My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1004: Lost And Found
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Chapter 1004: Lost And Found

Chapter 1004: Lost and Found

To make it all seem more convincing, Camille even glanced over at Ayan as she spoke, as if Ayan

might actually behave that way.

The old Simpson followed her gaze and cast a somewhat displeased look at Ayan, his murky eyes

narrowing slightly. He spoke in a calm tone, "Alright, I'll give you face, Camille. Now that I'm back, I

want to see who still dares to bully you."

The old Simpson's expression and gaze seemed to convey a clear message to Ayan: Don't even think

about mistreating Camille, and there won't be any leniency.

Ayan looked somewhat helpless as he glanced at Fletcher and Talia beside him, desperately searching

for the right words to explain himself.

By the time he regained his composure, everyone had already headed to the dining room. He

immediately followed suit.

With everyone seated, Camille took care of the old Simpson, Talia looked after Timmy, and Fletcher

engaged both Timmy and the old Simpson in conversation. That left Ayan sitting alone at the table,

ignored by everyone.

In order to show his support for Camille, the old Simpson finished an entire bowl of soup and even had

two pieces of meat and some vegetables. He had been able to eat this much for a long time, and his

hearty appetite brought joy to the others.

Fletcher couldn't help but glance at Camille and say, "It seems like Cami has a way with him. Even

Grandpa listens to you. In the future, you'll have to take care of him for all of us."

Camille smiled and nodded. "Of course, in the future, Grandpa will be like a child, just like Timmy. He'll

have to behave, or else I'll have to resort to discipline!"

The old Simpson also smiled and said, "Alright, whatever you say goes. Now that I've finished the

soup, let's see who dares to make fun of you."

This was directed at Ayan, and as the person in question, Ayan sat quietly, his eyes filled with

grievance as he looked at Camille, as if to say, "You've really put myself in a tough spot now."

Camille covered her mouth and chuckled, and her eyes, filled with amusement, involuntarily glanced at


The old Simpson gave a faint snort and had no intention of letting this topic end. He continued, "Be

good to Cami, don't be full of yourself, and don't think that there's no one to support Cami when we're

not at home."

"Grandpa, you've misunderstood me," Ayan said with a hint of grievance.

But the old Simpson wouldn't be easily convinced. He gave Ayan a sidelong glance and said in a low

voice, "Misunderstood? Do you think I'm clueless? Let me warn you, if you mistreat Cami, I won't spare

you, and neither will the entire Simpson family."

The stern warning from the old Simpson left Ayan feeling helpless.

He could only turn his gaze towards Camille and said, "Aren't you going to explain to Grandpa? He's

put me on his blacklist for good."

Fletcher and Talia couldn't help but laugh, but they knew better than to meddle in the affairs of the

young couple. After all, the old Simpson had spoken, and they genuinely wanted to see how Ayan

would handle the situation, especially when he couldn't do anything to the old Simpson. It was quite


Camille lightly pressed her lips together, her eyes filled with amusement as she looked at the old

Simpson, who continued to show no favor to Ayan. She spoke softly, "Grandpa, let's let it go this time.

Give him a chance to mend his ways. After all, we should be giving chances for a fresh start, right?"

The old Simpson was pleased with Camille's soothing words, and he found them useful. Naturally, he

nodded in agreement and looked at Ayan, saying, "This time, I'll spare you because Cami spoke up for

you. But this is a one-time thing. I hope you'll behave."

"Of course, Grandpa, you can count on me. I won't let you down. Thank you for giving me a chance."

"No need to thank me; it's Cami's generosity. You should thank Cami."

"Thank you, Cami." Ayan obediently turned to Camille. However, there was a hint of a meaningful smile

in his deep eyes.

Camille, feeling a bit unsettled, could only respond, "You're welcome."

The meal was very enjoyable. Everyone chatted happily, and after spending several hours on the road

and having such a long conversation, the old Simpson had exhausted his energy. Fletcher helped the

old Simpson and, with Kit's assistance, they all prepared to rest.

Before the old Simpson retired to his room, he said to Camille, "Whenever you have time, come over

and keep me company. Of course, only if it doesn't interfere with your work. Now that we're all back,

you can leave Timmy at the Simpson's mansion. You and Ayan can focus on your work."

The old Simpson hoped that Camille and Ayan could have some quality time together. With Timmy

around, they couldn't fully enjoy themselves even when they went out. Leaving Timmy at the Simpson's

mansion would allow him to have fun since there was plenty of space and people to keep him


Camille nodded. "Sure, Grandpa, don't worry. I can come every day as long as you don't find me


"That's what you said, so you better keep your word."


The old Simpson went to his room, and Timmy, having finished his meal, went outside to the garden

with his nanny to take a walk. In the dining room, only Talia, Camille, and Ayan remained at the table.

Ayan, with a warm expression, looked at Talia and asked, "Do you plan to send Grandpa to the hospital

as soon as possible, or will you wait a few days?"

Talia replied, "Your dad and I discussed it on our way back. We'll wait a few days, and he'll have to

agree before we proceed."

"Grandpa is quite stubborn, and you all know that. If you want him to agree, it might be difficult," Ayan

replied calmly.

Camille spoke up, "Should I talk to Grandpa about it?"

Talia didn't respond immediately and instead looked at Ayan, asking, "What do you think, Ayan?"

"It's not appropriate," Ayan declined.

Camille was puzzled. "Why not?"

Ayan explained, "Grandpa genuinely cares about you and is willing to listen to you. He thinks that as

long as you're happy, he can make concessions. But if you try to persuade him to go to the hospital, he

won't be pleased, and he'll feel that we're deliberately using you to convince him. Even if he agrees,

he'll still be annoyed."

Admitting the old Simpson to the hospital had to be a decision he made willingly, given that it wasn't a

short-term commitment. If his mood wasn't good, it could affect his condition and treatment.

Ayan's response left Camille and Talia in silence, as they found his reasoning quite accurate.

Camille looked at Ayan and asked, "So what should we do?"

"I'll talk to Grandpa about it, maybe tomorrow. For today, he's already here, so let him rest," Ayannovelbin

replied calmly.

Talia agreed, "Let's go with Ayan's suggestion. Grandpa seems much happier now that he's back, and

it's all thanks to Cami."

Talia smiled at Camille, her eyes filled with gratitude.

Camille reached out and held Talia's arm, whispering, "Mom, please don't be so polite with me. We're

family, right?"

"We definitely are."

"Since we're family, let's not use formal language, okay?"


The two shared a smile and unintentionally ignored Ayan, who was sitting nearby.

Later, when Fletcher came out of the old Simpson's room and chatted with Ayan for a while, Camille

and Ayan finally left the Simpson's mansion.

As for Timmy, he refused to leave and stayed at the Simpson's mansion.

The two drove back to Franklin Bay, and it was already past 9 PM.

When they returned home, Camille lay on the couch for a while, checking her phone. She noticed

nearly ten blocked calls, all from Brody, Page, and some unknown numbers. Camille suddenly

remembered Grace's situation and immediately said to Ayan, "I received a call from the Armstrong

family today, asking about Grace. They want to know if she ran away from home."

Camille's initial thought was that Grace had run away because that would explain why the Armstrong

family couldn't find her.

Ayan said, "I don't know. You should ask Horace about it."

"I already did, but he's busy and hasn't replied yet. Would you mind checking for me?"

"Check on Grace?"


"She's not a child anymore. She won't get lost," Ayan replied with a faint smile.

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