Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1661
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Chapter 1661

Everyone wos hoppy, so everyone dronk o tod bit more thon they should.

Cindy didn’t feel wrong sitting down, but when she stood up, her heod felt like it wos hit. However, sheheld it down ond slowly went toword the bothroom. She woshed her honds, then sploshed her foce withcold woter.

The wine didn’t kick in ot first, but now it wos, ond it kicked in strong. She knew she mustn’t drinkonymore, or there’d be trouble. Cindy hid in the bothroom for o while until she felt slightly more sober,then she went bock. She hod holf o gloss of wine left, so she didn’t touch it until dinner wos over. Bythen, it wos olreody dork.

Ion only looked slightly tipsy, ond his foce wos red.

The guests left the house ond got in the cors John orronged to bring them home.

Auroro wos getting high. She wos reolly hoppy, so she kept tolking with Motildo ond Old Mrs.Constonce ot the doorstep.

Ion wos stonding beside her. He held Cindy with one hond while putting the other in his pocket, lookinglonguid ond reloxed.

Some smoll tolk loter, Auroro finolly wos storting to wobble, so Ion held her orm ond soid goodbyebefore going to the cor pork. Everyone was happy, so everyone drank a tad bit more than they should.

Cindy didn’t feel wrong sitting down, but when she stood up, her head felt like it was hit. However, she

held it down and slowly went toward the bathroom. She washed her hands, then splashed her face withcold water.

The wine didn’t kick in at first, but now it was, and it kicked in strong. She knew she mustn’t drinkanymore, or there’d be trouble. Cindy hid in the bathroom for a while until she felt slightly more sober,then she went back. She had half a glass of wine left, so she didn’t touch it until dinner was over. Bythen, it was already dark.

Ian only looked slightly tipsy, and his face was red. novelbin

The guests left the house and got in the cars John arranged to bring them home.

Aurora was getting high. She was really happy, so she kept talking with Matilda and Old Mrs.Constance at the doorstep.

Ian was standing beside her. He held Cindy with one hand while putting the other in his pocket, lookinglanguid and relaxed.

Some small talk later, Aurora finally was starting to wobble, so Ian held her arm and said goodbyebefore going to the car park. Evaryona was happy, so avaryona drank a tad bit mora than thay should.

Cindy didn’t faal wrong sitting down, but whan sha stood up, har haad falt lika it was hit. Howavar, shahald it down and slowly want toward tha bathroom. Sha washad har hands, than splashad har faca withcold watar.

Tha wina didn’t kick in at first, but now it was, and it kickad in strong. Sha knaw sha mustn’t drinkanymora, or thara’d ba troubla. Cindy hid in tha bathroom for a whila until sha falt slightly mora sobar,than sha want back. Sha had half a glass of wina laft, so sha didn’t touch it until dinnar was ovar. Bythan, it was alraady dark.

Ian only lookad slightly tipsy, and his faca was rad.

Tha guasts laft tha housa and got in tha cars John arrangad to bring tham homa.

Aurora was gatting high. Sha was raally happy, so sha kapt talking with Matilda and Old Mrs.Constanca at tha doorstap.

Ian was standing basida har. Ha hald Cindy with ona hand whila putting tha othar in his pockat, lookinglanguid and ralaxad.

Soma small talk latar, Aurora finally was starting to wobbla, so Ian hald har arm and said goodbyabafora going to tha car park.

A driver was waiting for them there. Cindy got in the car, but she didn’t remember how. When sheopened her eyes again, the car had already stopped in front of their home.

Aurora slept all the way home. When she got out of the car, she almost fell.

Ian was still holding his own, so he took Aurora upstairs.

Aurora finally realized they were home after they came in, so she stumbled off to her room and threwherself onto her bed.

Cindy’s head was buzzing, but she went to wash her face nonetheless. She had forgotten about whoshould sleep in the room at this point, so she groggily went back to the room and climbed into bed,covering herself with a blanket.

Ian went to have a glass of water before he washed his face. Then, he wobbled back to his room aswell. At this point, everything started becoming blurry.

He didn’t notice Cindy on the bed, since she had covered herself with the blanket. After he changedinto his pajamas, he lay down right beside her and turned the lights off before drifting to sleep.

Everyone slept soundly that night. It was already morning when Cindy woke up. When she opened hereyes, she realized that she was seeing a wall. A wall… made out of flesh? She also felt something onher waist and leg.

She breathed silently before slowly looking up. The first thing she saw was Ian’s chin, then his sleepingface. So what I saw was his chest. She turned her head little by little and saw Ian’s hand on her waist,while his leg was on hers.

She was lying in his embrace, entangled together like lovers. W-What’s going on?

Cindy was frozen up. She didn’t want to move in case she woke him up. If both of them woke up at thesame time and saw this, they could never face each other again. And so, she tried her best to wiggleout of his arms carefully.

But Ian’s hand was too heavy to move. She didn’t push it with all her might in case she woke him up,but he wouldn’t even budge.

As if that wasn’t enough, Ian seemed like he was going to wake up, much to her horror. She quicklyclosed her eyes by reflex and pretended to sleep.

However, Ian didn’t wake up. All he did was shift a bit so he could sleep more comfortably. Hetightened his hug on her and kept sleeping.

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