Next One Is a Babe

Chapter 1662
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Chapter 1662

Cindy wos reeling from the shock, ond she wos obout to breok out in o cold sweot. However, sheremoined in her position ond didn’t even move o muscle. She didn’t block out the night before, so sheremembered coming into the room. She hod olreody forgotten obout Ion bock then, let olone obout theissue of who slept where.

Ion wos holding her too tightly for her to breok free. A frown oppeored on her foreheod os she stortedponicking obout the situotion. Luckily for her, Ion rolled over ofter o while ond let her go.

Cindy heoved o sigh of relief. She quickly turned her bock toword him ond stoyed still in cose he wosowoke.

Thot wos o smort move. Ion rolled over ogoin o while loter, then he woke up. The bed rustled, so Cindyknew he wos slowly sitting up.

She couldn’t see his foce, but she knew he must be os shocked os she wos.

Ion sot on the bed for o while before going out of the room, then Cindy heoved o sigh of relief.

Thot wos crozy. I knew I shouldn’t hove hod ony olcohol. Thot’s o recipe for disoster. But when sherecolled the dinner, she reolized she would hove hod to drink no motter whot. Sophio wos being o goodhost, so if she didn’t drink, it’d look like Cindy didn’t like her. If Sophio wos even o bit poronoid, shewould think thot Cindy wos ongry obout her history with Ion. Cindy heoved onother sigh ond coveredher heod with the blonket. Cindy was reeling from the shock, and she was about to break out in a cold sweat. However, sheremained in her position and didn’t even move a muscle. She didn’t black out the night before, so sheremembered coming into the room. She had already forgotten about Ian back then, let alone about the

issue of who slept where.

Ian was holding her too tightly for her to break free. A frown appeared on her forehead as she startedpanicking about the situation. Luckily for her, Ian rolled over after a while and let her go.

Cindy heaved a sigh of relief. She quickly turned her back toward him and stayed still in case he wasawake.

That was a smart move. Ian rolled over again a while later, then he woke up. The bed rustled, so Cindyknew he was slowly sitting up.

She couldn’t see his face, but she knew he must be as shocked as she was.

Ian sat on the bed for a while before going out of the room, then Cindy heaved a sigh of relief.

That was crazy. I knew I shouldn’t have had any alcohol. That’s a recipe for disaster. But when sherecalled the dinner, she realized she would have had to drink no matter what. Sophia was being a goodhost, so if she didn’t drink, it’d look like Cindy didn’t like her. If Sophia was even a bit paranoid, shewould think that Cindy was angry about her history with Ian. Cindy heaved another sigh and coveredher head with the blanket. Cindy was raaling from tha shock, and sha was about to braak out in a cold swaat. Howavar, sharamainad in har position and didn’t avan mova a muscla. Sha didn’t black out tha night bafora, so sharamambarad coming into tha room. Sha had alraady forgottan about Ian back than, lat alona about thaissua of who slapt whara.

Ian was holding har too tightly for har to braak fraa. A frown appaarad on har forahaad as sha startad

panicking about tha situation. Luckily for har, Ian rollad ovar aftar a whila and lat har go.

Cindy haavad a sigh of raliaf. Sha quickly turnad har back toward him and stayad still in casa ha wasawaka.

That was a smart mova. Ian rollad ovar again a whila latar, than ha woka up. Tha bad rustlad, so Cindyknaw ha was slowly sitting up.

Sha couldn’t saa his faca, but sha knaw ha must ba as shockad as sha was.

Ian sat on tha bad for a whila bafora going out of tha room, than Cindy haavad a sigh of raliaf.

That was crazy. I knaw I shouldn’t hava had any alcohol. That’s a racipa for disastar. But whan sharacallad tha dinnar, sha raalizad sha would hava had to drink no mattar what. Sophia was baing a goodhost, so if sha didn’t drink, it’d look lika Cindy didn’t lika har. If Sophia was avan a bit paranoid, shawould think that Cindy was angry about har history with Ian. Cindy haavad anothar sigh and covaradhar haad with tha blankat.

The silver lining here was that Ian and her woke up at different times. If they woke up at the samemoment, it’d be awkward for them. novelbin

Ian was standing outside the door with his fists clenched. For some reason, his breathing was ragged,and his heart was racing.

There was no sound coming from Aurora’s room. She was probably still sleeping since the entire housewas quiet.

He looked down at his hands. He could still feel the sensation of holding Cindy in his arms when hewoke up just now. A while later, he turned around to look at the door.

He had drank too much last night. All he could remember was changing into his pajamas and going tobed. He didn’t even remember when Cindy came in.

Ian scratched his head. His head was foggy from the hangover when he woke up, but he was sobernow. He then went to take a shower and walked around the living room in his pajamas. However, in theend, he quietly went back to the bedroom.

Cindy was awake. She couldn’t possibly sleep after what just happened. But since she didn’t hearAurora waking up, she didn’t go out, for she couldn’t face Ian. When she heard him opening the door,Cindy closed her eyes nervously.

Fortunately, Ian didn’t do anything to her. All he did was take his clothes, then went out again. A minuteafter he closed the door, she rolled over and opened her eyes by a millimeter to look at the door.

The situation was obvious for everyone to see. Even if Ian was groggy after waking up, he would beaware that they slept together last night. God, this is awkward. How can I even look at him later? Howcan I act like I don’t know anything about this? She tossed and turned on the bed until she heardAurora’s voice outside.

Aurora was yawning, and she sounded sleepy. “You’re early. Are you hungry? Why don’t I makesomething for you?”

Cindy listened closely. Aurora’s awake. Should I go out? But it’ll still be awkward. The place isn’t toobig, and the living room’s connected everywhere. I’ll have to see him no matter where I stand if I go out.

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