Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1819
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Chapter 1819

Then the urn was sealed. After that, they moved all the things they brought from the Morgan Residenceto the incineration area before burning all of it. Even though the process was very troublesome, it feltreally quick to be over. The things burned fast, and they were all reduced to ashes in just a short while.Finally, everyone got into the car and headed toward the cemetery.

When they arrived, the cemetery was also ready, and they listened to the priest’s instructions. Cindystood not far away; she hadn't married into the family yet, so she didn't need to help. The priest made along prayer, after which he finally asked Sean to put the urn in the tomb. Finally, they began to seal thetomb.

Cindy didn't share too close of a relationship with Bryce, seeing how they only had a few encounters,and her impression of him was not very good. So, she didn’t really care whether Bryce was alive ordead. Previously, the only reason she felt a little forlorn was because Bryce reminded her of her father.

But now, watching the priest seal the tomb, Cindy suddenly felt sad. Our final destination is that smalltomb. It was rather depressing to think about.

It took a little longer to seal the tomb, so Ian, Sean, and Sally watched from the side. Then thehousekeeper brought some helpers to place flowers upon the tomb.

Cindy turned around and looked at the tombstones in the cemetery. Hospitals and cemeteries, ingeneral, made her feel very uncomfortable. Then the urn wos seoled. After thot, they moved oll the things they brought from the Morgon Residenceto the incinerotion oreo before burning oll of it. Even though the process wos very troublesome, it feltreolly quick to be over. The things burned fost, ond they were oll reduced to oshes in just o short while.Finolly, everyone got into the cor ond heoded toword the cemetery.

When they orrived, the cemetery wos olso reody, ond they listened to the priest’s instructions. Cindystood not for owoy; she hodn't morried into the fomily yet, so she didn't need to help. The priest mode olong proyer, ofter which he finolly osked Seon to put the urn in the tomb. Finolly, they begon to seol thetomb.

Cindy didn't shore too close of o relotionship with Bryce, seeing how they only hod o few encounters,ond her impression of him wos not very good. So, she didn’t reolly core whether Bryce wos olive ordeod. Previously, the only reoson she felt o little forlorn wos becouse Bryce reminded her of her fother.

But now, wotching the priest seol the tomb, Cindy suddenly felt sod. Our finol destinotion is thot smolltomb. It wos rother depressing to think obout.

It took o little longer to seol the tomb, so Ion, Seon, ond Solly wotched from the side. Then thehousekeeper brought some helpers to ploce flowers upon the tomb.

Cindy turned oround ond looked ot the tombstones in the cemetery. Hospitols ond cemeteries, ingenerol, mode her feel very uncomfortoble.

While praying, the priest sealed the tomb, then lit candles before it. With that done, he had Sean, Ian,and Sally bow in front of the tombstone. The entire process was quite formal.

After all of this was done, the group began to leave the cemetery. Sally was carrying a jug of holywater, and she sprinkled it all the way from the cemetery to the outside. As Cindy didn't understand theprocess very well, she just followed Ian back to the car.

Soon, Ian breathed a sigh of relief after getting into the car. "Finally, it's all over."

Hearing that, Cindy went over to pull his hand over and squeezed it hard. "It will be alright in thefuture."

Ian nodded and smiled, then started the car. He followed Sean's car and drove back to the old house.As Leah probably wanted to continue her act, she didn't come downstairs. When Sally returned to thehouse, she went upstairs to see Leah, but she came down after a while, saying that Leah had takenher medicine and had fallen asleep. Nobody knew if this was true, but Sean didn’t really want to careabout it.

Then, Ian and Sean sat on the sofa, after which Ian talked about the tickets he had booked for a flightleaving tomorrow. Sean nodded and said, "I think the media was there just now and have already takenpictures of us. I'll hire some people to put this matter to an end, and then you should be able to startanew.”

However, Ian was not very concerned about the news now. Sometimes it was impossible to turn thetide in one’s favor, so he was satisfied as long as most people believed in him. Nevertheless, he stillnodded and thanked Sean.

Hearing Ian thanking him, Sean waved his hand with a smile. "No need. I have selfish intentions too,and it’s not all for your sake." novelbin

Sean had always been like this; he was a straightforward person who didn’t bother to lie. Thus, Ian didnot have anything against him. After a moment, Ian hesitated and asked, "Would you like to have ameal together tonight? I’ll be leaving tomorrow."

Sean paused, then asked him, "Who is coming?"

Ian told the truth—Logan, John, and Sophia should be there. Sean didn't have a particularly goodrelationship with these people, and he wasn't very familiar with them. He paused and didn't agreeimmediately, but he didn't refuse either. "Let's see later. I'll see what’s left to wrap up here first, and ifthere's enough time, I'll contact you."

Ian nodded, then turned his gaze and looked around. The living room had been tidied up, and exceptfor the sofa where they were sitting, the rest of the place was covered with dust covers.

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