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Chapter 504

I always knew that he had hired bodyguards for me but I didn't expect that he would have them tail me

at all times.

He placed the book in his hands down and laid his elbow on the sofa. He looked at me unfeelingly and

said, "What are you going to prepare for him when you go visit? I don't think there's anything much to

prepare for the memorial of the dead."

I furrowed my brows and felt that he was being too harsh and unkind. I responded, "Hendrix, I don't

meddle in your business, so I hope you'll return the favor."

I didn't have the mood nor energy to fight with him. Plus, quarrelling with him yet again was just so


I turned my back away from him and went upstairs into the bedroom. I couldn't fall asleep after realizing

that New Year's Eve was fast approaching. Hence, I took out a suitcase and started packing the things

that I needed to bring back to Ucrebury.

Hendrix also followed me into the bedroom and when he saw me packing., his handsome face turned

grim. He aggressively snatched the clothes I was holding right out of my hands and threw the suitcase

on the floor.

"Even if you want to leave, you should at least pretend to behave and act accordingly, no? Miss Reid,

we've been married for three years yet here you are, planning to leave without a word. Is this the good

manners you often talk about?"

I puckered my lips and my temple throbbed in pain. "Hendrix, I don't want to argue with you. I've told

you before that we need some space from each other for a while. If we feel that we can no longer be in

this marriage, then we'll separate peacefully!"

I sighed, feeling fatigue weighing down on my bones. "There's a solution to everything. We're all adults

here, so you don't have to throw a uselesss tantrum in front of me."

He jeered, "Useless? You want to get a divorce? For what reason? Have I treated you badly? Are you

so excited to leave because you think that you're already part of the Reid family, so with their support,

your husband is rendered useless to you?"

"You abandon me after you've exploited and taken advantage of me. Arianna, it's really rare to see a

person as ruthless as you are."novelbin

I raised my head, trying hard to focus elsewhere but the melancholy in my heart. Alas, I failed. I glared

at him and rebutted, "What on earth do you want me to do? I've tolerated you and spoke nicely to you,

but all I get from you is one dirty look after another. Now that I'm keeping my distance from you to give

you space to calm down and to collect yourself, you think me cruel and ruthless? All you do is stay

quiet and I'd have to try and guess your thoughts. I'm not some god or superhuman, I don't have the

ability to read your mind. It's impossible for me to know what you're thinking about and to know what

you intend to do, or what exactly you want."

He lowered his eyes. He looked cruel and indifferent as he whispered back, "In the future, keep your

distance from anything that's related to Irvin, or the Miller and Granger family."

I frowned at his request. I had never intended to meddle in the Granger family affairs anyway, but the

two elders of the Miller family were...

In the face of my extended silence, he raised his hand to hold my chin up. He looked me in the eyes as

he demanded, "Say something!"

"What do you want me to say?" I wondered whether I should agree with him, but I knew that it was

impossible for me not to pay them a visit. I added, "Irvin saved my life, yet I can't even go see him for a


"Stop wasting your effort on a dead man!"

I felt the irritation set in as I frowned even harder. "Hendrix, can you skip your speech about Irvin?"

He called him a dead man. Even if we were referring to a stranger, more respect should have been


He scoffed, "How should I skip it? As soon as my wife so much as sees another man's shadow in the

crowd, she will lose her soul. Even after his death, you still keep his family members close to your

heart. Arianna, are you sure this is mere gratitude?"

"You should know what kind of person Irvin was better than I do. Would he be so willing to help a

stranger out of sympathy? No. You were fully aware that he had an agenda when he approached you

right from the start. Despite knowing that, you still indulged in his affection and care for you. Do you

know what kind of person you are?"

He paused and stared at me. Then, he hissed, "A selfish b*tch!"

I pressed my lips tightly together as I stared into his black eyes. Suddenly, I cracked a smile and

nodded. "You're right, I'm selfish. Therefore, while there is still time, you should end this relationship of

yours with a selfish woman like me as soon as possible. Don't get entangled in my business."

I raised my hand to push him away. His expression softened when he noticed my watery eyes, and he

stretched his arms out to pull me close to him.

Unable to bear with the hurt that was in my chest, I yelled at him, "F*ck off!"

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