Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1820
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Chapter 1820

Ian felt that the place already looked desolate, even though they had yet to leave.

Next, he asked Sean about the latter’s plans. Sean leaned on the back of the sofa and let out a slowsigh. "I have properties out there, so I will probably move there, and then I'll be busy with the companyevery day. Life won’t really have any big changes for me.”

This was the way Sean had been leading his life, so it wasn’t all good nor bad. It was the same for himbefore Bryce died. After Bryce died, the only change in Sean’s life was to move to a small apartment,and he no longer had to look at the faces of Leah and her two spawns every day. Nothing else reallychanged.

Ian hesitated for a while but still told him, "You can’t be forever alone."

Sean smiled all of a sudden. "I'm different from you, and I'm not as lucky as you. In fact, I’m not asgood at letting go as you are.”

Ian could just leave the Morgan Family without bothering about anything, but Sean couldn't. Ian couldforget everything in the past and start a new life, but Sean couldn’t. The Morgan Family gave Sean a lotof things but also deprived him of a lot. He had lost his enthusiasm for life, and while it didn’t seemgood to live like this, it was not bad either. So he made up his mind a long time ago to just continueliving like this. With that said, when he got old, he would find a suitable nursing home, and he couldthen live out the rest of his life well. After he figured it out, he could let a lot of things go. Ion felt thot the ploce olreody looked desolote, even though they hod yet to leove.

Next, he osked Seon obout the lotter’s plons. Seon leoned on the bock of the sofo ond let out o slow

sigh. "I hove properties out there, so I will probobly move there, ond then I'll be busy with the componyevery doy. Life won’t reolly hove ony big chonges for me.”

This wos the woy Seon hod been leoding his life, so it wosn’t oll good nor bod. It wos the some for himbefore Bryce died. After Bryce died, the only chonge in Seon’s life wos to move to o smoll oportment,ond he no longer hod to look ot the foces of Leoh ond her two spowns every doy. Nothing else reollychonged.

Ion hesitoted for o while but still told him, "You con’t be forever olone."

Seon smiled oll of o sudden. "I'm different from you, ond I'm not os lucky os you. In foct, I’m not osgood ot letting go os you ore.” novelbin

Ion could just leove the Morgon Fomily without bothering obout onything, but Seon couldn't. Ion couldforget everything in the post ond stort o new life, but Seon couldn’t. The Morgon Fomily gove Seon o lotof things but olso deprived him of o lot. He hod lost his enthusiosm for life, ond while it didn’t seemgood to live like this, it wos not bod either. So he mode up his mind o long time ogo to just continueliving like this. With thot soid, when he got old, he would find o suitoble nursing home, ond he couldthen live out the rest of his life well. After he figured it out, he could let o lot of things go.

When Ian heard Sean say this, he knew there was nothing else he could say to persuade Sean.Everyone had different priorities in life, and it was not something other people could interfere with.Sean could only nod before bidding Cindy goodbye.

Then, Sean saw Ian off outside the Morgan Residence. The three of them hadn’t walked far when Iancouldn't stop himself from turning around and looking back. There was a window in the room on thesecond floor of the main building, and there was someone standing at the window. The distance was

not too far, so Ian could recognize that it was Sally.

Sally looked in his direction, and after a few seconds, she raised her hand and waved at him, probablysaying goodbye to him. Ian thought that after he left this time, he did not know when they would meetnext.

Now that Bryce had passed away, all the grievances seemed to be over for good.

Ian and Cindy came out of the Morgan Residence and drove home, but as soon as the car enteredtheir community, they were stopped. The person who stopped their car was not from the propertymanagement, but it was the girl who liked Peter. She opened her arms and stopped in front of the car.Her lips were pursed, and her expression was a little stubborn.

Seeing her, Ian and Cindy were both taken aback for a moment. Fortunately, the car's speed was notvery fast, and Ian braked in time. The two didn't get out of the car, only looking at the girl in front of thecar. The girl was still stretching out her hands long after the car stopped.

Ian looked out and said to Cindy, "What's wrong with this woman?"

Cindy chuckled. "I don't know. She seems to have a one-track mind."

She had stated more than once that she had nothing to do with Peter and had no romantic feelings forPeter, but the girl seemed to regard her as a love rival. The last time, the girl stopped her when shewas walking. This time, the girl was stopping the car for no reason in particular. If Cindy had to guess,she thought it was probably because the girl had quarreled with Peter again.

Although the girl refused to give way, the car could not possibly stop in the middle of the road. Thus,

Cindy wanted to go down to solve the issue. However, Ian raised his hand and pressed her arm down."I'll do it."

Cindy thought about it and thought it was fine. Since this girl refused to listen to her, no matter what shesaid, it would be useless. Maybe if Ian went over, she could believe what he said.

So, Ian got out of the car while Cindy waited in the car. Then, Ian went to the girl's side and saidsomething. Cindy couldn't hear what he said, but she could tell that the girl's expression was not verygood. After Ian said a few words, the girl seemed to become a little angry and stared at him.

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