My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 993: Merit
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Chapter 993: Merit

Chapter 993: Merit

Camille didn't want to explain. She didn't want to say a word right now, especially not about Ayan. She

had an overwhelming urge to strangle Ayan in her heart.

After finishing her chat with Sienna, Camille tossed and turned in bed but couldn't fall asleep. It was

always like this-once she was awakened, sleep eluded her.

After lying in bed for a while, her stomach growled, signaling her hunger. She reluctantly got up to find

something to eat.

Camille had her meal and then spent some time playing with Timmy.

Talia called at this moment.

Talia said, "Cami, we're coming back tomorrow afternoon."

"Alright, I'll have someone tidy up Simpson's Mansion, and should Ayan and I come to pick you up?"

"No need, we're driving back, and your Dad has arranged for a driver to pick us up. Let's have dinner at

Simpson's Mansion tomorrow night!"

"Sounds good. See you tomorrow."

Camille was happy that Talia was coming back, but she also worried about Old Simpson's health. If Old

Simpson were in good condition, they wouldn't return so soon.

Camille sighed silently, her concern evident on her face.

In the evening, when Ayan returned, Camille brought up the matter with him during dinner.

Ayan nodded, clearly aware of the situation. He said, "Once Grandpa returns, I'll discuss with Dad

about having him hospitalized. Although his health seems okay, any unexpected incident could be


Camille's expression grew even more serious upon hearing this. She asked, "Is it really that serious?"

Ayan's face also wore a heavy expression. "Yes, it is."

Camille had lost her appetite, and even Ayan's revenge from the previous night had slipped her mind.

Camille had deep feelings for Old Simpson because he had treated her so well. He was the first person

in the Simpson family who had been genuinely friendly to her without any ulterior motives. Apart from

her grandparents, no one in the Armstrong family could compare to him.

Even if something happened to her, the Armstrong family wouldn't take the initiative to contact her.

So, in comparison, Camille found it ironic.

Camille wasn't in a good mood, and her worry was evident in her eyes. Ayan reassured her, "Don't

worry, I'll do everything in my power to ensure Grandpa is okay. I've also contacted experts from

abroad, and they'll be coming to Hance soon. We'll discuss the situation with Dr. Ellis."

The old Simpson's health issues were related to cardiovascular problems, exacerbated by high blood

pressure. The congestion from the incident with Cora had not completely subsided, and although it

seemed fine now, any accidental fall could have unimaginable consequences.

That's why Ayan and Fletcher were so concerned.

Even though they were almost constantly by his side, there were still moments of neglect. Therefore,

the best course of action was to seek medical treatment.

Camille sighed deeply, her expression heavy. She said, "I hope Grandpa will be alright."

Ayan nodded firmly. "He will be."

Ayan still had work to do, so after chatting with Camille for a while, he went to his study. Camille was

left sitting alone on the living room couch, with Timmy playing at Sienna's house next door. She sat

there quietly, lost in thought.

The atmosphere was unusually quiet, but suddenly, her phone rang, filling the room with the sound of

the ringtone.

Camille reached for her phone, glanced at the caller ID, furrowed her brows slightly, and then answered

the call.


"It's me."

"What's up?" Her tone was icy.

"Come to the Armstrong family now," Page said. Her voice was cold and devoid of warmth, but her

words were commanding. She continued, "Come right away."

Camille furrowed her brows, a bit puzzled. "What's the matter? It's late, and I don't really want to


She couldn't help but find it a bit amusing. She had just been talking to Ayan about the old Simpson,

and now the Armstrong family called her. It seemed like she couldn't escape them.

Page's response was unyielding. "Camille, you're coming now. Don't forget, you are one of the

Armstrongs. With everything happening at the Simpson Group recently, do you really think Ayan will

protect you forever? If something were to happen to the Simpson Group, do you think Ayan would still

care about you?"

Page started her usual lecture, and Camille was growing tired of it. But in Page's eyes, Camille should

always be thinking about the Armstrong family. Whenever the Armstrong family called, she should drop

everything and follow their orders. After all, she was a part of the Armstrong family. They had done so

much for Camille. Without them, she wouldn't have been able to enter the Simpson family and marry

Ayan. That's how Page saw it.

Page's attitude towards Camille grew even harsher when she thought of these things. She said, "Now,

come back to the Armstrong family immediately, Camille. I'm not discussing this with you. Since you

are a part of the Armstrong family, everything you do should be in the best interest of the Armstrong

family. Don't make all of us wait for you."

After saying that, Page hung up the phone.

Camille looked at the disconnected phone, her brow furrowed tightly, and her expression weighed

down with mixed emotions.

She didn't want to go back. So, she decided to call Grace, but her call went unanswered.

She furrowed her brow, unable to guess what might be happening.

Camille couldn't quite figure it out. She sat on the couch without making a move, naturally reluctant to

return to the Armstrong family. Every time she went there, it was never a pleasant experience, and it

always ended in discomfort. So, she found it quite boring and unappealing.

Camille couldn't figure it out and sat in silence for a while. But she knew that she had to deal with the

situation. She didn't want to create any problems for the Simpson family and didn't want the her parents

to disturb anyone in the Simpson family, especially with the old Simpson and the others returning


Camille took a deep breath, then headed upstairs with her phone in hand. She went to the door of

Ayan's study, knocked, and entered.

Ayan looked up from his work, and when he saw Camille's hesitant expression, he asked, "What's


His voice was gentle, and his deep gaze held a hint of warmth. He focused intently on her, waiting for

her to speak.

Camille felt her heart open up completely, and she said in a low voice, "Can you accompany me


Ayan was slightly surprised but asked, "Now? Where do you want to go?"

Ayan got up from his desk and walked over to Camille, taking her hand in his. His response was gentle,

without any pressure.

Camille bit her lip slightly and replied, "To my parents' home. I received a call asking me to go there,

and I don't know what's happened, but I feel like I should go."

In reality, there was no particular reason she had to go, but she didn't want Ayan to worry, and she

didn't want to involve him in the matters between her and the Armstrong family.

Ayan didn't hesitate at all and nodded, saying, "Let's go."novelbin

He was already holding Camille's hand, and she asked one more time, "Will it disturb your work?"

Ayan chuckled softly, "No, but I'm glad you came to me on your own instead of just going there without

telling me."

With Ayan by her side, the Armstrong family was less likely to treat her poorly. Ayan knew very well

how the Armstrong family treated Camille, so he didn't want her to have too much contact with them.

The two of them quickly left and arrived at the Armstrong family.

They parked the car outside, and Ayan asked, "Do you want to go in by yourself, or should I

accompany you?"

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