My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1002: Contact
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Chapter 1002: Contact

Chapter 1002: Contact

Grace's voice trembled with a hint of sadness as she spoke those words. Horace immediately became

serious and said, "Grace, these are not decisions you can make. You can't change your parents' minds,

and the only thing you can do is to ensure that you maintain your own stance. As for others, let things

unfold naturally."

"I understand what you're saying, but now they are forcing me to hurt Camille, all under the guise of it

being for my own good. Who knows if, after they can't do anything to Camille, it will be my turn next?"

Grace was filled with fear and anxiety about the situation, and she now approached Brody and Page

with caution. She had never imagined such a day.

Her words made Horace recall the subtle hints Ayan had given him earlier at Simpson Group, implying

that if he wanted to be with Grace, he needed to make plans soon. It wasn't just about angering Brody;

it was also about Grace's future in the family. If they couldn't exploit Camille, Grace might be next.

Horace narrowed his eyes, his expression becoming grave. His voice was low as he said, "Grace, have

you ever thought about leaving the Armstrong family?"

Grace was taken aback. "Leave the Armstrong family? I don't quite understand. Do you mean cutting

ties with the Armstrong family?"

"Of course not. The Armstrong family is your home, and it's impossible to sever those ties due to some

conflicts. What I mean is moving out of the Armstrong family's residence and living independently,

leaving Armstrong Corp, and doing what you love."

Grace had repeatedly told Horace that she didn't enjoy running the company, but Brody and Page

insisted she work there.

She had never been able to choose what she truly enjoyed. From a young age, her interests were

dictated by others. She didn't like playing the piano or dancing, but Page believed that as a debutante,

she should have an affinity for such activities to maintain a certain image.

Only Horace knew her true passion-painting. She had a remarkable talent for it and aspired to become

an art teacher, ideally having her own art studio. This was something she had kept hidden in her heart

because of the environment she had grown up in. Grace felt restricted and unable to pursue her true

passion due to the expectations and demands placed upon her by her family, especially Page and


Grace kept these dreams hidden deep inside her heart, and she only dared to share them with Horace.

Growing up in that environment, Grace had always been fearful of Brody and Page. Horace's

suggestion elicited an immediate response from Grace. "I can't do that. If I were to do it now, they

wouldn't even let me leave the house."

"Grace, don't worry about anyone else. Just tell me, do you want to move out and live on your own? Do

you want to be free to do what you love and be with me?"

Horace's intentions were straightforward. He wanted Grace to be happy and free from any constraints

or threats. Grace fell silent, her expression stiff. She pressed her lips tightly together and remained

silent for a while before finally saying, "Can I really do that?"

"Of course, you can. There's nothing you can't do. You're an adult, and as long as it's what you truly

want, you can pursue anything. But the key is to follow your own heart."

Horace spoke to her for a long time. Grace had lived her whole life under the protection of the

Armstrong family. Even when she traveled, Page was always with her. In this circle, she had few

friends because Page didn't allow her to form deep connections. Page always emphasized the

importance of self-interest, and Grace had grown to accept it. However, with Camille's return and her

ability to stand on her own and make her own decisions, Grace had started to question her own


Grace felt inadequate compared to Camille, who could handle challenges at Armstrong Corp, network

effectively, and understand the motives of others. All of this made her doubt herself.

Fortunately, she had met Horace, and now she wanted to make a bold decision for her own happiness.

After Grace finished her call with Horace, she changed into comfortable clothing, grabbed her bag, and

left the house.

Page was not at home, and only Brody sat alone in the living room, reading a newspaper. He looked upnovelbin

when he heard footsteps and glanced at Grace without much warmth in his voice. He asked, "Are you

going out?"

"Yes, I'm going out for a while. Mom told me to find Camille. I called her, but she didn't answer, so I'm

planning to go to the office."

"Alright, make sure to handle this matter well. No matter what reason you use, you must ensure that

Camille comes over tonight."

"Okay," Grace replied coolly, and without further conversation with Brody, she left the house.

She drove away from the Armstrong family's residence and parked her car in a nearby garden. From

there, she hailed a random taxi.

Meanwhile, it wasn't until late afternoon, around four o'clock, that Brody realized something was amiss.

Grace had been out for the entire day without any contact. He couldn't reach Grace on her phone

either. He eventually used a phone from one of the household staff to call Camille.

Camille answered the call, and Brody immediately interrogated her. "When will you and Grace be

back? It's been quite a while. Why can't we reach Grace? What are you both up to?"

Camille's expression turned cold as she listened to Brody's questions. She was in the middle of

preparing dinner, making soup for Old Simpson. Facing Brody's questioning, she felt somewhat

bewildered. She furrowed her brows and replied, "I don't know where she is. She hasn't contacted me,

so I don't know."

Camille found it unusual. Where could Grace have gone?

Brody's voice came through again, issuing commands. "How could you not have seen her? She went

to find you. Let her answer her phone, or better yet, bring her back immediately. Hurry!"

Brody's tone was authoritative, and he didn't see anything wrong with it.

Camille involuntarily frowned. Her voice took on a tinge of iciness as she responded, "I already told

you, I haven't seen Grace. If you want to find her, just contact her directly. Her phone is with you, isn't


Camille realized that Brody might be intentionally causing trouble for her. Therefore, her tone was no

longer as gentle as before. After last night, she had undergone a significant change in her attitude

toward both Brody and Page.

She had originally thought that even if they didn't like her or treated her poorly, they were still her

parents. She believed it was best to let things unfold naturally without getting too caught up in their

actions. However, the things Brody and Page had done had exceeded her tolerance.

Camille's response left Brody somewhat stunned. He then asked, "You haven't seen her at all?"


Brody sighed in frustration. "Where could she have gone?"

"How would I know?" Camille countered.

"Since she's not here, come over now."

"I have something to do, so I can't come. Do you have anything else?"

Camille's response carried an air of indifference.

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