My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1003: Deeper Love
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Chapter 1003: Deeper Love

Chapter 1003: Deeper Love

Camille, of course, wouldn't go. So, her attitude towards Brody remained icy. This coldness made

Brody feel that Camille was impolite and disrespectful. Brody's emotions flared up, and he angrily

questioned, "What do you mean by that? Are you not planning to come back?"

Camille replied, "I thought we made things quite clear last night. Was I not clear enough, or did I

express myself in a way that you couldn't understand?"

Camille's tone was mocking, and she had come to the realization that there were things she couldn't

hope for. She didn't want to maintain even the basic courtesy with Brody anymore.

Brody was naturally displeased with Camille's attitude. He continued to berate her, accusing her of

being disobedient and ungrateful. He believed that she was doing all this to get back at them for

sending her to her grandmother's house in Flento when she was a child.

Brody kept repeating these same things, and Camille felt numb. She decided to end the call.

She had no intention of answering any calls from unlisted numbers in the future. She didn't want to

engage in any conversations with Brody or Page. Their conversations were always the same, and she

found them tiresome.

Camille put her phone down and refocused on the soup she was cooking. She sighed in resignation.

However, she couldn't help but worry about Grace. Nothing bad had happened to her, had it?

Camille thought for a moment and then hurriedly left the kitchen to go outside to the garden. She dialed

Horace's number.

Horace's phone was with his secretary, so it was the secretary who answered the call.

The secretary said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Simpson, but Mr. Burris is currently busy dealing with some work-

related matters. Is there something I can help you with? You can tell me, and I'll pass the message on

to Mr. Burris when he's available."

Camille asked, "Is he very busy?"

The secretary replied, "Yes, it seems he's dealing with some personal matters. He left in the afternoon,

and we don't know when he'll be done."

The secretary knew Camille's identity, so she shared what she knew, as it didn't make much difference

whether she did or not.

Camille didn't press further and simply said, "Alright, please let him know to reply to my message when

he's back."

"Of course, Mrs. Simpson. Don't worry; I'll make sure Mr. Burris gets your message."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Camille sighed silently and then put her phone down. Her expression was somewhat complicated, but

she didn't have time to dwell on it. Ayan's call interrupted her thoughts.

Ayan said, "I'm on my way home."

Camille was slightly taken aback and quickly replied, "Alright, dinner is ready. We can have it as soon

as you get home."

Her response made Ayan hold back a low laugh. "The devoted wife and mother, huh?"

Camille knew he was teasing her again, and her expression showed a hint of coldness. She said,

"Don't get too cheeky. Later, I might tell Grandpa how you've been treating me."

"What are you going to tell Grandpa?"


"Can't you say something nice about me? After all, Grandfather hasn't been back for so long. Can't you

be a little friendlier to me, given my recent good behavior?"

"Let's see how you perform!"

Ayan chuckled, his voice taking on a sultry tone as he gently inquired, "What more do I need to do? Is

my performance not satisfactory enough at night? If that's the case, I hope you can cooperate with me.

We're both in this together, after all. I'm making an effort, and you should praise me a bit, shouldn't


"Ayan!" Camille scolded.

"I'm here! Don't shout so loudly." Ayan's laughter grew even more evident.

Camille coldly said, "You can be quiet now. Stop talking. You're not very good at it."

Camille didn't hesitate and hung up the phone. She quickly instructed her aunt to prepare some tea

and fruits, then went out to the garden with Timmy to wait for the arrival of the old Simpson and others.

After about ten minutes, they heard the sound of a car approaching. The household staff had already

opened the door, waiting for them. The car drove directly into the Simpson's mansion and parked in the

designated spot. Camille turned to Timmy and said, "Timmy, Grandma is back."

Upon hearing the word "Grandma," Timmy immediately ran towards the car. His little legs had become

steady enough to outrun Camille.

As soon as Ayan got out of the car, he hugged Timmy tightly and kissed him. "Timmy, Grandma missed

you so much. Did you miss Grandma too?"

Timmy clung to Talia's neck and nodded vigorously. "Missed, missed Grandma."

Timmy was delighted, and he didn't want to let go of Talia.

Fletcher, who was nearby, reached out to hold him, but Timmy firmly rejected him, wanting to stick with

Talia alone.

Camille approached the car and greeted Fletcher, then went to help the old Simpsons out of the car.

She smiled and called out, "Grandpa, welcome back!"

"Very good, very good. I'm happy to be back. It's been so long since I've seen you and Timmy. I was

afraid you'd forget me," the old Simpson said, not mentioning Ayan at all, which made Camille

suppress a smile. She glanced at Ayan casually, her eyes slightly raised, and she smiled as if to say,

"See, Grandpa doesn't even notice you."

Ayan shook his head helplessly, but his eyes still doted on her.

Camille helped the old Simpson walk towards the house, and they walked rather slowly. The household

staff had retreated, leaving only the two of them. Taking advantage of this moment, the old Simpsonnovelbin

asked, "Cami, have you been getting along well with him lately?"

The old Simpson's concern for her remained the same, and he always worried about her relationship

with Ayan.

Camille suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he was getting older, yet he was still so concerned

about them. Camille's expression showed a hint of guilt and unease. She replied in a somewhat

subdued tone, "Grandpa, we're doing fine."

"That's good. As long as you're fine, I'm happy. Since he's been behaving well, would you consider

giving him a chance? Let him make up for how he treated you in the past?"

The old Simpson looked at Camille with warmth in his eyes.

He was always like this, thinking of Camille in everything he did. He was genuinely good to her.

Camille bit her lip and smiled gently. She said, "Grandpa, are you pressuring me as soon as you

return? Didn't you say I should test him carefully? Now that you're back, do you want to test him for me

as well?"

"Alright. Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you," the old Simpson didn't push further, even though he

knew Camille was declining his suggestion. There was no change in his emotions. He wore a light

smile on his face and expressed his support for Camille in his words.

With that said, they returned to the house. Camille helped the old Simpson sit on the living room sofa.

"Grandpa, the dinner is almost ready."

The old Simpson took a sip of water from the glass Camille handed him and said, "Just water is fine for

me. I'm not in the mood for food after sitting in the car for so long."

Camille looked concerned. She said softly, "Grandpa, I made soup for you with my own hands. Won't

you at least have a taste? I understand that you may not have much of an appetite after the journey,

but please, just a few sips. It would mean a lot to me. Please?"

Camille's gentle voice coaxed the old Simpson. Fletcher, Talia, and Ayan also joined in, saying, "Just

have a taste, Cami put a lot of effort into it."

Camille couldn't help but add, "Grandpa, Ayan is watching. If you don't eat, he'll make fun of me, and

when it's just the two of us, he'll tease me about how you love him more. So please, do it for me?"

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