My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 994: Mistreatment
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Chapter 994: Mistreatment

Chapter 994: Mistreatment

He inquired about Camille's opinion and respected her choice.

Camille thought for a moment, then looked at Ayan and said, "I'll go in by myself first. After I received

the call, I also tried to contact Grace, but she didn't respond, so I don't know what's going on. If you go

in with me, I'm afraid they might feel uncomfortable speaking freely."

Ayan nodded in understanding and said, "Alright, you go in first. If you haven't come out in half an hour,

I'll come in, okay?"

Camille nodded, then pushed the door open and went inside.

Although Ayan accompanied Camille here, he chose to respect her wish to enter alone.

Ayan sat in the car, watching Camille enter the house. Inside the Armstrong family mansion, when

Camille entered the living room, a conversation was underway. When the servants informed them of

Camille's arrival, the conversation came to a halt.

All eyes turned towards Camille as she entered. Besides Brody, Page, and Grace, there were two other

men and women on the sofa. From their appearance, they seemed to be of a similar age to Brody and


Camille paused and looked at everyone. Her gaze naturally landed on Grace, who hadn't answered her

call. Grace's complexion looked a bit unpleasant, and her eyes seemed to be filled with a mixture of

embarrassment and helplessness.

Grace immediately got up and started to move towards Camille but was pulled back by Page, who

pressed her back into her seat. Page's eyes shot a warning at Grace before she put on a faint smile

and said to Camille, "Cami, you're back. Come and have a seat. We've been waiting for you for quite a


She hurriedly introduced the two men and women sitting on the sofa, "Mr. Wesley, Mrs. Wesley, this is

my youngest daughter, Camille. She's been busy with work, so she usually lives outside."

Camille's face remained impassive as she looked at this situation. Her gaze shifted to the man and

woman introduced as Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley. She didn't quite understand the current situation,

so she subconsciously furrowed her brow.

Page had already gotten up and was walking towards her. She affectionately took Camille's hand and

walked her over. "Cami, come sit and chat. Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley have been waiting for you for

a long time. Come and greet them."

Camille stared blankly for a moment and then looked at Page's face. Her voice was indifferent as she

asked, "Did you call me back here just to exchange greetings?"

Page's and Brody's faces instantly darkened, but they didn't care that there were outsiders present.

Page immediately criticized Camille sternly, "What's your attitude right now? Don't think that because

you have a small company, you can speak to your parents like this. You may be divorced, and although

you don't have to take care of the child, it's still your second marriage. Your father and I went through a

lot of trouble to find the Wesley family for you. Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley don't mind, so you better

behave properly. Apologize to Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley right now."

"Second marriage? Finding the Wesley family? So, are you planning to set me up for a blind date?"

"It's not a blind date. We've already talked to Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley. You're marrying into the

Wesley family." Page's tone remained stern, and she was determined to show her attitude and authority

in front of outsiders. She said, "Apologize now."

Camille didn't make any move to apologize. In fact, it was impossible for her to apologize. She simply

looked at Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley, who seemed to be waiting for her apology. They appeared

proud and superior.

Camille sat down as Page guided her to the seats opposite Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley. Then, she

asked with indifference, "You're not from Hance, are you?"

Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley exchanged a glance before Mrs. Wesley responded, "We're from Chesen.

After you marry into the Wesley family, you'll move to Chesen City. You can leave your company to

your parents. The Wesley family will take care of your needs. Your main responsibility will be to take

care of your husband, my son, who is the eldest son of the Wesley family."

Camille smirked, "No wonder."

It made sense. Who from Hance would dare to even think of such a thing? Everyone in Hance knew

about her relationship with Ayan.

Camille raised an eyebrow and looked at Brody and Page. She asked, "So, is this what you both want,

or did you contact them behind my back?"

"What do you mean 'contacted them behind your back'?" Brody was particularly unhappy. He said,

"We're doing this for your own good. Now that you're divorced, do you want to get back together with


Camille smiled faintly and replied, "Yes, it's true that I'm divorced."

That was a fact; she was indeed divorced.

But what did that have to do with the Armstrong family?

Camille asked, "So, just because I'm divorced, you're eager to marry me off again?"

Grace chimed in quickly, "Dad, Mom, I've said it before. You can't pressure Cami like this. She has a

good relationship with Mr. Simpson, even if they're divorced. Why do you always do this?"

"Shut up. This is not the place for you to speak." Brody shouted angrily, his gaze sharp and cold. He

waited for Camille to comply and said, "We're your parents, and you must follow our arrangements.novelbin

This matter is settled. Pack your things and go with the Wesley family in the next two days."

Camille furrowed her brow. "Just like that, you want me to leave? Isn't this like an arranged marriage?

Why do I feel like I'm being hired as a nanny?" Camille sneered and then turned to the two members of

the Wesley family. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "The eldest son of the Wesley family? Doesn't

the eldest son have a wedding ceremony?"

The expressions of Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley instantly soured, and they looked somewhat


Camille noticed the same expression on both of their faces, and her brow furrowed even more tightly.

She had a vague sense that something was amiss.

In normal circumstances, isn't a wedding supposed to be a joyous occasion?

Why weren't they more cheerful about it?

Page quickly tried to ease the tension, "The wedding can wait. It can be held whenever you want.

Besides, you're already divorced. Why do you demand so much? The Wesley family has taken an

interest in you, and you should be grateful."

Afterward, Page immediately looked at Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Wesley, expressing her apologies. "She's

a bit naive. Please don't take it to heart. When she enters the Wesley family, please teach her well. We,

as parents, will fully support you."

Mrs. Wesley's complexion softened slightly, and her gaze towards Camille now held a hint of a smile.

She said, "You won't miss out on the wedding. But our son Derrick is not currently in the best condition.

His health isn't great. We'll hold the wedding for you two after he's fully recovered. As long as you take

good care of him, we won't mistreat you."

Camille didn't speak and was pondering the meaning behind these words.

Grace became increasingly agitated and said, "Mom, why are you doing this? You know very well that

the Wesley family's son is in a vegetative state. They just want to secure a child for Wesley family's

future. Why are you forcing Cami into this? It's like pushing her into a pit of fire."

"Cami, please leave. Don't come back. I can't contact you. Mom has my phone. You should go now and

not stay here," Grace pleaded, rising from the sofa and attempting to take Camille out despite Page's


But Page immediately intervened when she saw what was happening. She said, "Grace, there are

guests here. You shouldn't be so rude. Your behavior is causing distress to your mom."

Frustrated, Grace retorted, "Mom, it's you who's causing us distress. Why do you always do this? Cami

and Mr. Simpson may be divorced, but you know very well how Mr. Simpson treats Cami now, don't


"Go upstairs!" Brody shouted, giving a command. Grace, of course, refused. Brody signaled to a

nearby servant with a look and said, "Take Miss Grace upstairs. She's not allowed to come down

without my permission."

"Dad!" Grace shouted loudly, but Brody paid her no further attention.

With no other option, Grace could only look at Camille, hoping that Camille would leave this place as

soon as possible.

Camille didn't move. She looked at Grace with a gentle expression and said with a faint smile, "I'll be


Then, she turned her gaze towards Brody and Page, her smile fading entirely. She coldly questioned

them, "Do you really dare to marry me off to someone else behind the back of the Simpson family?"

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