My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1006: Shifting Blame
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Chapter 1006: Shifting Blame

Chapter 1006: Shifting Blame

"I'm sorry, I'm not too sure. Maybe you can try calling her?" Horace replied distantly, shaking his head

with a cold and indifferent expression. There was no warmth in his eyes, and his brows furrowed.

Page couldn't fully trust Horace's words but decided to inquire further. "Mr. Burris, if you don't know

where she moved, how did you know she doesn't live here anymore?"

Horace squinted slightly, maintaining his cold demeanor. "Mrs. Armstrong, your question is making it

difficult for me to respond. I have some business dealings with Mr. Simpson, and he mentioned it once.

But please don't let Mr. Simpson hear about this conversation; it might lead to misunderstandings."

Horace's response remained conspicuously cold and distant, in line with his established character.

Page, considering his role as a part of Armstrong Corp, found it hard to believe that he had ulterior

motives. After all, his current position as the general manager of Armstrong Corp owed much to the

Armstrong family's support.

As Page contemplated this, she gradually placed more trust in Horace's words. Her gaze towards him

carried a sense of relief.

She didn't offer any explanation for her previous inquiries. Instead, she smiled politely and said,

"Camille probably mentioned it to me before, but I might have forgotten. I apologize for bothering you,

Mr. Burris. It's getting late, and I won't disturb you any longer."

Horace replied with a brief, "Mrs. Armstrong, Goodbye," but his tone remained distant.

As Page walked away, her eyes landed on the fruits Horace had purchased. She couldn't help but ask,

"Mr. Burris, did you buy all these fruits for yourself? Are you seeing someone now? I haven't heard you

mention anyone. How about inviting her for dinner sometime? Since we're friends, and you're the

General Manager of Armstrong Corp, we should take care of each other, right?"

Horace's response was concise, "There will be a chance to meet each other."

Page relented and was about to leave, but at that moment, Horace's phone rang. He glanced at the

caller ID, and his eyes flickered for a moment. He disconnected the call and then turned to Page,

saying, "I'll go in now."

Page nodded and watched as Horace entered Maple Leaves Mansion's gate. She couldn't help but

wonder about the guarded look in Horace's eyes. Had she misinterpreted it?

Page shook her head, deciding not to dwell on it further. She needed to get home and inform Brody

about Camille's move.

As Page left, Horace had already taken the elevator up to the floor where Grace lived.

Their apartments were close to each other, one above the other.

Horace knocked on Grace's door, and she quickly answered. "I called you; why didn't you answer?"

Horace entered the apartment and changed his shoes before taking her hand and leading her toward

the living room. He spoke calmly, "I just met your mother."

Grace froze, her entire body stiffening. Her reaction was tense as she asked, "You saw my mom?"

"Yes," Horace replied.

"Does she know I live here?" Grace's face displayed panic. She looked at Horace, fear in her eyes, and

asked, "What should we do now?"

Grace was very anxious and worried. Her face showed a growing sense of panic, and she looked at

Horace with a troubled expression.

Horace quickly set down the fruits he was carrying and gently embraced her, his voice low and

soothing. "Don't worry. She doesn't know you're here. She came looking for Camille, thinking Camille

still lived here. She probably assumed you were staying at Camille's place."

Grace's expression gradually eased, and she asked, "Do you think she might cause trouble for


Horace replied, "No, she won't. Ayan wouldn't let her harm Camille."

"I'm just worried. Can I call Camille to make sure everything's okay?"

"Of course." Horace handed his phone to Grace and added, "Don't overthink it. Since you've moved

here, just focus on settling in. If anything comes up, I'll handle it. For now, it's best if you don't go out,


Grace nodded and said, "I understand."

She took Horace's phone and dialed Camille's number. The call was answered promptly.

"Mr. Burris?" came Camille's voice from the other end.

"It's me, Cami," Grace quickly responded. "Cami, did Mom come looking for you? I'm really sorry; I just

heard from Horace that she came to Maple Leaves Mansion to find you. If she goes to Franklin Bay to

look for you, you don't need to worry about it. She's probably trying to find out where I am."

Grace was straightforward in explaining her purpose for calling and expressed her apologies and


Camille didn't seem to mind at all. She didn't pay much attention to what Brody and Page had said.

Camille replied, "It's okay, don't worry. Just stay safe at Horace's place. If they figure things out, great. If

not, it's their problem. As for me, no matter what they do, I won't be affected."

"Okay, that's a relief. I'm really sorry for causing you any trouble," Grace apologized again. She really

didn't want to trouble Camille further and didn't want her to be upset about this situation, which could

affect their recently improved relationship.

Camille laughed at Grace's repeated apologies and said, "Enough with the apologies. If you genuinely

feel sorry, treat Horace and me to dinner after this is all settled. After all, I'm your sister, right? Shouldn't

you and my future brother-in-law spare no expense to invite me for dinner?"

Camille's words lightened the mood, and Grace agreed, "Of course, it's a deal. Whatever you want to

eat, just let me know."

"Great, I'll let you know later. Now, take care of yourself. You have someone tall to rely on, and they

care about you. Nothing will happen," Camille reassured her.

Grace said, "Cami, about the Wesley family..."

Camille interrupted, "The Wesley family issue has nothing to do with you. It's all due to Mom and Dad.

You don't need to defend them or apologize on their behalf. If you don't want me to be upset with you

over this, then don't speak up for them, okay?"

Camille interrupted Grace, not wanting to hear her mention the matter any further. She also didn't want

Grace to explain or apologize on behalf of Brody and Page. What had happened had happened, and

Camille had witnessed it firsthand. It was a fact that couldn't be changed by anyone.

Camille abruptly ended the call, citing that it was getting late. She didn't want the conversation to

escalate further. She was already unhappy with what Brody and Page had done, and she didn't want to

hear anyone defend them.

After hanging up, Camille took a deep breath and looked at Ayan, who was reading nearby. "Did I come

off as too harsh?"

"It's fine. You were just expressing your thoughts and the truth. It's better than letting Grace continue

defending them. If you acknowledge her as your sister, then protect this relationship. Regarding what

other say and do, both of you don't need to get involved, or this relationship won't last," Ayan said,

gently pinching her cheek and offering thoughtful analysis.

Camille had the same thought, which was why she didn't allow Grace to speak on behalf of Brody and

Page. She knew that this was the only way to maintain their current relationship.

But would Grace blame her?

Grace stared at her hung-up phone, feeling uncertain. She looked at Horace and asked, "Cami is

upset. What should I do?"

Horace asked Grace seriously, "Do you think she's more important, or are your parents more


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