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Chapter 1772

Some scholars were once extremely bored, so they divided humans into three categories, which were men, women, and female PhDs. They did this as a joke, referring to accomplished females who were more outstanding than males, and carried themselves more like leaders.

Although it was just a joke, I managed to have a deeper understanding of the so-called scholars after having spent a week with my new assistant, Mullen. There was nothing a woman with a doctorate was not good at. Even Fabian had a lot to praise her about, which saved me a lot of trouble.

After the banquet, Hendrix started to contact me less frequently, which meant that he was getting closer to his goal.

Then came the next week.

Coming out of the bathroom late at night, I plopped on the single sofa at the balcony to browse Twitter habitually. As soon as I sat down and picked up my smartphone, I spotted a silhouette approaching behind me.

I raised my guard instantly and prepared myself for any incoming danger.

Just then, a figure burst through the window from the balcony. When I turned around, I saw Mullen dressed in camouflage, fighting against Hendrix.

Hendrix had taken up combat skills in the past, and he possessed the natural strength and towering height of men. He should have been able to deal with Mullen with ease, but Mullen's moves were swift and merciless. After exchanging a few blows, it turned out that Hendrix was not gaining the upper hand in their combat. Instead, an obvious shoe print was marked onto his custom-made suit.

Acknowledging that Hendrix was tough to handle, Mullen lowered her body all of a sudden. She whipped out the dagger tied to her feet, rolled over the ground, and attempted to stab him.

Hendrix was forced to retreat, but Miller advanced and pushed herself off the ground as a boost. The edge of her blade was aimed at his taut neck. "Mullen, stop!" I called out hurriedly.

Hearing this, she paused for a moment, but Hendrix seized this opportunity and grabbed her arm, snatched the dagger away, and tossed her onto the ground.

The bedroom was still again, with the knife pointed at Mullen's neck this time.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

I was worried that Hendrix might actually finish

her off, so I explained hastily, "She works for me."

He raised his head to look at me, then lowered to observe Mullen. He spoke, his low voice filled with heavy threat, "Remember, next time, if you use one move to subdue your enemy, you'll need to be sure if you want to allow your target to slip


away. If Arianna hadn't spoken in time, you'd have lost your life."

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Mullen furrowed her brows, but she wasn't convinced as she replied, "That applies to the both of us. If it weren't for my boss, you wouldn't have necessarily been able to dodge my knife."

This was her way of doing things, only focusing on what needed to be done. She did not talk much, but when she did, it was definitely surprising. "Can you guys please put the dagger away before we start talking?" I pleaded worriedly.

Hendrix pondered for a moment, then stood up while loosening his grip, and Mullen picked herself up immediately after being released from his restraint.

"It's a solid knife, but you're not skilled enough," Hendrix commented as he threw it back to her with a cold expression. There was a glint of impatience in his eyes and he was on the verge of an outburst Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Mullen, however, wasn't afraid of death. She even added, "If you're not convinced, then let's have a proper spar. There's no need to be so cynical." Once those words left her mouth, Hendrix shot daggers at her. His aura turned cold and tense, and the atmosphere of the room followed suit. Rolling my eyes in thought, I quickly hugged my stomach and rested myself on the sofa as I pretended to be in pain. "Ouch..."

When he noticed my reaction, Hendrix bent over and pulled me into his embrace instantly. "Have you received the injection today?" he asked.

I reached out at once and wrapped my arms around his neck. I chuckled and said naughtily, "Don't be angry It's because I didn't tell Mullen about what happened between us, so she took you as a threat and attacked you Just let this go for my sake, okay?" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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