My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1005: Auditory Illusion
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Chapter 1005: Auditory Illusion

Chapter 1005: Auditory Illusion

"I'm worried that she's been pushed to a point where she has no other option by the Armstrong family.

Can you check where she is now? Just make sure she's safe. I won't get involved in anything else,"

Camille explained seriously.

Ayan looked at her deeply and nodded, saying, "Alright."

Ayan immediately called Kian, and Kian's investigation was quite swift, as it wasn't a particularly

challenging task. Within a few minutes, he had the results.

Kian said that Grace had moved to Maple Leaves Mansion, and she was living in the same building as

Horace. The Armstrong family was also searching for her, but they hadn't found any leads.

Camille was slightly surprised by this information. She then turned to Ayan and said, "Let's not let the

Armstrong family find her. If she's safe now, that's all that matters."

Although Camille didn't have a deep relationship with Grace, it had thawed somewhat between them,

and she couldn't just stand by if something was wrong.

She had always felt that Grace was too obedient, lacking her own opinions. Everything she did seemed

to be in line with what Brody and Page wanted. It didn't seem right.

Now that Grace had taken the first step on her own, Camille's role was to lend her a helping hand.

Ayan understood Camille's concern and immediately gave instructions to Kian.

Ayan looked at Camille and asked, "Are you worried about her?"novelbin

"I'm not worried anymore. She's with Horace, so it should be okay. Otherwise, Horace wouldn't have

helped her escape from the Armstrong family," Camille replied calmly.

Although Grace wasn't a child anymore, if Horace wasn't worth her trust and taking this step, she

wouldn't have done it. Now that she had chosen this path, it meant that Horace was probably treating

her well.

Camille sighed silently, her emotions a bit low as she said, "Does the Armstrong family have to go to

such lengths? They can ignore me, but do they have to treat Grace this way?"

She couldn't understand what Brody and Page were thinking or why they had to do things this way.

Ayan's gaze was gentle as he spoke softly, "There's no need to overthink what others are thinking or

why they do that. We only need to focus on ourselves, have a clear conscience, and follow our own

hearts. As for the rest, let it unfold naturally."

Camille nodded gently, her expression still a bit downcast. She replied, "Actually, I don't necessarily

need to know their motives. I just feel that what they're doing is too hurtful. When they've completely

hurt others, how will they justify it?"

"That's their business. We don't need to worry. Just remember, even if in the future, you choose to

ignore the Armstrong family, no one can blame you for it. Understand?" Ayan's gaze was firm as he

looked at Camille, his words and his eyes making it clear that Camille had done nothing wrong.

Camille nodded, her attitude changing a lot because of Ayan. He had filled in many of her inner

vulnerabilities, allowing her to stand tall and say no to anyone.

In the past, Camille often had rebellious thoughts but rarely expressed them. She struggled with finding

the right words and worried about whether the other person would accept her views.

However, Ayan taught her an important lesson: that as long as she believed in what she was saying or

doing, it was valid. He emphasized the idea that everyone should first be true to themselves before

considering the opinions of others.

However, the Armstrong family's matter was far from over. Grace couldn't be reached, and without

Camille's presence, the dinner with the Wesley family lost its purpose. It was already past nine in the

evening, but tension still hung heavily over the Armstrong family.

Brody paced back and forth in the living room, his entire demeanor exuding cold anger. He glared at

Page, who was sitting on the sofa, and sternly questioned her, "What's the use of crying? When

something goes wrong, all you do is cry. Shouldn't we be finding a solution? The Wesley family is

waiting for us to bring Camille over. We thought Grace would be sensible and help us, but look what's

happened. She's gone missing. Is this the result of your upbringing? How did you raise her?"

Brody's questioning left Page speechless. While they were usually a courteous couple, when

something went wrong, Brody would immediately get angry, and Page seldom dared to argue back.

The household staff also followed suit, maintaining silence and trying to minimize their presence in

such situations.

Brody's accusations created a heavy atmosphere in the living room, and Page observed the situation

for a while. She then cautiously suggested, "Grace must have been influenced by someone. Haven't

you forgotten how obedient she usually is? I suspect Camille might have manipulated her behind the

scenes. Shouldn't we visit Camille's residence? Grace might be staying with Camille."

Brody's sharp gaze turned towards Page, filled with displeasure. After a brief pause, he said in a calm

tone, "If that's the case, what are you waiting for?"

Page quickly got up and left the house.

Unaware that Camille had moved to Franklin Bay, Page assumed Camille was still living at Maple

Leaves Mansion and drove there directly.

Upon arriving at Maple Leaves Mansion, she couldn't enter as she wasn't a resident. Page had to

identify herself as Camille's mother to the security personnel.

However, they informed her, "Mrs. Simpson hasn't been living here for a long time. Maybe you should

give her a call?"

Camille had already blocked Page's number, so calling her directly was not an option. Page maintained

a polite smile on her face but couldn't help but feel skeptical about Camille's absence. She thought it

was likely that Camille had instructed the security not to let her in.

Page continued to inquire, "So, you don't know where she lives now? You must have some information

about her whereabouts, right?"

The security personnel were surprised by Page's persistence. They couldn't believe that a mother

wouldn't know where her daughter lived. It seemed as if their relationship was quite distant.

Despite Page's repeated questions, the security staff gave the same response, and she became

increasingly convinced that Camille had made prior arrangements. She decided not to press further

and returned to her car, waiting anxiously, convinced that she wouldn't leave without seeing Camille.

However, Camille wasn't living at the mansion anymore, so she wouldn't show up.

Nevertheless, Page might not see Camille, but she could run into others.

Indeed, within a short half-hour, Page spotted Horace returning from a walk, carrying a bag of


When Page called out to him, Horace experienced a brief moment of disbelief, wondering if he had

made a mistake.

He instinctively turned around and saw Page getting out of her car. Horace confirmed that it was indeed


His expression remained composed, and his gaze was cool. He said, "Mrs. Armstrong, what brings you

here? Is there something you need?"

Page quickly approached Horace and asked in a soft voice, "Does Mr. Burris also live here?"

Horace nodded faintly, showing no strong emotions. His eyes remained warm and calm. He replied,

"Mrs. Armstrong, why would you be here? Is there something wrong?"

Page smiled and explained, "I came to visit Camille. You know how busy she usually is and how rarely

she comes home. As a mother, I worry about my daughter. However, she's been busy and hasn't

answered my calls. I couldn't get inside, so could Mr. Burris take me in?"

Horace didn't immediately agree to Page's request. Instead, he calmly responded, "As far as I know,

Miss Camille doesn't live here anymore. Isn't that right, Mrs. Armstrong?"

Page was taken aback for a moment, her displeasure evident on her face. She quickly asked, "You're

saying she doesn't live here anymore? Where did she go?"

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