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Chapter 1771

"What were you and Hendrix doing at the patio together during the banquet?" I asked and immediately changed the topic.

He said, "Nothing. We were just putting on a show. You're Hendrix's children's mother, and Uncle Charles' only daughter. The Forbes family tried to bring you down, so a resignation definitely wasn't enough."

It seemed that the unconscious man who was carried away was the one who tried to spill wine on me.

Aaron and Hendrix's intentions were simple and clear. They wanted to show the Forbes family that I would not be allowed any humiliation, even if Hendrix and I were divorced.

In fact, I had made a successful comeback without their help. However, Serene's men were too reckless, ending up offending Hendrix. They got themselves into huge trouble without me making any further moves.

Although Aaron uttered his words so casually, I could not forget the scene I witnessed in the corridor. He was alone with Hendrix, and they put themselves in such a dangerous situation as they confronted more than ten men. Even if they got their desired result at the end, it was a really risky situation.

In this world, no one should gamble their lives for the sake of others.

"I know that you did that for my sake, but you should just let me deal with it by myself in the future. Both you and Hendrix have your own lives. You can't shelter me for a lifetime, and the both of you should think for yourselves, for your own sakes," I objected.

Aaron's facial expression stayed as it was while he retorted, "Why can't I do that for my whole life? Half of my lifespan has already gone!"

I added weakly, "You know that's not what I meant. What are you going to do about Emma? I don't know if you're testing if she would leave you or if you're doing this for another purpose, but don't you think it's time to stop?"

Once I mentioned this, Aaron's smile froze and gradually vanished. He hung his head, a frown written all over his face as he kept quiet. "Aaron," I coaxed. Seeing him act like this, I started to feel a little sad for him. "Emma isn't Yana. She has never thought of leaving you. Why is it that you don't dare to admit that you love her? Don't you remember when you told me about Yana, about your heart-wrenching pain? Yana is a good person, but she didn't think about spending her life with you. Emma has a few little flaws, but she loves you, and she's determined to be your wife till death do you both apart. Don't you think that this is unfair to her?"

Aaron was still silent, his black eyes squinted and his long eyelashes fluttered. I was not sure if he was considering my suggestion.

After a long time, he looked up with an ambiguous tinge in his eyes, and patted me on the arm with his long, pale hands. "I know what to do, don't worry know what I want. It's

getting late, I'll get the nurse to give you the injection so that you can get an early rest." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Right after, without waiting for my response, he walked pass me and headed toward the ground floor.

I felt an indescribable discomfort as I watched his frame disappear past the corridor.

Aaron had too many scruples, and the source of it had to do with me, more or less.

After the nurse left, I dialed Tobias' number on the phone.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Oh, Arianna! I was looking for an opportunity to thank you for your help at the communication station, but now you're asking me for help instead.

Since you wouldn't contact me

without any reason, tell me, I'll do

anything for you," Tobias chatted enthusiastically. It seemed that he had benefited a lot from the

cooperation with the Granger Group.

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Without hesitating, I immediately stated my purpose, "You have a lot of connections, don't you? I need you to find someone for me..." Then came the next day.

When I arrived at the office, I requested for Fabian to recruit a private assistant for me.

Since the firm was named under the

Reid Group, a bright future was pretty much secured. During that afternoon itself, more than a dozen interns came over to apply for the position. I personally interviewed them, ultimately decided on @ female PhD who had returned from abroad, and instantly hired her for the job. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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