ian at all.

Cindy quickly freshened up in the bathroom before changing into a new outfit again.

After making sure that she looked like how she usually looked, she came out of the room. novelbin

Indeed, Aurora was here, and she was currently sitting on the couch while talking to Ian with a seriouslook on her face.

Right then, Cindy cleared her throat before she headed toward the two of them. “Hey, Mrs. Morgan.”

Aurora turned toward Cindy before nodding her head. Nevertheless, she didn’t notice the slightlyawkward look on Cindy’s face as her mind was occupied by something else.

She didn’t notice that Cindy was acting differently than usual as well.

Then, Aurora turned back toward Ian and said again, “I just have a feeling that I won’t be able to handlethese resources. I really don’t feel good getting her help.”

Ian had a tense look on his face as well. “Just take it slow. Since Hannah gave them to you, take themand just act like you don’t know anything.”

After recomposing herself, Aurora nodded. “Alright. That’s the only way to do it now, I guess.”

Cindy took a seat next to Ian. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

Immediately, Ian and Aurora fell into silence.

From their reactions, Cindy could tell that something bad had happened, and a serious look appearedon her face as well.

Meanwhile, Yulia was at the magazine publisher to find inspiration for the newest cover page for themagazine.

When she received a call from Hannah, she acted like nothing had happened and answered the call.“Ms. Hannah.”

“Hmm,” Hannah greeted with a serious tone.

After contemplating for a moment, Yulia asked, “What wrong? Do you have anything to tell me?”

“Yes.” Hannah paused for a while before she continued, “I’ve talked to the other party. Although theresources that you’ve given were outstanding, I could tell that they're hesitating and don’t seem likethey want to accept it.”

Yulia fell into silence upon hearing that.

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