Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1806
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Chapter 1806

When Cindy approached closer to Aurora, her eyes widened upon noticing the scratches. “Did you goout to fight people?”

Aurora tried to struggle at that moment, but she couldn't break free from Cindy’s grasp, so she loweredher voice and replied, “Be quiet. Ian came back, didn’t he? Is he awake yet?”

Cindy frowned and pondered for a moment before she came to a realization. “It was Leah, wasn’t it?Did you head out to meet her?”

Then, she asked again, “Did she give you a call to ask you out?”

Aurora answered with a soft voice, “Let me clean myself up first. I’ll explain everything to you in a shortwhile.”

Since Aurora was already back, Cindy loosened her grip on Aurora’s hand and returned to the roomshe shared with Ian.

After opening the door quietly, she carefully peeked inside and saw that Ian was still deep asleep.

Then, Cindy shut the door again and went to Aurora’s room. novelbin

At the same time, Aurora was checking the injury behind her ear from her reflection in the mirror

When Cindy closed the door, she asked, “How did you two end up fighting?”

Then, Aurora looked annoyed as she didn’t answer Cindy’s question but cursed, “I wasn’t payingattention; that’s why the b*tch scratched me.”

She tried to let her hair loose to check whether her hair was able to cover her injury.

Then, she went to her closet to grab a new set of outfits and started to change in front of Cindy.

After Aurora was done, she added, “She gave me a call saying that she needed to discuss somethingwith me. All I wanted to know was what she wanted to say, but I didn’t expect that b*tch to attack mebefore we could even have a civil conversation. How could I just stand her attacking me withoutdefending myself?”

She wasn’t one who would back out from a fight and she wasn’t afraid of a mere woman eitherbecause she had fought with men before.

As Leah came alone without the two bodyguards, Aurora was able to escape unscathed after the fight.

After staring at Aurora for a moment, Cindy asked, “Did anyone see you two? Where did you guys havethe fight?”

Aurora went to sit by her bedside before placing both hands on her lap. “Don’t worry, even if I’m notembarrassed, I bet she’d feel as such if someone ran into us. We were at the park of an empty housingarea at that time, so I didn’t let her do anything as she wished. Instead, I pushed her to the ground andwhacked her up before kicking her twice.”

Cindy sighed. “Why would she even pick a fight with you? I can’t believe I thought that she had alreadymoved on.”

Meeting Aurora alone and trying to pick a fight with her? Is Leah out of her mind? Does she really thinkthat she’s that good? Even Aurora couldn’t figure out what Leah was plotting before she harrumphed.“It’s possible that she has already harbored ill feelings toward me since the last time, so she wanted totake this opportunity to lash out at me.”

When Leah was previously locked in the Morgan Residence’s basement, she probably contactedAurora for help to escape, but Aurora hung up on her and ignored her cries for help.

Combined with her feud with Ian, it was possible that Leah could no longer contain her anger anymore.

Still, she obviously wouldn’t dare to confront him, so she probably figured that it was better to start fromAurora.

Still, Leah had really miscalculated this time. Then, Aurora chuckled. “I’m actually the worst person shecould confront.”

If it was Ian, he probably wouldn’t have laid a hand on Leah as he never picked a fight with someone ofthe opposite gender. However, Aurora was someone who never held back.

Aurora was already pissed off at Leah for mistreating Ian, yet Leah had the nerve to confront her.

After contemplating for a moment, Cindy left the room before returning with a first-aid kit. “Let me helpyou to clean your wound.”

Aurora pushed her hair behind. “It’s not much since I don’t really feel anything after all. If you didn’t tellme about it, I probably wouldn’t even realize it.”

Cindy hummed in acknowledgement. “Maybe your sense of pain was dulled because you wereagitated.”

Aurora chuckled. “That’s possible. I still feel agitated even up until now. Remember Leah being pushedto the ground and beaten up by me makes me feel ecstatic.”

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